1. 变量使用有意义的名称
变量的名称应该是可描述,有意义的, JavaScript 变量都应该采用驼峰式大小写 ( camelCase) 命名。
// Don't ❌
const foo = "JDoe@example.com";
const bar = "John";
const age = 23;
const qux = true;
// Do ✅
const email = "John@example.com";
const firstName = "John";
const age = 23;
const isActive = true
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(1) 避免添加不必要的上下文
// Don't ❌
const user = {
userId: "296e2589-7b33-400a-b762-007b730c8e6d",
userEmail: "JDoe@example.com",
userFirstName: "John",
userLastName: "Doe",
userAge: 23,
// Do ✅
const user = {
id: "296e2589-7b33-400a-b762-007b730c8e6d",
email: "JDoe@example.com",
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe",
age: 23,
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(2) 避免硬编码值
确保声明有意义且可搜索的常量,而不是直接插入一个常量值。全局常量可以采用 SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE 风格命名。
// Don't ❌
setTimeout(clearSessionData, 900000);
// Do ✅
const SESSION_DURATION_MS = 15 * 60 * 1000;
setTimeout(clearSessionData, SESSION_DURATION_MS);
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2. 函数使用有意义的名称
函数名称需要描述函数的实际作用,即使很长也没关系。函数名称通常使用动词,但返回布尔值的函数可能是个例外 — 它可以采用 是或否 问题的形式,函数名也应该是驼峰式的。
// Don't ❌
function toggle() {
// ...
function agreed(user) {
// ...
// Do ✅
function toggleThemeSwitcher() {
// ...
function didAgreeToAllTerms(user) {
// ...
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(1) 使用默认参数
默认参数比 && || 或在函数体内使用额外的条件语句更干净。
// Don't ❌
function printAllFilesInDirectory(dir) {
const dirdirectory = dir || "./";
// ...
// Do ✅
function printAllFilesInDirectory(dir = "./") {
// ...
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(2) 限制参数的数量
- 该函数做的事情太多,应该拆分。
- 传递给函数的数据以某种方式相关,可以作为专用数据结构传递。
// Don't ❌
function sendPushNotification(title, message, image, isSilent, delayMs) {
// ...
sendPushNotification("New Message", "...", "http://...", false, 1000);
// Do ✅
function sendPushNotification({ title, message, image, isSilent, delayMs }) {
// ...
const notificationConfig = {
title: "New Message",
message: "...",
image: "http://...",
isSilent: false,
delayMs: 1000,
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(3) 避免在一个函数中做太多事情
/ Don't ❌
function pingUsers(users) {
users.forEach((user) => {
const userRecord = database.lookup(user);
if (!userRecord.isActive()) {
// Do ✅
function pingInactiveUsers(users) {
function isUserActive(user) {
const userRecord = database.lookup(user);
return userRecord.isActive();
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(4) 避免使用布尔标志作为参数
// Don't ❌
function createFile(name, isPublic) {
if (isPublic) {
} else {
// Do ✅
function createFile(name) {
function createPublicFile(name) {
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(5) 避免写重复的代码
// Don't ❌
function renderCarsList(cars) {
cars.forEach((car) => {
const price = car.getPrice();
const make = car.getMake();
const brand = car.getBrand();
const nbOfDoors = car.getNbOfDoors();
render({ price, make, brand, nbOfDoors });
function renderMotorcyclesList(motorcycles) {
motorcycles.forEach((motorcycle) => {
const price = motorcycle.getPrice();
const make = motorcycle.getMake();
const brand = motorcycle.getBrand();
const seatHeight = motorcycle.getSeatHeight();
render({ price, make, brand, nbOfDoors });
// Do ✅
function renderVehiclesList(vehicles) {
vehicles.forEach((vehicle) => {
const price = vehicle.getPrice();
const make = vehicle.getMake();
const brand = vehicle.getBrand();
const data = { price, make, brand };
switch (vehicle.type) {
case "car":
data.nbOfDoors = vehicle.getNbOfDoors();
case "motorcycle":
data.seatHeight = vehicle.getSeatHeight();
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(6) 避免副作用
在 JavaScript 中,你应该更喜欢函数式模式而不是命令式模式。换句话说,大多数情况下我们都应该保持函数纯。副作用可能会修改共享状态和资源,从而导致一些奇怪的问题。所有的副作用都应该集中管理,例如你需要更改全局变量或修改文件,可以专门写一个 util 来做这件事。
// Don't ❌
let date = "21-8-2021";
function splitIntoDayMonthYear() {
datedate = date.split("-");
// Another function could be expecting date as a string
console.log(date); // ['21', '8', '2021'];
// Do ✅
function splitIntoDayMonthYear(date) {
return date.split("-");
const date = "21-8-2021";
const newDate = splitIntoDayMonthYear(date);
// Original vlaue is intact
console.log(date); // '21-8-2021';
console.log(newDate); // ['21', '8', '2021'];
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// Don't ❌
function enrollStudentInCourse(course, student) {
course.push({ student, enrollmentDate: Date.now() });
// Do ✅
function enrollStudentInCourse(course, student) {
return [...course, { student, enrollmentDate: Date.now() }];
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3. 条件语句
(1) 使用非负条件
// Don't ❌
function isUserNotVerified(user) {
// ...
if (!isUserNotVerified(user)) {
// ...
