本示例是在官方Video Play Ability 模板基础上做了扩展开发,官方模板提供基本的视频播放功能,并允许您在手机和电视之间传输视频.
1.实现一个视频播放器 2.实现一个播放列表 3.实现一个评论功能.

安装DevEco Studio,详情请参考DevEco Studio下载。
设置DevEco Studio开发环境,DevEco Studio开发环境需要依赖于网络环境,需要连接上网络才能确保工具的正常使用,可以根据如下两种情况来配置开发环境:
如果可以直接访问Internet,只需进行下载HarmonyOS SDK操作。
下载源码后,使用DevEco 打开项目。
- │ config.json
- │
- ├─java
- │ └─com
- │ └─buty
- │ └─distributedvideoplayer
- │ │ MainAbility.java
- │ │ MyApplication.java
- │ │
- │ ├─ability
- │ │ DevicesSelectAbility.java
- │ │ MainAbilitySlice.java #视频播放列表页
- │ │ SyncControlServiceAbility.java
- │ │ VideoPlayAbility.java #视频播放Ability
- │ │ VideoPlayAbilitySlice.java #视频播放详情和评论页
- │ │
- │ ├─components
- │ │ EpisodesSelectionDialog.java
- │ │ RemoteController.java
- │ │ VideoPlayerPlaybackButton.java #播放按钮组件
- │ │ VideoPlayerSlider.java #播放时间进度条
- │ │
- │ ├─constant
- │ │ Constants.java #常量
- │ │ ResolutionEnum.java #分辨率枚举
- │ │ RouteRegister.java #自定义路由
- │ │
- │ ├─data
- │ │ VideoInfo.java #视频基础信息
- │ │ VideoInfoService.java #视频信息服务,用于模拟数据
- │ │ Videos.java #视频列表
- │ │
- │ ├─model
- │ │ CommentModel.java #评论模型
- │ │ DeviceModel.java
- │ │ ResolutionModel.java #解析度模型
- │ │ VideoModel.java #视频模型
- │ │
- │ ├─provider
- │ │ CommentItemProvider.java #评论数据提供程序
- │ │ DeviceItemProvider.java
- │ │ ResolutionItemProvider.java #解析度数据提供程序
- │ │ VideoItemProvider.java #视频数据提供程序
- │ │
- │ └─utils
- │ AppUtil.java #工具类
- │ DateUtils.java
- └─resources
- ├─base
- │ ├─element
- │ │ color.json
- │ │ float.json
- │ │ strarray.json
- │ │ string.json
- │ │
- │ ├─graphic
- │ │ background_ability_control_bg.xml
- │ │ background_ability_control_middle.xml
- │ │ background_ability_control_ok.xml
- │ │ background_ability_devices.xml
- │ │ background_ability_episodes.xml
- │ │ background_button_click.xml
- │ │ background_button_clicked.xml
- │ │ background_episodes_item.xml
- │ │ background_episodes_quality.xml
- │ │ background_episodes_trailer.xml
- │ │ background_slide_thumb.xml
- │ │ background_switch_checked.xml
- │ │ background_switch_empty.xml
- │ │ background_switch_thumb.xml
- │ │ background_switch_track.xml
- │ │ list_divider.xml
- │ │ shape_slider_thumb.xml
- │ │
- │ ├─layout
- │ │ ability_main.xml #播放列表布局
- │ │ comments_item.xml #单条评论布局
- │ │ dialog_playlist.xml
- │ │ dialog_resolution_list.xml
- │ │ dialog_table_layout.xml
- │ │ hm_sample_ability_video_box.xml #视频播放组件页
- │ │ hm_sample_ability_video_comments.xml #播放详情布局页
- │ │ hm_sample_view_video_box_seek_bar_style1.xml #播放进度条布局
- │ │ hm_sample_view_video_box_seek_bar_style2.xml
- │ │ remote_ability_control.xml
- │ │ remote_ability_episodes.xml
- │ │ remote_ability_select_devices.xml
- │ │ remote_ability_sound_equipment.xml
- │ │ remote_device_item.xml
- │ │ remote_episodes_item.xml
- │ │ remote_video_quality_item.xml
- │ │
- │ ├─media
- │ │ comments.png
- │ │ great.png
- │ │ icon.png
- │ │ ic_anthology.png
- │ │
- │ └─profile
- ├─en
- │ └─element
- │ string.json
- │
- ├─rawfile
- │ videos.json #模拟数据JSON文件
- │
- └─zh
- └─element
- string.json
entry的build.gradle 增加对commonlib的依赖
