aviator本来是一个轻量级、高性能的基于JVM的表达式引擎。不过从5.0.0版本开始,aviator升级成为了aviatorScript,成为一个高性能、轻量级寄宿于 JVM (包括 Android 平台)之上的脚本语言。
- 支持数字、字符串、正则表达式、布尔值、正则表达式等基本类型,完整支持所有 Java 运算符及优先级等。
- 函数是一等公民,支持闭包和函数式编程
- 内置 bigint/decimal类型用于大整数和高精度运算,支持运算符重载得以让这些类型使用普通的算术运算符 +-*/ 参与运算。
- 完整的脚本语法支持,包括多行数据、条件语句、循环语句、词法作用域和异常处理等。
- 函数式编程结合 Sequence 抽象,便捷处理任何集合。
- 轻量化的模块系统。
- 多种方式,方便地调用 Java 方法,完整支持 Java 脚本 API(方便从 Java 调用脚本)。
- 丰富的定制选项,可作为安全的语言沙箱和全功能语言使用。
- 轻量化,高性能,ASM 模式下通过直接将脚本翻译成 JVM 字节码,解释模式可运行于 Android 等非标 Java 平台。
- 规则判断及规则引擎
- 公式计算
- 动态脚本控制
- 集合数据 ELT 等
- 没有if else、do while等语句,没有赋值语句,仅支持逻辑表达式、算术表达式、三元表达式和正则匹配。
- 不支持八进制数字字面量,仅支持十进制和十六进制数字字面量。
1. 基本表达式
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// 返回值为16
Long r = (Long) AviatorEvaluator.execute("2 * (3 + 5)");
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- 2.
Expression expression = AviatorEvaluator.compile("2 * (3 + 5)");
Long r = (Long) expression.execute();
- 1.
- 2.
// 返回 hello world
String r = (String) AviatorEvaluator.execute("'hello' + ' world'");
// 返回 true
Boolean r = (Boolean) AviatorEvaluator.execute("100 > 80 && 30 < 40");
// 三元表达式,返回 30
Long r = (Long) AviatorEvaluator.execute("100 > 80 ? 30 : 40");
// 正则表达式,正则表达式放在//之间,返回 true
Boolean r = (Boolean) AviatorEvaluator.execute("'hello' =~ /[\\w]+/");
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2. 表达式变量
Long a = 12L;
Boolean r = (Boolean) AviatorEvaluator.exec("a > 10", a);
- 1.
- 2.
List<Long> a = new ArrayList<>();
Boolean r = (Boolean) AviatorEvaluator.exec("a[0] > 10", a);
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public static class Person {
private String name;
private Integer age;
Person a = new Person("movee", 25);
Boolean r = (Boolean) AviatorEvaluator.exec("a.age > 10", a);
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Map<String, Object> env = new HashMap<>();
env.put("person", new Person("movee", 25));
env.put("a", 20L);
Object result = AviatorEvaluator.execute("person.name", env);
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- 4.
String jsonStr = """
"a": {
"b": [
"x": 3
"x": 4
JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(jsonStr);
// 结果返回 3
Object value = AviatorEvaluator.execute("a.b[0]['x']", jsonObj.toMap());
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3. 使用函数
// 返回4
Long r = (Long) AviatorEvaluator.execute("math.round(4.3)");
// 返回5
Long r = (Long) AviatorEvaluator.execute("string.length('hello')");
// 返回一个ArrayList:[1,2,3]
Object r = AviatorEvaluator.execute("seq.list(1,2,3)");
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public class AddFunction extends AbstractFunction {
* 函数实现的功能
* @param env 参数
* @param arg1 函数的第一个参数
* @param arg2 函数的第二个参数
* @return 返回值
public AviatorObject call(Map<String, Object> env, AviatorObject arg1, AviatorObject arg2) {
long num1 = FunctionUtils.getNumberValue(arg1, env).longValue();
long num2 = FunctionUtils.getNumberValue(arg2, env).longValue();
return AviatorLong.valueOf(num1+num2);
* 注册到aviator的名字
* @return 函数名字
public String getName() {
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// 注册
AviatorEvaluator.addFunction(new AddFunction());
// 使用
long sum = (Long) AviatorEvaluator.getInstance().execute("add(3,4)");
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4. aviatorScript脚本
// 返回1
Object r = AviatorEvaluator.execute("if (true) { return 1; } else { return 2; }");
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- 2.
if (a > 10) {
return 10;
} else {
return a;
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- 5.
Map<String, Object> env = new HashMap<>();
env.put("a", 30);
Expression exp = AviatorEvaluator.getInstance().compileScript("./hello.av", true);
Object result = exp.execute(env);
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- 4.
