- 公开一个非阻塞API,用于并发发出多个MySQL查询
- 透明的连接池克服了MySQL的基本同步连接协议
- MySQL传输编码支持(gzip,TLS加密)
- 支持参数化预处理语句
- 带有提交和回滚事件钩子的嵌套事务
- 无缓冲结果以减少大型结果集的内存使用
- 完整的MySQL协议支持,包括所有可用的异步命令
composer require amphp/mysql
- 1.
* @desc mysql.php
* @author Tinywan(ShaoBo Wan)
* @date 2024/8/16 11:19
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Amp\Mysql\MysqlConfig;
use Amp\Mysql\MysqlConnectionPool;
$config = MysqlConfig::fromString(
"host= user=root password=123456 db=test"
$pool = new MysqlConnectionPool($config);
$statement = $pool->prepare("SELECT * FROM mall_member WHERE member_time = :member_time Limit 10");
$timeOne = microtime(true);
$result = $statement->execute(['member_time' => 0]);
foreach ($result as $key => $row) {
echo '[x] ['.$key.'] '.$row['member_name'].PHP_EOL;
$timeTwo = microtime(true);
echo '[x] Run Time Result : ' . ($timeTwo - $timeOne) . PHP_EOL;
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[x] [0] 12161435
[x] [1] 开源技术小栈
[x] [2] 12161435
[x] [3] 12161435
[x] [4] T1800082
[x] [5] 12161435
[x] [6] 12161435
[x] [7] 12161387
[x] [8] 12161235
[x] [9] 12161149
[x] Run Time Result : 0.045973062515259
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- 11.
require 'support/bootstrap.php';
use Amp\Future;
use Amp\Mysql\MysqlConfig;
use Amp\Mysql\MysqlConnectionPool;
use function Amp\async;
$db = new MysqlConnectionPool(MysqlConfig::fromAuthority(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_NAME));
$db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmp");
/* Create table and insert a few rows */
/* we need to wait until table is finished, so that we can insert. */
$db->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tmp (a INT(10), b INT(10))");
print "Table successfully created." . PHP_EOL;
$statement = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO tmp (a, b) VALUES (?, ? * 2)");
$future = [];
foreach (\range(1, 5) as $num) {
$future[] = async(fn () => $statement->execute([$num, $num]));
/* wait until everything is inserted */
$results = Future\await($future);
print "Insertion successful (if it wasn't, an exception would have been thrown by now)" . PHP_EOL;
$result = $db->query("SELECT a, b FROM tmp");
foreach ($result as $row) {
$db->query("DROP TABLE tmp");
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require 'support/bootstrap.php';
require 'support/generic-table.php';
use Amp\Mysql\MysqlConfig;
use Amp\Mysql\MysqlConnectionPool;
$db = new MysqlConnectionPool(MysqlConfig::fromAuthority(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_NAME));
/* create same table than in 3-generic-with-yield.php */
$transaction = $db->beginTransaction();
$transaction->execute("INSERT INTO tmp VALUES (?, ? * 2)", [6, 6]);
$result = $transaction->execute("SELECT * FROM tmp WHERE a >= ?", [5]); // Two rows should be returned.
foreach ($result as $row) {
// Run same query again, should only return a single row since the other was rolled back.
$result = $db->execute("SELECT * FROM tmp WHERE a >= ?", [5]);
foreach ($result as $row) {
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