- dependencies {
- implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar', '*.har'])
- testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.13'
- ohosTestImplementation 'com.huawei.ohos.testkit:runner:'
- //引用commonlib 依赖
- implementation project(path: ':commonlib')
- }
1.1.页面布局 hm_sample_ability_video_comments.xml
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- <StackLayout
- xmlns:ohos="http://schemas.huawei.com/res/ohos"
- ohos:id="$+id:root_layout"
- ohos:height="match_parent"
- ohos:width="match_parent"
- ohos:background_element="#FFFFFFFF"
- ohos:orientation="vertical">
- <com.buty.distributedvideoplayer.player.ui.widget.media.VideoPlayerView
- ohos:id="$+id:video_view"
- ohos:height="250vp"
- ohos:width="match_parent"/>
- ...
- </StackLayout>
获取视频组件对象后,只需要2步就可以了: 1.设置视频资源路径和描述; 2.设置播放器核心组件和自定义组件.几行关键代码 VideoPlayAbilitySlice.java
- /**
- * 初始化播放器
- */
- private void initPlayer() {
- HiLog.debug(LABEL, "initPlayer");
- //自定义视频播放视图组件
- player = (VideoPlayerView) findComponentById(ResourceTable.Id_video_view);
- if (player != null) {
- //获取视频信息服务
- videoService = new VideoInfoService(getContext());
- //获取当前播放视频的路径
- String path = videoService
- .getVideoInfoByIndex(currentPlayingIndex)
- .getResolutions()
- .get(currentPlayingResolutionIndex)
- .getUrl();
- //视频描述
- String videoDesc = videoService.getVideoInfoByIndex(currentPlayingIndex).getVideoDesc();
- HiLog.debug(LABEL, "videoDesc = " + videoDesc + " path = " + path);
- if (path != null) {
- //设置路径和描述
- player.setVideoPathAndTitle(path, videoDesc);
- //视频准备完毕就播放并设置播放进度条
- player.setPlayerOnPreparedListener(
- () -> {
- player.start();
- //设置播放位置
- player.seekTo(currentPlayingPosition);
- });
- //双击播放或暂停
- player.setDoubleClickedListener(
- component -> {
- //是否在控制TV端
- if (remoteController != null && remoteController.isShown()) {
- return;
- }
- HiLog.debug(LABEL, "VideoPlayView double-click event");
- if (player.isPlaying()) {
- player.pause();
- } else {
- player.start();
- }
- });
- //监听播放错误
- player.setErrorListener(
- (errorType, errorCode) -> {
- ToastDialog toast = new ToastDialog(getContext());
- switch (errorType) {
- case HmPlayerAdapter.ERROR_LOADING_RESOURCE:
- toast.setText(
- AppUtil.getStringResource(
- getContext(), ResourceTable.String_media_file_loading_error));
- break;
- toast.setText(
- AppUtil.getStringResource(
- getContext(), ResourceTable.String_invalid_operation));
- break;
- default:
- toast.setText(
- AppUtil.getStringResource(
- getContext(), ResourceTable.String_undefined_error_type));
- break;
- }
- getUITaskDispatcher().asyncDispatch(toast::show);
- });
- }
- //添加核心组件,播放时间进度滑块
- addCoreComponent();
- //添加自定义组件
- addCustomComponent();
- HiLog.debug(LABEL, "initPlayer finish");
- }
- }
2.1.页面布局 ability_main.xml
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- <DirectionalLayout
- xmlns:ohos="http://schemas.huawei.com/res/ohos"
- ohos:id="$+id:ability_main_root"
- ohos:height="match_parent"
- ohos:width="match_parent"
