
译文 精选
人工智能 后端

译者 | 核子可乐

审校 | 重楼







这里建议大家使用Fibry 3.0.2,如:

Plain Text
compile group: 'eu.lucaventuri', name: 'fibry', version: '3.0.2'



public static class AiAgentVacations {
  private static final String promptFood = "You are a foodie from {country}. Please tell me the top 10 cities for food in {country}.";
  private static final String promptActivity = "You are from {country}, and know it inside out. Please tell me the top 10 cities in {country} where I can {goal}";
  private static final String promptSea = "You are an expert traveler, and you {country} inside out. Please tell me the top 10 cities for sea vacations in {country}.";
  private static final String promptChoice = """
    You enjoy traveling, eating good food and staying at the sea, but you also want to {activity}. Please analyze the following suggestions from your friends for a vacation in {country} and choose the best city to visit, offering the best mix of food and sea and where you can {activity}.
    Food suggestions: {food}.
    Activity suggestions: {activity}.
    Sea suggestions: {sea}.




Plain Text
enum VacationStates { CITIES, CHOICE }



因此这里选择强制上下文记录,提供部分功能以更新记录的值(使用下面列出的反射),同时等待JEP 468(创建派生记录)的实现。

public record VacationContext(String country, String goal, String food, String activity, String sea, String proposal) {
  public static VacationContext from(String country, String goal) {
    return new VacationContext(country, goal, null, null, null, null);




AgentNode<VacationStates, VacationContext> nodeFood = state -> state.setAttribute("food", modelSearch.call("user", replaceField(promptFood, state.data(), "country")));
AgentNode<VacationStates, VacationContext> nodeActivity = state -> state.setAttribute("activity", modelSearch.call("user", replaceField(promptActivity, state.data(), "country")));
AgentNode<VacationStates, VacationContext> nodeSea = state -> state.setAttribute("sea", modelSearch.call("user", replaceField(promptSea, state.data(), "country")));
AgentNode<VacationStates, VacationContext> nodeChoice = state -> {
  var prompt = replaceAllFields(promptChoice, state.data());
  System.out.println("***** CHOICE PROMPT: " + prompt);
  return state.setAttribute("proposal", modelThink.call("user", prompt));

大家肯定已经猜到,modelSearch代表用于搜索的模型(如ChatGPT 40),

modelThink代表“推理模型”(如ChatGPT o1)。Fibry提供一个简单的大模型接口和一个简单的ChatGPT实现,并通过ChatGpt类进行公开。

请注意,调用ChatGPT API需要相应的API密钥,你需要使用“-DOPENAI_API_KEY=xxxx” JVM参数来定义此密钥。


  • 若检测到Jackson,Fibry将使用它进行反射以解析JSON。
  • 若未检测到Jackson,则使用简单的自定义解析器(似乎可与ChatGPT输出搭配使用)。但这种方法仅适用于快速测试,不推荐在生产环境下使用。
  • 或者,你也可以提供自己的JSON处理器实现并调用JsonUtils.setProcessor(),也可查看JacksonProcessor以获取灵感。
  • replaceField() 和 replaceAllFields()方法由RecordUtils 定义,且只是替换提示词中文本内容的便捷方法,以便我们将数据提供给大模型。 setAttribute()函数用于设置状态中属性的值,而无需手动重新创建记录或定义“withers”方法。大家也可以使用其他方法,例如 mergeAttribute(), addToList(), addToSet()和 addToMap()。




Plain Text
var builder = AiAgent.<VacationStates, VacationContext>builder(true);

其中参数autoGuards 用于对状态设置自动保护,其以AND逻辑执行,且仅在处理完所有传入状态后才会执行该状态。




Plain Text
builder.addState(VacationStates.CHOICE, null, 1, nodeChoice, null);



  • 状态为CHOICE
  • 无默认的后续状态
  • 并行性为1
  • 无guard




  • parallelism == 1 代表只有一个线程管理该步骤,因此每次只能执行一条。
  • parallelism > 1 代表有一个线程池支持该actor,线程数由用户指定。默认情况下使用虚拟线程。
  • parallelism == 0 代表每条消息都会创建一个由虚拟线程支持的新actor,因此并行度可根据需求尽量调高。

每个步骤均可独立配置,因此大家可以灵活配置性能和资源使用情况。请注意,如果parallelism != 1则可能存在多线程,因为与actor相关的线程限制经常会丢失。



Plain Text
builder.addStateParallel(VacationStates.CITIES, VacationStates.CHOICE, 1, List.of(nodeFood, nodeActivity, nodeSea), null);

在这种情况下,我们看到CITIES 状态由三个节点定义,其中addStateParallel()负责并行执行各节点并等待所有节点执行完成。这时候应该在每个节点上应用并行性,借此获取三个单线程actor。