// Do ✅
function isUserVerified(user) {
// ...
if (isUserVerified(user)) {
// ...
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(2) 尽可能使用简写
// Don't ❌
if (isActive === true) {
// ...
if (firstName !== "" && firstName !== null && firstName !== undefined) {
// ...
const isUserEligible = user.isVerified() && user.didSubscribe() ? true : false;
// Do ✅
if (isActive) {
// ...
if (!!firstName) {
// ...
const isUserEligible = user.isVerified() && user.didSubscribe();
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(3) 避免过多分支
尽早 return 会使你的代码线性化、更具可读性且不那么复杂。
// Don't ❌
function addUserService(db, user) {
if (!db) {
if (!db.isConnected()) {
if (!user) {
return db.insert("users", user);
} else {
throw new Error("No user");
} else {
throw new Error("No database connection");
} else {
throw new Error("No database");
// Do ✅
function addUserService(db, user) {
if (!db) throw new Error("No database");
if (!db.isConnected()) throw new Error("No database connection");
if (!user) throw new Error("No user");
return db.insert("users", user);
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(4) 优先使用 map 而不是 switch 语句
// Don't ❌
const getColorByStatus = (status) => {
switch (status) {
case "success":
return "green";
case "failure":
return "red";
case "warning":
return "yellow";
case "loading":
return "blue";
// Do ✅
const statusColors = {
success: "green",
failure: "red",
warning: "yellow",
loading: "blue",
const getColorByStatus = (status) => statusColors[status] || "blue";
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(5) 使用可选链接
const user = {
email: "JDoe@example.com",
billing: {
iban: "...",
swift: "...",
address: {
street: "Some Street Name",
state: "CA",
// Don't ❌
const email = (user && user.email) || "N/A";
const street =
(user &&
user.billing &&
user.billing.address &&
user.billing.address.street) ||
const state =
(user &&
user.billing &&
user.billing.address &&
user.billing.address.state) ||
// Do ✅
const email = user?.email ?? "N/A";
const street = user?.billing?.address?.street ?? "N/A";
const street = user?.billing?.address?.state ?? "N/A";
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4. 并发
回调很混乱,会导致代码嵌套过深,使用 Promise 替代回调。
// Don't ❌
getUser(function (err, user) {
getProfile(user, function (err, profile) {
getAccount(profile, function (err, account) {
getReports(account, function (err, reports) {
sendStatistics(reports, function (err) {
// Do ✅
.catch((err) => console.error(err));
// or using Async/Await ✅✅
async function sendUserStatistics() {
try {
const user = await getUser();
const profile = await getProfile(user);
const account = await getAccount(profile);
const reports = await getReports(account);
return sendStatistics(reports);
} catch (e) {
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5. 错误处理
处理抛出的错误和 reject 的 promise
/ Don't ❌
try {
// Possible erronous code
} catch (e) {
// Do ✅
try {
// Possible erronous code
} catch (e) {
// Follow the most applicable (or all):
// 1- More suitable than console.log
// 2- Notify user if applicable
// 3- Report to server
// 4- Use a custom error handler
throw new CustomError(e);
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6. 注释
(1) 只注释业务逻辑
// Don't ❌
function generateHash(str) {
// Hash variable
let hash = 0;
// Get the length of the string
let length = str.length;
// If the string is empty return
if (!length) {
return hash;
// Loop through every character in the string
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
// Get character code.
const char = str.charCodeAt(i);
// Make the hash
hash = (hash << 5) - hash + char;
// Convert to 32-bit integer
hash &= hash;
// Do ✅
function generateHash(str) {
let hash = 0;
let length = str.length;
if (!length) {
return hash;
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
const char = str.charCodeAt(i);
hash = (hash << 5) - hash + char;
hashhash = hash & hash; // Convert to 32bit integer
return hash;
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(2) 使用版本控制
在代码里不需要保留历史版本的注释,想查的话你直接用 git log 就可以搜到。。
// Don't ❌
* 2021-7-21: Fixed corner case
* 2021-7-15: Improved performance
* 2021-7-10: Handled mutliple user types
function generateCanonicalLink(user) {
// const session = getUserSession(user)
const session = user.getSession();
// ...
// Do ✅
function generateCanonicalLink(user) {
const session = user.getSession();
// ...
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