- ohos:orientation="vertical">
- <DirectionalLayout
- ohos:id="$+id:ability_main_titlebar"
- ohos:height="match_content"
- ohos:width="match_parent"
- ohos:background_element="#B0B0B0"
- ohos:orientation="horizontal"
- ohos:padding="10vp">
- <DirectionalLayout
- ohos:height="match_parent"
- ohos:width="match_content"
- ohos:weight="1">
- <Text
- ohos:id="$+id:tag_favorite"
- ohos:height="match_content"
- ohos:width="match_parent"
- ohos:text="关注"
- ohos:text_size="$float:normal_text_size_15"
- />
- </DirectionalLayout>
- <DirectionalLayout
- ohos:height="match_content"
- ohos:width="match_content"
- ohos:weight="1">
- <Text
- ohos:id="$+id:tag_support"
- ohos:height="match_content"
- ohos:width="match_content"
- ohos:text="推荐"
- ohos:text_size="$float:normal_text_size_15"
- />
- </DirectionalLayout>
- <DirectionalLayout
- ohos:height="match_content"
- ohos:width="match_content"
- ohos:weight="1">
- <Text
- ohos:id="$+id:tag_movie"
- ohos:height="match_content"
- ohos:width="match_content"
- ohos:element_end="$id:favorite"
- ohos:text="电影"
- ohos:text_color="#1C6AE9"
- ohos:text_size="$float:normal_text_size_15"
- ohos:text_weight="600"/>
- <Component
- ohos:id="$+id:device_item_divider"
- ohos:height="2vp"
- ohos:width="30vp"
- ohos:background_element="$graphic:list_divider"/>
- </DirectionalLayout>
- <DirectionalLayout
- ohos:height="match_content"
- ohos:width="match_content"
- ohos:weight="1">
- <Text
- ohos:id="$+id:tag_live"
- ohos:height="match_content"
- ohos:width="match_parent"
- ohos:text="直播"
- ohos:text_size="$float:normal_text_size_15"
- />
- </DirectionalLayout>
- <DirectionalLayout
- ohos:height="match_content"
- ohos:width="match_content"
- ohos:weight="1">
- <Text
- ohos:id="$+id:tag_tv"
- ohos:height="match_content"
- ohos:width="match_parent"
- ohos:text="电视"
- ohos:text_size="$float:normal_text_size_15"
- />
- </DirectionalLayout>
- </DirectionalLayout>
- <ScrollView
- ohos:height="match_parent"
- ohos:width="match_parent"
- ohos:id="$+id:video_list_scroll" >
- <ListContainer
- ohos:id="$+id:videos_container"
- ohos:height="match_parent"
- ohos:width="match_parent">
- </ListContainer>
- </ScrollView>
- </DirectionalLayout>
申请用户敏感权限授权 MainAbility.java
- /**
- * Entry to the main interface of the program
- */
- public class MainAbility extends Ability {
- private static final int REQUEST_CODE = 1;
- //读写媒体权限
- private final String[] permissionLists
- = new String[]{"ohos.permission.READ_MEDIA", "ohos.permission.WRITE_MEDIA"};
- @Override
- public void onStart(Intent intent) {
- super.onStart(intent);
- super.setUIContent(ResourceTable.Layout_ability_main);
- super.setMainRoute(MainAbilitySlice.class.getName());
- //申请授权
- verifyPermissions();
- }
- private void verifyPermissions() {
- for (String permissionList : permissionLists) {
- int result = verifySelfPermission(permissionList);
- if (result != IBundleManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
- requestPermissionsFromUser(permissionLists, REQUEST_CODE);
- }
- }
- }
- ...