请注意,如果不使用autoGuards,则可将OR 与 AND逻辑混合起来。

如果希望合并一些处于相同状态的节点,但要求其按顺序执行(例如需要使用前一个节点生成的信息),则可使用 addStateSerial()方法。


  • 初始状态
  • 最终状态(可以为null)
  • 尽量并行执行的状态标记
Plain Text
var vacationAgent = builder.build(VacationStates.CITIES, null, true);


Plain Text
vacationsAgent.process(AiAgentVacations.VacationContext.from("Italy", "Dance Salsa and Bachata"), (state, info) -> System.out.println(state + ": " + info));

此版本的 process() 需要两个参数:

  • 初始状态,其中包含智能体执行操作所需要的信息
  • 可选监听器,支持如打印各步骤输出等需求

若需要启动操作并检查其后续返回值,可以使用 processAsync()。

如果大家关注并行选项的更多信息,建议各位查看单元测试 TestAIAgent。它会模拟节点休眠一段时间后的智能体,借此查看各选项的实际影响:







private static final String promptDestination = "Read the following text describing a destination for a vacation and extract the destination as a simple city and country, no preamble. Just the city and the country. {proposal}";
private static final String promptCost = "You are an expert travel agent. A customer asked you to estimate the cost of travelling from {startCity}, {startCountry} to {destination}, for {adults} adults and {kids} kids}";


Plain Text
enum TravelStates { SEARCH, CALCULATE }


Plain Text
public record TravelContext(String startCity, String startCountry, int adults, int kids, String destination, String cost, String proposal) { }


var builder = AiAgent.<TravelStates, TravelContext>builder(false);
AgentNode<TravelStates, TravelContext> nodeSearch = state -> {
  var vacationProposal = vacationsAgent.process(AiAgentVacations.VacationContext.from(country, goal), 1, TimeUnit.MINUTES, (st, info) -> System.out.print(debugSubAgentStates ? st + ": " + info : ""));
  return state.setAttribute("proposal", vacationProposal.proposal())
  .setAttribute("destination", model.call(promptDestination.replaceAll("\\{proposal\\}", vacationProposal.proposal())));


Plain Text
AgentNode<TravelStates, TravelContext> nodeCalculateCost = state -> state.setAttribute("cost", model.call(replaceAllFields(promptCost, state.data())));


builder.addState(TravelStates.SEARCH, TravelStates.CALCULATE, 1, nodeSearch, null);
builder.addState(TravelStates.CALCULATE, null, 1, nodeCalculateCost, null);

var agent = builder.build(TravelStates.SEARCH, null, false);
Now we can instantiate the two agents (I chose to use ChatGPT 4o and ChatGPT 01-mini) and use them:
try (var vacationsAgent = AiAgentVacations.buildAgent(ChatGPT.GPT_MODEL_4O, ChatGPT.GPT_MODEL_O1_MINI)) {
  try (var travelAgent = AiAgentTravelAgency.buildAgent(ChatGPT.GPT_MODEL_4O, vacationsAgent, "Italy", "Dance Salsa and Bachata", true)) {
    var result = travelAgent.process(new AiAgentTravelAgency.TravelContext("Oslo", "Norway", 2, 2, null, null, null), (state, info) -> System.out.println(state + ": " + info));

    System.out.println("*** Proposal: " + result.proposal());
    System.out.println("\n\n\n*** Destination: " + result.destination());
    System.out.println("\n\n\n*** Cost: " + result.cost());




Plain Text
Naples, Italy


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Based on the comprehensive analysis of your friends' suggestions, **Naples** emerges as the ideal city for your vacation in Italy. Here's why Naples stands out as the best choice, offering an exceptional mix of excellent food, beautiful seaside experiences, and a vibrant salsa and bachata dance scene:

### **1. Vibrant Dance Scene**
- **Dance Venues:** Naples boasts numerous venues and events dedicated to salsa and bachata, ensuring that you can immerse yourself in lively dance nights regularly.
- **Passionate Culture:** The city's passionate and energetic atmosphere enhances the overall dance experience, making it a hotspot for Latin dance enthusiasts.

### **2. Culinary Excellence**
- **Authentic Neapolitan Pizza:** As the birthplace of pizza, Naples offers some of the best and most authentic pizzerias in the world.
- **Fresh Seafood:** Being a coastal city, Naples provides access to a wide variety of fresh seafood dishes, enhancing your culinary adventures.
- **Delicious Pastries:** Don't miss out on local specialties like **sfogliatella**, a renowned Neapolitan pastry that is a must-try for any foodie.

