



TorchDynamo 是一个由 PyTorch 团队开发的编译器前端,它旨在自动优化 PyTorch 程序以提高运行效率。TorchDynamo 的工作原理是在运行时动态分析和转换 PyTorch 的代码,然后将其转发给各种后端编译器(如 TorchScript、TVM、Triton 等),从而实现性能的提升。



将 TorchDynamo 集成到现有的 PyTorch 程序中相对简单,只需要在程序中导入 TorchDynamo 并使用它来包装模型的执行部分。

 import torch
 import torchdynamo
 # 定义模型和优化器
 model = MyModel()
 optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters())
 # 使用 TorchDynamo 优化模型的训练过程
 def training_step(input, target):
     output = model(input)
     loss = loss_fn(output, target)
     return loss
 # 使用 torchdynamo.optimize 包装训练步骤
 optimized_training_step = torchdynamo.optimize(training_step)
 # 训练循环
 for input, target in data_loader:
     loss = optimized_training_step(input, target)








 import torch
 import torch.nn as nn
 import torch.optim as optim
 import numpy as np
 import pandas as pd
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, KFold
 from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, r2_score
 from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
 from torch import _dynamo as torchdynamo
 from typing import List
 # Generate synthetic dataset
 # Feature engineering: create synthetic data
 n_samples = 1000
 n_features = 10
 X = np.random.rand(n_samples, n_features)
 y = X @ np.random.rand(n_features) + np.random.rand(n_samples) * 0.1  # Linear relation with noise
 # Split data into train and test sets
 X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
 # Standardize the features
 scaler = StandardScaler()
 X_train = scaler.fit_transform(X_train)
 X_test = scaler.transform(X_test)
 # Convert to PyTorch tensors
 X_train = torch.tensor(X_train, dtype=torch.float32)
 y_train = torch.tensor(y_train, dtype=torch.float32).view(-1, 1)
 X_test = torch.tensor(X_test, dtype=torch.float32)
 y_test = torch.tensor(y_test, dtype=torch.float32).view(-1, 1)
 # Define the model
 class SimpleNN(nn.Module):
     def __init__(self, input_dim):
         super(SimpleNN, self).__init__()
         self.fc1 = nn.Linear(input_dim, 64)
         self.fc2 = nn.Linear(64, 32)
         self.fc3 = nn.Linear(32, 1)
     def forward(self, x):
         x = torch.relu(self.fc1(x))
         x = torch.relu(self.fc2(x))
         x = self.fc3(x)
         return x
 # Hyperparameters
 input_dim = X_train.shape[1]
 learning_rate = 0.001
 n_epochs = 100
 # Initialize the model, loss function, and optimizer
 model = SimpleNN(input_dim)
 criterion = nn.MSELoss()
 optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate)
 # Define custom compiler
 def my_compiler(gm: torch.fx.GraphModule, example_inputs: List[torch.Tensor]):
     print("my_compiler() called with FX graph:")
     return gm.forward  # return a python callable
 def train_and_evaluate(model, criterion, optimizer, X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, n_epochs):
     # Training loop with K-Fold Cross-Validation
     kf = KFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True, random_state=42)
     train_losses_per_epoch = np.zeros(n_epochs)
     val_losses_per_epoch = np.zeros(n_epochs)
     kf_count = 0
     for train_idx, val_idx in kf.split(X_train):
         X_kf_train, X_kf_val = X_train[train_idx], X_train[val_idx]
         y_kf_train, y_kf_val = y_train[train_idx], y_train[val_idx]
         for epoch in range(n_epochs):
             y_pred_train = model(X_kf_train)
             train_loss = criterion(y_pred_train, y_kf_train)
             y_pred_val = model(X_kf_val)
             val_loss = criterion(y_pred_val, y_kf_val)
             train_losses_per_epoch[epoch] += train_loss.item()
             val_losses_per_epoch[epoch] += val_loss.item()
         kf_count += 1
     # Average losses over K-Folds
     train_losses_per_epoch /= kf_count
     val_losses_per_epoch /= kf_count
     # Evaluate on test data
     y_pred_test = model(X_test)
     test_loss = criterion(y_pred_test, y_test).item()
     test_r2 = r2_score(y_test.detach().numpy(), y_pred_test.detach().numpy())
     return train_losses_per_epoch, val_losses_per_epoch, test_loss, test_r2
 # Run training and evaluation with TorchDynamo optimization
 train_losses, val_losses, test_loss, test_r2 = train_and_evaluate(model, criterion, optimizer, X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, n_epochs)
 # Print metrics
 print(f"Test MSE: {test_loss:.4f}")
 print(f"Test R^2: {test_r2:.4f}")
 # Plot results
 epochs = list(range(1, n_epochs + 1))
 plt.plot(epochs, train_losses, label='Train Loss')
 plt.plot(epochs, val_losses, label='Validation Loss')
 plt.title('Training and Validation Loss')




my_compiler() called with FX graph:
 opcode         name                   target                               args                                               kwargs
 ------------- ---------------------- ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- --------
 call_function train_losses_per_epoch <Wrapped function <original zeros>> (100,)                                             {}
 call_function val_losses_per_epoch   <Wrapped function <original zeros>> (100,)                                             {}
 output         output                 output                               ((train_losses_per_epoch, val_losses_per_epoch),) {}
 my_compiler() called with FX graph:
 opcode         name           target                                                   args             kwargs
 ------------- ------------- ------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------
 placeholder   l_x_           L_x_                                                     ()               {}