- public class MainAbilitySlice extends AbilitySlice {
- public static final HiLogLabel LABEL = new HiLogLabel(0, 0, "=>MainAbilitySlice");
- private VideoInfoService videoService;
- @Override
- protected void onStart(Intent intent) {
- super.onStart(intent);
- //加载视频播放器页面
- super.setUIContent(ResourceTable.Layout_ability_main);
- initVideoContainer();
- }
- /**
- * 模拟数据
- * 初始化视频容器列表
- */
- private void initVideoContainer() {
- HiLog.debug(LABEL, "initVideoContainer");
- List<VideoModel> videos = new ArrayList<>();
- //获取视频信息服务
- videoService = new VideoInfoService(getContext());
- for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
- VideoModel video = new VideoModel();
- video.setComments(new Random().nextInt(1000));
- video.setFavorites(new Random().nextInt(1000));
- video.setGreats(new Random().nextInt(10000));
- VideoInfo videoInfo = videoService.getVideoInfoByIndex(i);
- videoInfo.setIndex(i);
- video.setVideoInfo(videoInfo);
- videos.add(video);
- }
- ListContainer listContainer = (ListContainer) findComponentById(ResourceTable.Id_videos_container);
- //容器绑定数据提供程序
- VideoItemProvider provider = new VideoItemProvider(this, videos, this);
- listContainer.setItemProvider(provider);
- }
- }
视频容器列表数据提供程序 VideoItemProvider.java
- public class VideoItemProvider extends BaseItemProvider {
- private static final HiLogLabel LABEL = new HiLogLabel(0, 0, "=>VideoItemProvider");
- private final Context context;
- private final List<VideoModel> list;
- private AbilitySlice abilitySlice;
- //当前播放视频分辨率索引
- private int currentPlayingResolutionIndex = 0;
- /**
- * Initialization
- */
- public VideoItemProvider(Context context, List<VideoModel> list, AbilitySlice abilitySlice) {
- HiLog.debug(LABEL, "VideoItemProvider");
- this.context = context;
- this.list = list;
- this.abilitySlice = abilitySlice;
- }
- public Context getContext() {
- return context;
- }
- @Override
- public int getCount() {
- return list == null ? 0 : list.size();
- }
- @Override
- public Object getItem(int position) {
- if (list != null && position >= 0 && position < list.size()) {
- return list.get(position);
- }
- return new VideoModel();
- }
- @Override
- public long getItemId(int position) {
- return position;
- }
- @Override
- public Component getComponent(int position, Component convertComponent, ComponentContainer componentContainer) {
- HiLog.debug(LABEL, "getComponent:" + convertComponent + "," + componentContainer);
- final Component cpt;
- final VideoPlayerView player;
- VideoModel item = list.get(position);
- //初次获取组件
- if (convertComponent == null) {
- cpt = LayoutScatter.getInstance(context).parse(ResourceTable.Layout_hm_sample_ability_video_box, componentContainer, false);
- player = (VideoPlayerView) cpt.findComponentById(ResourceTable.Id_video_view);
- //初始化播放器组件
- initPlayer(player,item.getVideoInfo());
- } else {
- //ScrollView滑动时也会调用getComponent方法,
- cpt = convertComponent;
- player = (VideoPlayerView) cpt.findComponentById(ResourceTable.Id_video_view);
- }
- //设置其他组件的值
- Text text_favorites = (Text) cpt.findComponentById(ResourceTable.Id_text_favorites);
- Text text_comments = (Text) cpt.findComponentById(ResourceTable.Id_text_comments);
- Text text_greats = (Text) cpt.findComponentById(ResourceTable.Id_text_greats);
- //注意setText的参数类型是字符串
- text_favorites.setText(item.getFavorites() + "");
- text_comments.setText(item.getComments() + "");
- text_greats.setText(item.getGreats() + "");
