Exclude 是 TypeScript 中内置的工具类型,它用于从一个联合类型中排除掉你不希望包含的类型,生成一个新的类型。这个工具类型在日常开发中非常有用,它能够帮助我们编写类型安全的代码和更好地实现代码复用。
* Exclude from T those types that are assignable to U.
* typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts
type Exclude<T, U> = T extends U ? never : T;
type T0 = Exclude<"a" | "b" | "c", "a" | "b">
// type T0 = "c"
本文我将介绍 Exclude 工具类型的 8 个使用技巧,掌握这些技巧之后,在工作中你就能更好地利用 Exclude 工具类型来满足不同的使用场景。
type MyTypes = string | number | boolean;
type StringOrNumber = Exclude<MyTypes, boolean>;
let uid: StringOrNumber = "semlinker" // Ok
uid = 2024 // Ok
uid = false // Error
// Type 'boolean' is not assignable to type 'StringOrNumber'.
2.排除 string 或 number 类型的子类型
type Status = "success" | "error" | 200 | 500;
type StringStatus = Exclude<Status, number>;
// type StringStatus = "success" | "error"
type NumberStatus = Exclude<Status, string>
// type NumberStatus = 200 | 500
type TaskStatus = "Todo" | "InProgress" | "Done" | "Archived";
type ModuleHandledStatus = "Todo" | "Done" | "OnHold";
type TaskOnlyStatus = Exclude<TaskStatus, ModuleHandledStatus>;
// type TaskOnlyStatus = "InProgress" | "Archived"
Animal 联合类型,包含了多种动物的描述对象,我们想从中排除含有 "legs" 属性的子类型。
type Animal =
| { type: 'dog', legs: number }
| { type: 'cat', legs: number }
| { type: 'fish', fins: number };
type AnimalsWithFins = Exclude<Animal, { legs: number }>;
const fish: AnimalsWithFins = { type: 'fish', fins: 6 }; // Ok
const dog: AnimalsWithFins = { type: 'dog', legs: 4 }; // Error
// Type '"dog"' is not assignable to type '"fish"'.
除了可以使用 Exclude<Animal, { legs: number }> 来创建 AnimalsWithFins 类型,该类型还可以通过 Exclude<Animal, { type: 'dog' | 'cat' }> 这种方式来创建。
type Animal =
| { type: 'dog', legs: number }
| { type: 'cat', legs: number }
| { type: 'fish', fins: number };
type AnimalsWithFins = Exclude<Animal, { type: 'dog' | 'cat' }>;
const fish: AnimalsWithFins = { type: 'fish', fins: 6 }; // Ok
const dog: AnimalsWithFins = { type: 'dog', legs: 4 }; // Error
// Type '"dog"' is not assignable to type '"fish"'.
利用 Exclude 工具类型可以排除枚举中的某些成员,从而得到一个新的类型。
enum Status { New, InProgress, Done, Cancelled }
type ActiveStatus = Exclude<Status, Status.Done | Status.Cancelled>;
// type ActiveStatus = Status.New | Status.InProgress
利用 Exclude 工具类型和模板字面量类型,我们可以实现从字符串字面量联合类型中,排除指定前缀或后缀的字符串字面量。
type LogEvent =
| "userLogin"
| "userLogout"
| "systemException"
| "systemCrash"
| "performanceLoadTime"
| "performanceApiResponse";
type SystemAndPerformanceEvents = Exclude<LogEvent, `user${string}`>;
// type SystemAndPerformanceEvents = "systemException" | "systemCrash" | "performanceLoadTime" | "performanceApiResponse"
type LogEvent =
| "userLogin"
| "userLogout"
| "UserLogin" // New
| "UserLogout" // New
| "systemException"
| "systemCrash"
| "performanceLoadTime"
| "performanceApiResponse";
type SystemAndPerformanceEvents = Exclude<LogEvent, `${"user" | "User"}${string}`>;
// type SystemAndPerformanceEvents = "systemException" | "systemCrash" | "performanceLoadTime" | "performanceApiResponse"