 call_module   l__self___fc1 L__self___fc1                                           (l_x_,)           {}
 call_function x             <built-in method relu of type object at 0x792eaaa81760> (l__self___fc1,) {}
 call_module   l__self___fc2 L__self___fc2                                           (x,)             {}
 call_function x_1           <built-in method relu of type object at 0x792eaaa81760> (l__self___fc2,) {}
 call_module   x_2           L__self___fc3                                           (x_1,)           {}
 output         output         output                                                   ((x_2,),)         {}
 my_compiler() called with FX graph:
 opcode         name                     target                                                   args                                       kwargs
 ------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ --------------------------------
 placeholder   grad                     L_self_param_groups_0_params_0_grad                       ()                                         {}
 placeholder   grad_1                   L_self_param_groups_0_params_1_grad                       ()                                         {}
 placeholder   grad_2                   L_self_param_groups_0_params_2_grad                       ()                                         {}
 placeholder   grad_3                   L_self_param_groups_0_params_3_grad                       ()                                         {}
 placeholder   grad_4                   L_self_param_groups_0_params_4_grad                       ()                                         {}
 placeholder   grad_5                   L_self_param_groups_0_params_5_grad                       ()                                         {}
 get_attr       param                   self___param_groups_0__params___0                         ()                                         {}
 get_attr       param_1                 self___param_groups_0__params___1                         ()                                         {}
 get_attr       param_2                 self___param_groups_0__params___2                         ()                                         {}
 get_attr       param_3                 self___param_groups_0__params___3                         ()                                         {}
 get_attr       param_4                 self___param_groups_0__params___4                         ()                                         {}
 get_attr       param_5                 self___param_groups_0__params___5                         ()                                         {}
 get_attr       exp_avg                 self___state_list_L__self___state_keys____0___exp_avg     ()                                         {}
 get_attr       exp_avg_1               self___state_list_L__self___state_keys____1___exp_avg     ()                                         {}
 get_attr       exp_avg_2               self___state_list_L__self___state_keys____2___exp_avg     ()                                         {}
 get_attr       exp_avg_3               self___state_list_L__self___state_keys____3___exp_avg     ()                                         {}
 get_attr       exp_avg_4               self___state_list_L__self___state_keys____4___exp_avg     ()                                         {}
 get_attr       exp_avg_5               self___state_list_L__self___state_keys____5___exp_avg     ()                                         {}
 get_attr       exp_avg_sq               self___state_list_L__self___state_keys____0___exp_avg_sq ()                                         {}
 get_attr       exp_avg_sq_1             self___state_list_L__self___state_keys____1___exp_avg_sq ()                                         {}
 get_attr       exp_avg_sq_2             self___state_list_L__self___state_keys____2___exp_avg_sq ()                                         {}
 get_attr       exp_avg_sq_3             self___state_list_L__self___state_keys____3___exp_avg_sq ()                                         {}
 get_attr       exp_avg_sq_4             self___state_list_L__self___state_keys____4___exp_avg_sq ()                                         {}
 get_attr       exp_avg_sq_5             self___state_list_L__self___state_keys____5___exp_avg_sq ()                                         {}
 get_attr       step_t                   self___state_list_L__self___state_keys____0___step       ()                                         {}
 get_attr       step_t_2                 self___state_list_L__self___state_keys____1___step       ()                                         {}
 get_attr       step_t_4                 self___state_list_L__self___state_keys____2___step       ()                                         {}
 get_attr       step_t_6                 self___state_list_L__self___state_keys____3___step       ()                                         {}
 get_attr       step_t_8                 self___state_list_L__self___state_keys____4___step       ()                                         {}
 get_attr       step_t_10               self___state_list_L__self___state_keys____5___step       ()                                         {}
 call_function step                     <built-in function iadd>                                 (step_t, 1)                                 {}
 call_method   lerp_                   lerp_                                                     (exp_avg, grad, 0.09999999999999998)       {}
 call_method   mul_                     mul_                                                     (exp_avg_sq, 0.999)                         {}