- //点击评论图标,停止当前播放器,打开VideoPlayAbility的Slice页面
- Image commentImage = (Image) cpt.findComponentById(ResourceTable.Id_image_comment);
- commentImage.setClickedListener(component -> {
- //停止播放,列表页面的播放器
- player.stopPlayback();
- //打开带有评论的播放页面
- startVideoPlayDetail(item,player);
- });
- return cpt;
- }
- /**
- * 初始化播放器
- */
- private void initPlayer(VideoPlayerView player, VideoInfo videoInfo) {
- HiLog.debug(LABEL, "initPlayer");
- if (player != null) {
- //视频路径
- String path = videoInfo
- .getResolutions()
- .get(currentPlayingResolutionIndex)
- .getUrl();
- HiLog.debug(LABEL, "path:" + path);
- //视频描述
- String videoDesc = videoInfo.getVideoDesc();
- HiLog.debug(LABEL, "videoDesc = " + videoDesc + " path = " + path);
- if(path!=null) {
- //设置路径和名称
- player.setVideoPathAndTitle(path, videoDesc);
- //双击播放或暂停
- player.setDoubleClickedListener(
- component -> {
- HiLog.debug(LABEL, "VideoPlayView double-click event");
- if (player.isPlaying()) {
- player.pause();
- } else {
- player.start();
- }
- });
- //监听播放错误
- player.setErrorListener(
- (errorType, errorCode) -> {
- ToastDialog toast = new ToastDialog(getContext());
- switch (errorType) {
- case HmPlayerAdapter.ERROR_LOADING_RESOURCE:
- toast.setText(
- AppUtil.getStringResource(
- getContext(), ResourceTable.String_media_file_loading_error));
- break;
- toast.setText(
- AppUtil.getStringResource(
- getContext(), ResourceTable.String_invalid_operation));
- break;
- default:
- toast.setText(
- AppUtil.getStringResource(
- getContext(), ResourceTable.String_undefined_error_type));
- break;
- }
- abilitySlice.getUITaskDispatcher().asyncDispatch(toast::show);
- });
- }
- //添加核心组件,播放时间进度滑块
- addCoreComponent(player);
- //添加自定义组件
- HiLog.debug(LABEL, "initPlayer finish");
- }
- }
- /**
- * 添加播放按钮,剧集,进度条等核心组件
- * Adding core component like playback button and seek bar
- */
- private void addCoreComponent(VideoPlayerView player) {
- HiLog.debug(LABEL, "addCoreComponent");
- //添加播放按钮组件
- player.addPlaybackButton(new VideoPlayerPlaybackButton(getContext()), VideoBoxArea.BOTTOM);
- //添加播放进度条组件
- player.addSeekBar(
- new VideoPlayerSlider(getContext()),
- VideoBoxArea.BOTTOM,
- (int) AppUtil.getFloatResource(getContext(), ResourceTable.Float_normal_margin_24));
- }
- /**
- * 打开视频播放详情页
- */
- private void startVideoPlayDetail(VideoModel item,VideoPlayerView player) {
- HiLog.debug(LABEL, "startVideoPlayDetail ");
- //启动评论播放页面
- Intent intentService = new Intent();
- //播放视频评论数
- intentService.setParam("comments",String.valueOf(item.getComments()));
- VideoInfo videoInfo=item.getVideoInfo();
- if(videoInfo!=null) {
- //播放视频在播放列表中的索引
- intentService.setParam("currentPlayingIndex", videoInfo.getIndex());
- //播放视频的分辨率索引
- intentService.setParam("currentPlayingResolutionIndex", currentPlayingResolutionIndex);
- //当前视频播放的位置
- intentService.setParam(RemoteConstant.INTENT_PARAM_REMOTE_START_POSITION,(int)player.getCurrentPosition());
- HiLog.debug(LABEL,RemoteConstant.INTENT_PARAM_REMOTE_START_POSITION+":"+player.getCurrentPosition());
- }
- Operation operation =
- new Intent.OperationBuilder()
- .withDeviceId("")
- .withBundleName(abilitySlice.getBundleName())
- .withAbilityName(VideoPlayAbility.class)
- .build();
- intentService.setOperation(operation);
- abilitySlice.startAbility(intentService);
- }
- }
3.1.页面布局,评论列表布局页 hm_sample_ability_video_comments.xml
使用了StackLayout,DependentLayout布局组件和ListContainer,TextField,Text 组件
- ...