1. pom.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
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2. controller
package com.et.controller;
import com.et.annotation.Check;
import com.et.exception.HttpResult;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
publicclass HelloWorldController {
public Map<String, Object> showHelloWorld(){
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("msg", "HelloWorld");
return map;
@Check(ex = "name != null", msg = "Name cannot be empty")
@Check(ex = "age != null", msg = "Age cannot be empty")
@Check(ex = "age > 18", msg = "Age must be over 18 years old")
@Check(ex = "phone != null", msg = "phone cannot be empty")
@Check(ex = "phone =~ /^(1)[0-9]{10}$/", msg = "The phone number format is incorrect")
@Check(ex = "string.startsWith(phone,\"1\")", msg = "The phone number must start with 1")
@Check(ex = "idCard != null", msg = "ID number cannot be empty")
@Check(ex = "idCard =~ /^[1-9]\\d{5}[1-9]\\d{3}((0[1-9])||(1[0-2]))((0[1-9])||(1\\d)||(2\\d)||(3[0-1]))\\d{3}([0-9]||X)$/", msg = "ID number format is incorrect")
@Check(ex = "gender == 1", msg = "sex")
@Check(ex = "date =~ /^[1-9][0-9]{3}-((0)[1-9]|(1)[0-2])-((0)[1-9]|[1,2][0-9]|(3)[0,1])$/", msg = "Wrong date format")
@Check(ex = "date > '2019-12-20 00:00:00:00'", msg = "The date must be greater than 2019-12-20")
public HttpResult simple(String name, Integer age, String phone, String idCard, String date) {
System.out.println("name = " + name);
System.out.println("age = " + age);
System.out.println("phone = " + phone);
System.out.println("idCard = " + idCard);
System.out.println("date = " + date);
return HttpResult.success();
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3. annotation
package com.et.annotation;
import java.lang.annotation.*;
@Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.PARAMETER})
//add more on a method
public @interface Check {
String ex() default "";
String msg() default "";
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package com.et.annotation;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
@Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.PARAMETER})
public @interface CheckContainer {
Check[] value();
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package com.et.annotation;
import com.et.exception.UserFriendlyException;
import com.googlecode.aviator.AviatorEvaluator;
import org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Aspect;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Before;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Pointcut;
import org.aspectj.lang.reflect.MethodSignature;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.core.LocalVariableTableParameterNameDiscoverer;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.*;
publicclass AopConfig {
* Aspects monitor multiple annotations, because one annotation is Check and multiple annotations are compiled to CheckContainer
@Pointcut("@annotation(com.et.annotation.CheckContainer) || @annotation(com.et.annotation.Check)")
public void pointcut() {
public Object before(JoinPoint point) {
//get params
Object[] args = point.getArgs();
//get param name
Method method = ((MethodSignature) point.getSignature()).getMethod();
LocalVariableTableParameterNameDiscoverer u = new LocalVariableTableParameterNameDiscoverer();
String[] paramNames = u.getParameterNames(method);
CheckContainer checkContainer = method.getDeclaredAnnotation(CheckContainer.class);
List<Check> value = new ArrayList<>();
if (checkContainer != null) {
} else {
Check check = method.getDeclaredAnnotation(Check.class);
for (int i = 0; i < value.size(); i++) {
Check check = value.get(i);
String ex = check.ex();
//In the rule engine, null is represented by nil
ex = ex.replaceAll("null", "nil");
String msg = check.msg();
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(msg)) {
msg = "server exception...";
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>(16);
for (int j = 0; j < paramNames.length; j++) {
//Prevent index out of bounds
if (j > args.length) {
map.put(paramNames[j], args[j]);
Boolean result = (Boolean) AviatorEvaluator.execute(ex, map);
if (!result) {
thrownew UserFriendlyException(msg);
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package com.et.exception;
import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSON;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders;
import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ControllerAdvice;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ExceptionHandler;
import org.springframework.web.context.request.WebRequest;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.ResponseEntityExceptionHandler;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
publicclass DefaultGlobalExceptionHandler extends ResponseEntityExceptionHandler {
privatestaticfinal Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultGlobalExceptionHandler.class);
protected ResponseEntity<Object> handleExceptionInternal(Exception ex, @Nullable Object body, HttpHeaders headers, HttpStatus status, WebRequest request) {
HttpResult httpResult = HttpResult.failure(status.is5xxServerError() ? ErrorCode.serverError.getDesc() : ErrorCode.paramError.getDesc());
LOGGER.error("handleException, ex caught, contextPath={}, httpResult={}, ex.msg={}", request.getContextPath(), JSON.toJSONString(httpResult), ex.getMessage());
returnsuper.handleExceptionInternal(ex, httpResult, headers, status, request);
protected ResponseEntity handleException(HttpServletRequest request, Exception ex) {
boolean is5xxServerError;
HttpStatus httpStatus;
HttpResult httpResult;
if (ex instanceof UserFriendlyException) {
UserFriendlyException userFriendlyException = (UserFriendlyException) ex;
is5xxServerError = userFriendlyException.getHttpStatusCode() >= 500;
httpStatus = HttpStatus.valueOf(userFriendlyException.getHttpStatusCode());
httpResult = HttpResult.failure(userFriendlyException.getErrorCode(), userFriendlyException.getMessage());
} elseif (ex instanceof IllegalArgumentException) {
// Spring assertions are used in parameter judgment. requireTrue will throw an IllegalArgumentException. The client cannot handle 5xx exceptions, so 200 is still returned.
httpStatus = HttpStatus.OK;
is5xxServerError = false;
httpResult = HttpResult.failure("Parameter verification error or data abnormality!");
} else {
httpStatus = HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
is5xxServerError = true;
httpResult = HttpResult.failure(ErrorCode.serverError.getDesc());
if (is5xxServerError) {
LOGGER.error("handleException, ex caught, uri={}, httpResult={}", request.getRequestURI(), JSON.toJSONString(httpResult), ex);
} else {
LOGGER.error("handleException, ex caught, uri={}, httpResult={}, ex.msg={}", request.getRequestURI(), JSON.toJSONString(httpResult), ex.getMessage());
returnnew ResponseEntity<>(httpResult, httpStatus);
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