 call_method   conj                     conj                                                     (grad,)                                     {}
 call_method   addcmul_                 addcmul_                                                 (mul_, grad, conj)                         {'value': 0.0010000000000000009}
 call_function pow_1                   <built-in function pow>                                   (0.9, step)                                 {}
 call_function bias_correction1         <built-in function sub>                                   (1, pow_1)                                 {}
 call_function pow_2                   <built-in function pow>                                   (0.999, step)                               {}
 call_function bias_correction2         <built-in function sub>                                   (1, pow_2)                                 {}
 call_function step_size               <built-in function truediv>                               (0.001, bias_correction1)                   {}
 call_method   step_size_neg           neg                                                       (step_size,)                               {}
 call_method   bias_correction2_sqrt   sqrt                                                     (bias_correction2,)                         {}
 call_method   sqrt_1                   sqrt                                                     (exp_avg_sq,)                               {}
 call_function mul                     <built-in function mul>                                   (bias_correction2_sqrt, step_size_neg)     {}
 call_function truediv_1               <built-in function truediv>                               (sqrt_1, mul)                               {}
 call_function truediv_2               <built-in function truediv>                               (1e-08, step_size_neg)                     {}
 call_method   denom                   add_                                                     (truediv_1, truediv_2)                     {}
 call_method   addcdiv_                 addcdiv_                                                 (param, exp_avg, denom)                     {}
 call_function step_1                   <built-in function iadd>                                 (step_t_2, 1)                               {}
 call_method   lerp__1                 lerp_                                                     (exp_avg_1, grad_1, 0.09999999999999998)   {}
 call_method   mul__1                   mul_                                                     (exp_avg_sq_1, 0.999)                       {}
 call_method   conj_1                   conj                                                     (grad_1,)                                   {}
 call_method   addcmul__1               addcmul_                                                 (mul__1, grad_1, conj_1)                   {'value': 0.0010000000000000009}
 call_function pow_3                   <built-in function pow>                                   (0.9, step_1)                               {}
 call_function bias_correction1_1       <built-in function sub>                                   (1, pow_3)                                 {}
 call_function pow_4                   <built-in function pow>                                   (0.999, step_1)                             {}
 call_function bias_correction2_1       <built-in function sub>                                   (1, pow_4)                                 {}
 call_function step_size_1             <built-in function truediv>                               (0.001, bias_correction1_1)                 {}
 call_method   step_size_neg_1         neg                                                       (step_size_1,)                             {}
 call_method   bias_correction2_sqrt_1 sqrt                                                     (bias_correction2_1,)                       {}
 call_method   sqrt_3                   sqrt                                                     (exp_avg_sq_1,)                             {}
 call_function mul_1                   <built-in function mul>                                   (bias_correction2_sqrt_1, step_size_neg_1) {}
 call_function truediv_4               <built-in function truediv>                               (sqrt_3, mul_1)                             {}
 call_function truediv_5               <built-in function truediv>                               (1e-08, step_size_neg_1)                   {}
 call_method   denom_1                 add_                                                     (truediv_4, truediv_5)                     {}
 call_method   addcdiv__1               addcdiv_                                                 (param_1, exp_avg_1, denom_1)               {}
 call_function step_2                   <built-in function iadd>                                 (step_t_4, 1)                               {}
 call_method   lerp__2                 lerp_                                                     (exp_avg_2, grad_2, 0.09999999999999998)   {}
 call_method   mul__2                   mul_                                                     (exp_avg_sq_2, 0.999)                       {}
 call_method   conj_2                   conj                                                     (grad_2,)                                   {}
 call_method   addcmul__2               addcmul_                                                 (mul__2, grad_2, conj_2)                   {'value': 0.0010000000000000009}