- <!-- 工具栏 -->
- <DependentLayout
- ohos:id="$+id:comments_bar"
- ohos:height="40vp"
- ohos:width="match_parent"
- ohos:background_element="#FFDDDADA"
- ohos:layout_alignment="top"
- ohos:top_margin="250vp">
- <DirectionalLayout
- ohos:id="$+id:favorite"
- ohos:height="match_parent"
- ohos:width="match_content"
- ohos:align_parent_left="true"
- ohos:left_margin="10vp"
- ohos:orientation="horizontal"
- ohos:padding="4vp">
- <Text
- ohos:id="$+id:text_favorites"
- ohos:height="match_parent"
- ohos:width="match_parent"
- ohos:left_padding="5vp"
- ohos:text="简介"
- ohos:text_size="16fp"
- ohos:text_weight="600">
- </Text>
- </DirectionalLayout>
- <DirectionalLayout
- ohos:id="$+id:comment"
- ohos:height="match_parent"
- ohos:width="match_content"
- ohos:end_of="$id:favorite"
- ohos:left_margin="20vp"
- ohos:orientation="horizontal"
- ohos:padding="4vp">
- <Text
- ohos:id="$+id:text_comment"
- ohos:height="match_parent"
- ohos:width="match_content"
- ohos:left_padding="5vp"
- ohos:text="评论"
- ohos:text_weight="600"
- ohos:text_size="16fp">
- </Text>
- <Text
- ohos:id="$+id:text_comments"
- ohos:height="match_parent"
- ohos:width="match_content"
- ohos:left_padding="5vp"
- ohos:text="1161"
- ohos:text_weight="600"
- ohos:text_size="16fp">
- </Text>
- </DirectionalLayout>
- </DependentLayout>
- <!-- 评论列表 -->
- <DependentLayout
- ohos:id="$+id:comments_view"
- ohos:height="match_parent"
- ohos:width="match_parent"
- ohos:background_element="#FFFDFFFF"
- ohos:top_margin="290vp">
- <ListContainer
- ohos:id="$+id:comments_container"
- ohos:height="match_parent"
- ohos:width="match_parent"
- ohos:layout_alignment="horizontal_center"
- ohos:orientation="vertical"/>
- </DependentLayout>
- <!-- 评论对话框 -->
- <DependentLayout
- ohos:id="$+id:comments_dialog"
- ohos:height="70vp"
- ohos:width="match_parent"
- ohos:background_element="#FFF4F4F8"
- ohos:layout_alignment="bottom"
- ohos:padding="5vp">
- <TextField
- ohos:id="$+id:comment_tf"
- ohos:height="match_parent"
- ohos:width="match_parent"
- ohos:hint="发一条友好的评论吧"
- ohos:right_padding="60vp"
- ohos:text_size="16vp"></TextField>
- <Text
- ohos:id="$+id:sent_comment"
- ohos:height="match_parent"
- ohos:width="60vp"
- ohos:align_parent_right="true"
- ohos:background_element="#FF7ECCCF"
- ohos:text="发送"
- ohos:input_enter_key_type="enter_key_type_send"
- ohos:text_alignment="center"
- ohos:text_size="16vp">
- </Text>
- </DependentLayout>
3.2.页面布局,单条评论组件布局 comments_item.xml
使用了DependentLayout,DirectionalLayout布局组件和Image,Component,Text 组件
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- <DependentLayout
- xmlns:ohos="http://schemas.huawei.com/res/ohos"
- ohos:height="match_content"
- ohos:width="match_parent">
- <Image
- ohos:id="$+id:header_item_icon"
- ohos:height="50vp"
- ohos:width="50vp"
- ohos:end_margin="13vp"
- ohos:left_margin="5vp"
- ohos:image_src="$media:ic_header"
- ohos:scale_mode="stretch"
- ohos:top_margin="13vp"/>
- <DirectionalLayout
- ohos:id="$+id:comment_item_content"
- ohos:height="match_content"
- ohos:width="250vp"
- ohos:bottom_padding="5vp"
- ohos:orientation="vertical"
- ohos:right_of="$id:header_item_icon">
