- 指向前驱节点的指针prev。
- 指向后继节点的指针next。
- 指向当前节点值的指针value。
// Definition of the listNode structure for a doubly linked list
type listNode struct {
//Node pointing to the previous node of the current node.
prev *listNode
//Node pointing to the successor node of the current node.
next *listNode
//Record information about the value stored in the current node.
value *interface{}
- 指向链表第一个节点的head指针。
- 指向链表最后一个节点的tail指针。
- 维护链表长度的字段len。
type list struct {
//Points to the first node of the doubly linked list
head *listNode
//points to the last node of the linked list.
tail *listNode
//Record the current length of the doubly linked list
len int64
func listCreate() *list {
//Allocate memory space for the doubly linked list
var l *list
l = new(list)
//Initialize the head and tail pointers.
l.head = nil
l.tail = nil
//Initialize the length to 0, indicating that the current linked list has no nodes
l.len = 0
return l
- 新节点指向原有头节点。
- 原有头节点的前驱指针指向新节点。
- 将head指针指向新节点,完成节点头插。
func listAddNodeHead(l *list, value *interface{}) *list {
//Allocate memory for a new node and set its value.
var node *listNode
node = new(listNode)
node.value = value
//If the length is 0, then both the head and tail pointers point to the new node.
if l.len == 0 {
l.head = node
l.tail = node
} else {
//Make the original head node the successor node of the new node, node.
node.prev = nil
node.next = l.head
l.head.prev = node
l.head = node
//Maintain the information about the length of the linked list.
return l
func listAddNodeTail(l *list, value *interface{}) *list {
//Allocate memory for a new node and set its value.
var node *listNode
node = new(listNode)
node.value = value
//If the length is 0, then both the head and tail pointers point to the new node.
if l.len == 0 {
l.head = node
l.tail = node
} else {
//Append the newly added node after the tail node to become the new tail node.
node.prev = l.tail
node.next = nil
l.tail.next = node
l.tail = node
//Maintain the information about the length of the linked list.
return l
func listIndex(l *list, index int64) *listNode {
var n *listNode
//"If less than 0, calculate the index value as a positive number n,
//then continuously jump to the node pointed to by prev based on this positive number n.
if index < 0 {
index = (-index) - 1
n = l.tail
for index > 0 && n != nil {
n = n.prev
} else {
//Conversely, walk n steps from the front and reach the target node via next, then return.
n = l.head
for index > 0 && n != nil {
n = n.next
return n
func listInsertNode(l *list, old_node *listNode, value *interface{}, after bool) *list {
//Allocate memory for a new node and set its value.
var node *listNode
node = new(listNode)
node.value = value
//If after is true, insert the new node after the old node.
if after {
node.prev = old_node
node.next = old_node.next
//If the old node was originally the tail node, after the modification,
//make the node the new tail node.
if l.tail == old_node {
l.tail = node
} else {
//Add the new node before the old node.
node.next = old_node
node.prev = old_node.prev
//If the original node is the head, then set the new node as the head
if l.head == old_node {
l.head = node
//If the node's predecessor node is not empty, then point the predecessor to the node.
if node.prev != nil {
node.prev.next = node
//If the node's successor node is not empty, make this successor point to the node.
if node.next != nil {
node.next.prev = node
//Maintain the information about the length of the linked list.
return l
- 删除的是头节点,则让head指向头节点的后面一个节点。
- 删除的是尾节点,则让tail指向尾节点的前一个节点。
func listDelNode(l *list, node *listNode) {
//If the predecessor node is not empty,
//then the predecessor node's next points to the successor node of the node being deleted
if node.prev != nil {
node.prev.next = node.next
} else {
//If the deleted node is the head node, set the head to point to the next node.
l.head = node.next
//If next is not empty, then let next point to the node before the deleted node
if node.next != nil {
node.next.prev = node.prev
} else {
//If the deleted node is the tail node, make
//the node before the deleted node the new tail node.
l.tail = node.prev
//help gc
node.prev = nil
node.next = nil