### **3. Stunning Seaside Location**
- **Bay of Naples:** Enjoy breathtaking views and activities along the Bay of Naples, including boat tours and picturesque sunsets.
- **Proximity to Amalfi Coast:** Naples serves as a gateway to the famous Amalfi Coast, allowing you to explore stunning coastal towns like Amalfi, Positano, and Sorrento with ease.
- **Beautiful Beaches:** Relax on the city's beautiful beaches or take short trips to nearby seaside destinations for a perfect blend of relaxation and exploration.

### **4. Cultural Richness**
- **Historical Sites:** Explore Naples' rich history through its numerous museums, historic sites, and UNESCO World Heritage landmarks such as the Historic Centre of Naples.
- **Vibrant Nightlife:** Beyond dancing, Naples offers a lively nightlife scene with a variety of bars, clubs, and entertainment options to suit all tastes.

### **5. Accessibility and Convenience**
- **Transportation Hub:** Naples is well-connected by air, rail, and road, making it easy to travel to other parts of Italy and beyond.
- **Accommodation Options:** From luxury hotels to charming boutique accommodations, Naples offers a wide range of lodging options to fit your preferences and budget.

### **Conclusion**
Naples perfectly balances a thriving dance scene, exceptional culinary offerings, and beautiful seaside attractions. Its unique blend of culture, history, and vibrant nightlife makes it the best city in Italy to fulfill your desires for travel, good food, and lively dance experiences. Whether you're dancing the night away, savoring authentic pizza by the sea, or exploring nearby coastal gems, Naples promises an unforgettable vacation.

### **Additional Recommendations**
- **Day Trips:** Consider visiting nearby attractions such as Pompeii, the Isle of Capri, and the stunning Amalfi Coast to enrich your travel experience.
- **Local Experiences:** Engage with locals in dance classes or attend festivals to dive deeper into Naples' vibrant cultural scene.

Enjoy your trip to Italy, and may Naples provide you with the perfect blend of everything you're looking for!


Plain Text
To estimate the cost of traveling from Oslo, Norway, to Naples, Italy, for two adults and two kids, we need to consider several key components of the trip: flights, accommodations, local transportation, food, and activities. Here's a breakdown of potential costs:

1. **Flights**:
   - Round-trip flights from Oslo to Naples typically range from $100 to $300 per person, depending on the time of booking, the season, and the airline. Budget airlines might offer lower prices, while full-service carriers could be on the higher end.
   - For a family of four, the cost could range from $400 to $1,200.

2. **Accommodations**:
   - Hotels in Naples can vary significantly. Expect to pay approximately $70 to $150 per night for a mid-range hotel room that accommodates a family. Vacation rentals might offer more flexibility and potentially lower costs.
   - For a typical 5-night stay, this would range from $350 to $750.

3. **Local Transportation**:
   - Public transportation in Naples (buses, metro, trams) is affordable, and daily tickets cost around $4 per person.
   - Assume about $50 to $100 for the family's local transport for the entire trip, depending on usage.

4. **Food**:
   - Dining costs are highly variable. A budget for meals might be around $10-$20 per person per meal at casual restaurants, while dining at mid-range restaurants could cost $20-$40 per person.
   - A family of four could expect to spend around $50 to $100 per day, reaching a total of $250 to $500 for five days.

5. **Activities**:
   - Entry fees for attractions can vary. Some museums and archaeological sites charge around $10 to $20 per adult, with discounts for children.
   - Budget around $100 to $200 for family activities and entrance fees.

6. **Miscellaneous**:
   - Always allow a little extra for souvenirs, snacks, and unexpected expenses. A typical buffer might be $100 to $200.

**Estimated Total Cost**:
- **Low-end estimate**: $1,250
- **High-end estimate**: $2,950

These are general estimates and actual costs can vary based on when you travel, how far in advance you book, and your personal preferences for accommodation and activities. For the most accurate assessment, consider reaching out to airlines for current flight prices, hotels for room rates, and looking into specific attractions you wish to visit.