- <Text
- ohos:id="$+id:comment_uname"
- ohos:height="match_content"
- ohos:width="160vp"
- ohos:layout_alignment="vertical_center"
- ohos:padding="5vp"
- ohos:text="我是一只鱼"
- ohos:text_color="#FFA09E9E"
- ohos:text_size="16vp"/>
- <Text
- ohos:id="$+id:comment_content"
- ohos:height="match_content"
- ohos:width="match_parent"
- ohos:layout_alignment="vertical_center"
- ohos:multiple_lines="true"
- ohos:padding="5vp"
- ohos:text="这是一条评论"
- ohos:text_color="$color:default_black_color"
- ohos:text_size="16vp"/>
- <Text
- ohos:id="$+id:comment_date"
- ohos:height="match_content"
- ohos:width="match_content"
- ohos:layout_alignment="vertical_center"
- ohos:padding="5vp"
- ohos:text="2天前"
- ohos:text_color="#FFA09E9E"
- ohos:text_size="16vp"/>
- </DirectionalLayout>
- <DirectionalLayout
- ohos:height="match_content"
- ohos:width="match_content"
- ohos:id="$+id:goods_view"
- ohos:align_parent_right="true"
- ohos:padding="5vp"
- ohos:right_margin="5vp"
- ohos:right_of="$id:comment_item_content">
- <Image
- ohos:id="$+id:good_icon"
- ohos:height="25vp"
- ohos:width="match_parent"
- ohos:image_src="$media:ic_great"
- ohos:scale_mode="stretch"
- ohos:top_margin="13vp"
- />
- <Text
- ohos:id="$+id:comment_goods"
- ohos:height="match_content"
- ohos:width="match_parent"
- ohos:text="42"
- ohos:text_alignment="center"
- ohos:text_color="#FFA09E9E"
- ohos:text_size="12vp"></Text>
- </DirectionalLayout>
- <DirectionalLayout
- ohos:height="match_content"
- ohos:width="match_parent"
- ohos:align_bottom="$id:comment_item_content">
- <Component
- ohos:id="$+id:device_item_divider"
- ohos:height="1vp"
- ohos:width="match_parent"
- ohos:background_element="$graphic:list_divider"/>
- </DirectionalLayout>
- </DependentLayout>
创建评论列表提供程序类 CommentItemProvider.java
- public class CommentItemProvider extends BaseItemProvider {
- private static final HiLogLabel LABEL = new HiLogLabel(0, 0, "=>CommentsItemProvider");
- private final Context context;
- private final List<CommentModel> list;
- private AbilitySlice abilitySlice;
- /**
- * Initialization
- */
- public CommentItemProvider(Context context, List<CommentModel> list, AbilitySlice slice) {
- this.context = context;
- this.list = list;
- this.abilitySlice = slice;
- }
- @Override
- public int getCount() {
- return list == null ? 0 : list.size();
- }
- @Override
- public Object getItem(int position) {
- if (list != null && position >= 0 && position < list.size()) {
- return list.get(position);
- }
- return new CommentModel();
- }
- public void addComment(CommentModel comment) {
- if (comment == null) return;
- list.add(0, comment);
- notifyDataSetItemInserted(0);
- }
- @Override
- public long getItemId(int position) {
- return position;
- }
- @Override
- public Component getComponent(int position, Component convertComponent, ComponentContainer componentContainer) {
- final Component cpt;
- if (convertComponent == null) {
- cpt = LayoutScatter.getInstance(context).parse(ResourceTable.Layout_comments_item, null, false);
- } else {
- cpt = convertComponent;
- }
- CommentModel item = list.get(position);
- //评论人头像