 call_function pow_5                   <built-in function pow>                                   (0.9, step_2)                               {}
 call_function bias_correction1_2       <built-in function sub>                                   (1, pow_5)                                 {}
 call_function pow_6                   <built-in function pow>                                   (0.999, step_2)                             {}
 call_function bias_correction2_2       <built-in function sub>                                   (1, pow_6)                                 {}
 call_function step_size_2             <built-in function truediv>                               (0.001, bias_correction1_2)                 {}
 call_method   step_size_neg_2         neg                                                       (step_size_2,)                             {}
 call_method   bias_correction2_sqrt_2 sqrt                                                     (bias_correction2_2,)                       {}
 call_method   sqrt_5                   sqrt                                                     (exp_avg_sq_2,)                             {}
 call_function mul_2                   <built-in function mul>                                   (bias_correction2_sqrt_2, step_size_neg_2) {}
 call_function truediv_7               <built-in function truediv>                               (sqrt_5, mul_2)                             {}
 call_function truediv_8               <built-in function truediv>                               (1e-08, step_size_neg_2)                   {}
 call_method   denom_2                 add_                                                     (truediv_7, truediv_8)                     {}
 call_method   addcdiv__2               addcdiv_                                                 (param_2, exp_avg_2, denom_2)               {}
 call_function step_3                   <built-in function iadd>                                 (step_t_6, 1)                               {}
 call_method   lerp__3                 lerp_                                                     (exp_avg_3, grad_3, 0.09999999999999998)   {}
 call_method   mul__3                   mul_                                                     (exp_avg_sq_3, 0.999)                       {}
 call_method   conj_3                   conj                                                     (grad_3,)                                   {}
 call_method   addcmul__3               addcmul_                                                 (mul__3, grad_3, conj_3)                   {'value': 0.0010000000000000009}
 call_function pow_7                   <built-in function pow>                                   (0.9, step_3)                               {}
 call_function bias_correction1_3       <built-in function sub>                                   (1, pow_7)                                 {}
 call_function pow_8                   <built-in function pow>                                   (0.999, step_3)                             {}
 call_function bias_correction2_3       <built-in function sub>                                   (1, pow_8)                                 {}
 call_function step_size_3             <built-in function truediv>                               (0.001, bias_correction1_3)                 {}
 call_method   step_size_neg_3         neg                                                       (step_size_3,)                             {}
 call_method   bias_correction2_sqrt_3 sqrt                                                     (bias_correction2_3,)                       {}
 call_method   sqrt_7                   sqrt                                                     (exp_avg_sq_3,)                             {}
 call_function mul_3                   <built-in function mul>                                   (bias_correction2_sqrt_3, step_size_neg_3) {}
 call_function truediv_10               <built-in function truediv>                               (sqrt_7, mul_3)                             {}
 call_function truediv_11               <built-in function truediv>                               (1e-08, step_size_neg_3)                   {}
 call_method   denom_3                 add_                                                     (truediv_10, truediv_11)                   {}
 call_method   addcdiv__3               addcdiv_                                                 (param_3, exp_avg_3, denom_3)               {}
 call_function step_4                   <built-in function iadd>                                 (step_t_8, 1)                               {}
 call_method   lerp__4                 lerp_                                                     (exp_avg_4, grad_4, 0.09999999999999998)   {}
 call_method   mul__4                   mul_                                                     (exp_avg_sq_4, 0.999)                       {}
 call_method   conj_4                   conj                                                     (grad_4,)                                   {}
 call_method   addcmul__4               addcmul_                                                 (mul__4, grad_4, conj_4)                   {'value': 0.0010000000000000009}
 call_function pow_9                   <built-in function pow>                                   (0.9, step_4)                               {}
 call_function bias_correction1_4       <built-in function sub>                                   (1, pow_9)                                 {}