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As a foodie exploring Italy, you're in for a treat, as the country boasts a rich culinary heritage with regional specialties. Here's a list of the top 10 cities in Italy renowned for their food:
1. **Bologna** - Often referred to as the gastronomic heart of Italy, Bologna is famous for its rich Bolognese sauce, tasty mortadella, and fresh tagliatelle.
2. **Naples** - The birthplace of pizza, Naples offers authentic Neapolitan pizza, as well as delicious seafood and pastries like sfogliatella.
3. **Florence** - Known for its Florentine steak, ribollita (a hearty bread and vegetable soup), and delicious wines from the surrounding Tuscany region.
4. **Rome** - Enjoy classic Roman dishes such as carbonara, cacio e pepe, and Roman-style artichokes in the bustling capital city.
5. **Milan** - A city that blends tradition and innovation, Milan offers risotto alla milanese, ossobuco, and an array of high-end dining experiences.
6. **Turin** - Known for its chocolate and coffee culture, as well as traditional dishes like bagna cauda and agnolotti.
7. **Palermo** - Sample the vibrant street food scene with arancini, panelle, and sfincione, as well as fresh local seafood in this Sicilian capital.
8. **Venice** - Famous for its seafood risotto, sarde in saor (sweet and sour sardines), and cicchetti (Venetian tapas) to enjoy with a glass of prosecco.
9. **Parma** - Home to the famous Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese and prosciutto di Parma, it’s a haven for lovers of cured meats and cheeses.
10. **Genoa** - Known for its pesto Genovese, focaccia, and variety of fresh seafood dishes, Genoa offers a unique taste of Ligurian cuisine.

Each of these cities offers a distinct culinary experience influenced by local traditions and ingredients, making them must-visit destinations for any food enthusiast exploring Italy.


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Italy is renowned for its stunning coastline and beautiful seaside cities. Here are ten top cities and regions perfect for a sea vacation:

1. **Amalfi** - Nestled in the famous Amalfi Coast, this city is known for its dramatic cliffs, azure waters, and charming coastal villages.
2. **Positano** - Also on the Amalfi Coast, Positano is famous for its colorful buildings, steep streets, and picturesque pebble beachfronts.
3. **Sorrento** - Offering incredible views of the Bay of Naples, Sorrento serves as a gateway to the Amalfi Coast and provides a relaxing seaside atmosphere.
4. **Capri** - The island of Capri is known for its rugged landscape, upscale hotels, and the famous Blue Grotto, a spectacular sea cave.
5. **Portofino** - This quaint fishing village on the Italian Riviera is known for its picturesque harbor, pastel-colored houses, and luxurious coastal surroundings.
6. **Cinque Terre** - Comprising five stunning villages along the Ligurian coast, Cinque Terre is a UNESCO World Heritage site known for its dramatic seaside and hiking trails.
7. **Taormina** - Situated on a hill on the east coast of Sicily, Taormina offers sweeping views of the Ionian Sea and beautiful beaches like Isola Bella.
8. **Rimini** - Located on the Adriatic coast, Rimini is known for its long sandy beaches and vibrant nightlife, making it a favorite for beach-goers and party enthusiasts.
9. **Alghero** - A city on the northwest coast of Sardinia, Alghero is famous for its medieval architecture, stunning beaches, and Catalan culture.
10. **Lerici** - Near the Ligurian Sea, Lerici is part of the stunning Gulf of Poets and is known for its beautiful bay, historic castle, and crystal-clear waters.

Each of these destinations offers a unique blend of beautiful beaches, cultural sites, and local cuisine, making Italy a fantastic choice for a sea vacation.


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Italy has a vibrant dance scene with many cities offering great opportunities to enjoy salsa and bachata. Here are ten cities where you can indulge in these lively dance styles:

1. **Rome** - The capital city has a bustling dance scene with numerous salsa clubs and events happening regularly.
2. **Milan** - Known for its nightlife, Milan offers various dance clubs and events catering to salsa and bachata enthusiasts.
3. **Florence** - A cultural hub, Florence has several dance studios and clubs where you can enjoy Latin dances.
4. **Naples** - Known for its passionate culture, Naples offers several venues and events for salsa and bachata lovers.
5. **Turin** - This northern city has a growing salsa community with events and social dances.
6. **Bologna** - Known for its lively student population, Bologna has a number of dance clubs and events for salsa and bachata.
7. **Venice** - While famous for its romantic canals, Venice also hosts various dance events throughout the year.
8. **Palermo** - In Sicily, Palermo has a vibrant Latin dance scene reflecting the island's festive culture.
9. **Verona** - Known for its romantic setting, Verona has several dance studios and clubs for salsa and bachata.
10. **Bari** - This coastal city in the south offers dance festivals and clubs perfect for salsa and bachata enthusiasts.

These cities offer a mix of cultural experiences and lively dance floors, ensuring you can enjoy salsa and bachata across Italy.



这里再聊几句关于Fibry许可证的情况。FIbry目前已经不再以纯MIT许可证的形式发布。最大的变更是,如果大家想要急雨 套系统来为第三方(如软件工程师智能体)大规模生成代码,则需要申请商业许可证。此外,它还禁止用户将其作为数据集来训练系统生成代码(例如ChatGPT不得在Fibry的源代码上进行训练)。除此之外,所有用途都不受影响。





原文标题:Designing AI Multi-Agent Systems in Java,作者:Luca Venturi

责任编辑:姜华 来源: 51CTO内容精选

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