- Image headerIcon = (Image) cpt.findComponentById(ResourceTable.Id_header_item_icon);
- headerIcon.setPixelMap(ResourceTable.Media_ic_header);
- //评论人名称
- Text uName = (Text) cpt.findComponentById(ResourceTable.Id_comment_uname);
- uName.setText(item.getuName());
- //评论内容
- Text uContent = (Text) cpt.findComponentById(ResourceTable.Id_comment_content);
- uContent.setText(item.getCommentContent());
- //点击事件
- uContent.setClickedListener(component -> {
- DependentLayout commentDialog = (DependentLayout) abilitySlice.findComponentById(ResourceTable.Id_comments_dialog);
- if (commentDialog.getVisibility() == Component.VISIBLE) {
- commentDialog.setVisibility(Component.VISIBLE);
- }
- TextField comment = (TextField) abilitySlice.findComponentById(ResourceTable.Id_comment_tf);
- comment.setText("");
- comment.setHint("回复 " + item.getuName() + ":");
- comment.requestFocus();
- });
- //评论日期
- Text uDate = (Text) cpt.findComponentById(ResourceTable.Id_comment_date);
- uDate.setText(item.getCommentDate());
- //已赞数
- Text goods = (Text) cpt.findComponentById(ResourceTable.Id_comment_goods);
- HiLog.debug(LABEL, "goods:" + item.getCommentGoods());
- goods.setText(item.getCommentGoods() + "");
- //点赞
- Image greatImage = (Image) cpt.findComponentById(ResourceTable.Id_good_icon);
- //点赞加一
- greatImage.setClickedListener(component1 -> {
- greatImage.setPixelMap(ResourceTable.Media_ic_great_red);
- goods.setTextColor(Color.RED);
- goods.setText((item.getCommentGoods() + 1) + "");
- });
- if (position == list.size() - 1) {
- Component divider = cpt.findComponentById(ResourceTable.Id_device_item_divider);
- divider.setVisibility(Component.INVISIBLE);
- }
- return cpt;
- }
- }
初始化评论列表和评论功能 VideoPlayAbilitySlice.java
- /**
- * 初始化评论列表
- */
- private void initComments(AbilitySlice slice) {
- //评论列表,以及设置点击的监听事件、传递数据
- ListContainer listContainer = (ListContainer) findComponentById(ResourceTable.Id_comments_container);
- List<CommentModel> list = new ArrayList<>();
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- CommentModel obj = new CommentModel();
- obj.setuId(i + "");
- obj.setuName(getRandomUname());
- obj.setCommentContent(getRandomText());
- obj.setCommentDate("刚刚");
- obj.setCommentGoods(new Random().nextInt(100));
- list.add(obj);
- }
- //容器绑定数据提供程序
- provider = new CommentItemProvider(this, list, slice);
- listContainer.setItemProvider(provider);
- Component sendComment = findComponentById(ResourceTable.Id_sent_comment);
- TextField comment = (TextField) findComponentById(ResourceTable.Id_comment_tf);
- //评论功能
- sendComment.setClickedListener(component -> {
- if (comment.getText().isEmpty()) {
- new ToastDialog(getContext()).setText("评论不能为空").show();
- return;
- }
- CommentModel model = new CommentModel();
- model.setCommentContent(comment.getText());
- model.setuId(UUID.randomUUID().toString());
- model.setuName("robot");
- model.setCommentDate("刚刚");
- //添加到数据提供程序中
- provider.addComment(model);
- comment.setText("");
- //评论数+1
- commentsText.setText(String.valueOf(Integer.valueOf(comments) + 1));
- new ToastDialog(getContext()).setText("评论成功").show();
- });
- }