 call_function pow_10                   <built-in function pow>                                   (0.999, step_4)                             {}
 call_function bias_correction2_4       <built-in function sub>                                   (1, pow_10)                                 {}
 call_function step_size_4             <built-in function truediv>                               (0.001, bias_correction1_4)                 {}
 call_method   step_size_neg_4         neg                                                       (step_size_4,)                             {}
 call_method   bias_correction2_sqrt_4 sqrt                                                     (bias_correction2_4,)                       {}
 call_method   sqrt_9                   sqrt                                                     (exp_avg_sq_4,)                             {}
 call_function mul_4                   <built-in function mul>                                   (bias_correction2_sqrt_4, step_size_neg_4) {}
 call_function truediv_13               <built-in function truediv>                               (sqrt_9, mul_4)                             {}
 call_function truediv_14               <built-in function truediv>                               (1e-08, step_size_neg_4)                   {}
 call_method   denom_4                 add_                                                     (truediv_13, truediv_14)                   {}
 call_method   addcdiv__4               addcdiv_                                                 (param_4, exp_avg_4, denom_4)               {}
 call_function step_5                   <built-in function iadd>                                 (step_t_10, 1)                             {}
 call_method   lerp__5                 lerp_                                                     (exp_avg_5, grad_5, 0.09999999999999998)   {}
 call_method   mul__5                   mul_                                                     (exp_avg_sq_5, 0.999)                       {}
 call_method   conj_5                   conj                                                     (grad_5,)                                   {}
 call_method   addcmul__5               addcmul_                                                 (mul__5, grad_5, conj_5)                   {'value': 0.0010000000000000009}
 call_function pow_11                   <built-in function pow>                                   (0.9, step_5)                               {}
 call_function bias_correction1_5       <built-in function sub>                                   (1, pow_11)                                 {}
 call_function pow_12                   <built-in function pow>                                   (0.999, step_5)                             {}
 call_function bias_correction2_5       <built-in function sub>                                   (1, pow_12)                                 {}
 call_function step_size_5             <built-in function truediv>                               (0.001, bias_correction1_5)                 {}
 call_method   step_size_neg_5         neg                                                       (step_size_5,)                             {}
 call_method   bias_correction2_sqrt_5 sqrt                                                     (bias_correction2_5,)                       {}
 call_method   sqrt_11                 sqrt                                                     (exp_avg_sq_5,)                             {}
 call_function mul_5                   <built-in function mul>                                   (bias_correction2_sqrt_5, step_size_neg_5) {}
 call_function truediv_16               <built-in function truediv>                               (sqrt_11, mul_5)                           {}
 call_function truediv_17               <built-in function truediv>                               (1e-08, step_size_neg_5)                   {}
 call_method   denom_5                 add_                                                     (truediv_16, truediv_17)                   {}
 call_method   addcdiv__5               addcdiv_                                                 (param_5, exp_avg_5, denom_5)               {}
 output         output                   output                                                   ((),)                                       {}
 my_compiler() called with FX graph:
 opcode         name           target                                                   args             kwargs
 ------------- ------------- ------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------
 placeholder   s0             s0                                                       ()               {}
 placeholder   l_x_           L_x_                                                     ()               {}
 call_module   l__self___fc1 L__self___fc1                                           (l_x_,)           {}
 call_function x             <built-in method relu of type object at 0x792eaaa81760> (l__self___fc1,) {}
 call_module   l__self___fc2 L__self___fc2                                           (x,)             {}
 call_function x_1           <built-in method relu of type object at 0x792eaaa81760> (l__self___fc2,) {}
 call_module   x_2           L__self___fc3                                           (x_1,)           {}
 output         output         output                                                   ((x_2,),)         {}



模型通过全连接层L__self___fc1 , L__self___fc2,L__self___fc3传递输入,这是神经网络的三层。






责任编辑:华轩 来源: DeepHub IMBA

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