首先呢,运行semantic --help获取最新的完整选项列表:
Usage: semantic parse ([--sexpression] | [--json] | [--json-graph] | [--symbols]
| [--dot] | [--show] | [--quiet]) [FILES...]
Generate parse trees for path(s)
Available options:
--sexpression Output s-expression parse trees (default)
--json Output JSON parse trees
--json-graph Output JSON adjacency list
--symbols Output JSON symbol list
--dot Output DOT graph parse trees
--show Output using the Show instance (debug only, format
subject to change without notice)
--quiet Don't produce output, but show timing stats
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def Foo(x):
return x
print Foo("hi")
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$ semantic parse
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Usage: semantic diff ([--sexpression] | [--json] | [--json-graph] | [--toc] |
[--dot] | [--show]) [FILE_A] [FILE_B]
Compute changes between paths
Available options:
--sexpression Output s-expression diff tree (default)
--json Output JSON diff trees
--json-graph Output JSON diff trees
--toc Output JSON table of contents diff summary
--dot Output the diff as a DOT graph
--show Output using the Show instance (debug only, format
subject to change without notice)
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Usage: semantic graph ([--imports] | [--calls]) [--packages] ([--dot] | [--json]
| [--show]) ([--root DIR] [--exclude-dir DIR]
DIR:LANGUAGE | FILE | --language ARG (FILES... | --stdin))
Compute a graph for a directory or from a top-level entry point module
Available options:
--imports Compute an import graph (default)
--calls Compute a call graph
--packages Include a vertex for the package, with edges from it
to each module
--dot Output in DOT graph format (default)
--json Output JSON graph
--show Output using the Show instance (debug only, format
subject to change without notice)
--root DIR Root directory of project. Optional, defaults to
entry file/directory.
--exclude-dir DIR Exclude a directory (e.g. vendor)
--language ARG The language for the analysis.
--stdin Read a list of newline-separated paths to analyze
from stdin.
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Semantic最低要求GHC 8.6.4和Cabal 2.4,建议使用ghcup沙箱GHC版本,为通过操作系统的软件包管理器安装的GHC软件包可能无法安装静态链接版本的GHC启动库。
git clone
cd semantic
cabal new-build
cabal new-test
cabal new-run semantic -- --help
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