今天分享 Python 的另一种牛的技术--闭包,可以用来作为替代递归函数。它可能不会胜过动态规划,但在思考方面要容易得多。换句话说,由于思想的抽象,我们有时可能难以使用动态规划,但是使用闭包会容易一些。
什么是 Python 闭包?
首先,让我使用一个简单的示例来说明什么是 Python 中的闭包。看下面的函数:
- def outer():
- x = 1
- def inner():
- print(f'x in outer function: {x}')
- return inner
在一个函数内部定义另外一个函数,并返回这个函数,这种特性就是闭包。检查 outer 函数的返回值,可以确认这是一个函数。
- >>> def outer():
- ... x = 1
- ... def inner():
- ... print(f'x in outer function: {x}')
- ... return inner
- ...
- >>> outer
- <function outer at 0x7fb2ecdac9d0>
- >>> outer()
- <function outer.<locals>.inner at 0x7fb2ecdaca60>
- >>>
- >>> outer()()
- x in outer function: 1
- >>>
从前述的运行结果来看,inner 函数可以访问 outer 函数内部定义的变量 x,但是却无法修改它,下面的代码运行时会报错:
- >>> def outer():
- ... x = 1
- ... def inner():
- ... print(f'x in outer function (before modifying): {x}')
- ... x += 1
- ... print(f'x in outer function (after modifying): {x}')
- ... return inner
- ...
- >>> f = outer()
- >>> f()
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
- File "<stdin>", line 4, in inner
- UnboundLocalError: local variable 'x' referenced before assignment
- >>>
为了解决这个问题,我们可以加上 nonlocal 关键字,告诉 inner 函数,这不是一个本地变量:
- >>> def outer():
- ... x = 1
- ... def inner():
- ... nonlocal x
- ... print(f'x in outer function (before modifying): {x}')
- ... x += 1
- ... print(f'x in outer function (after modifying): {x}')
- ... return inner
- ...
- >>>
- >>> f = outer()
- >>> f()
- x in outer function (before modifying): 1
- x in outer function (after modifying): 2
- >>> f()
- x in outer function (before modifying): 2
- x in outer function (after modifying): 3
- >>> f()
- x in outer function (before modifying): 3
- x in outer function (after modifying): 4
- >>>
有没有发现,x 的值竟然被保存了下来,每次调用一下,就增加了 1,这就是闭包的妙处。
- def fib():
- x1 = 0
- x2 = 1
- def get_next_number():
- nonlocal x1, x2
- x3 = x1 + x2
- x1, x2 = x2, x3
- return x3
- return get_next_number
- >>> def fib():
- ... x1 = 0
- ... x2 = 1
- ... def get_next_number():
- ... nonlocal x1, x2
- ... x3 = x1 + x2
- ... x1, x2 = x2, x3
- ... return x3
- ... return get_next_number
- ...
- >>> fibonacci = fib()
- >>> for i in range(2, 21):
- ... num = fibonacci()
- ... print(f'The {i}th Fibonacci number is {num}')
- ...
- The 2th Fibonacci number is 1
- The 3th Fibonacci number is 2
- The 4th Fibonacci number is 3
- The 5th Fibonacci number is 5
- The 6th Fibonacci number is 8
- The 7th Fibonacci number is 13
- The 8th Fibonacci number is 21
- The 9th Fibonacci number is 34
- The 10th Fibonacci number is 55
- The 11th Fibonacci number is 89
- The 12th Fibonacci number is 144
- The 13th Fibonacci number is 233
- The 14th Fibonacci number is 377
- The 15th Fibonacci number is 610
- The 16th Fibonacci number is 987
- The 17th Fibonacci number is 1597
- The 18th Fibonacci number is 2584
- The 19th Fibonacci number is 4181
- The 20th Fibonacci number is 6765
- >>>
- def fib_recursion(n:int) -> int:
- if n <= 1:
- return n
- return fib_recursion(n-1) + fib_recursion(n-2)
- def fib():
- x1 = 0
- x2 = 1
- def get_next_number():
- nonlocal x1, x2
- x3 = x1 + x2
- x1, x2 = x2, x3
- return x3
- return get_next_number
- def fib_closure(n):
- f = fib()
- for i in range(2, n+1):
- num = f()
- return num
这样使用 fib_closure(20) 就可以计算出结果:
- In [4]: fib_closure(20)
- Out[4]: 6765
- In [5]: fib_recursion(20)
- Out[5]: 6765
- In [6]:
现在使用 IPython 来测试下这两者的性能:
- In [6]: %time fib_closure(20)
- CPU times: user 10 µs, sys: 1e+03 ns, total: 11 µs
- Wall time: 14.1 µs
- Out[6]: 6765
- In [7]: %time fib_recursion(20)
- CPU times: user 2.76 ms, sys: 15 µs, total: 2.78 ms
- Wall time: 2.8 ms
- Out[7]: 6765
可以看出两差相差近 1000 倍,这还只是计算到第 20 个数的情况下,如果计算到 100,那使用递归会计算很久甚至无法计算出来。
Python 的闭包不仅仅用于替换递归,还有很多场景可以使用闭包。比如学生成绩的分类函数:
- students = {
- 'Alice': 98,
- 'Bob': 67,
- 'Chris': 85,
- 'David': 75,
- 'Ella': 54,
- 'Fiona': 35,
- 'Grace': 69
- }
- def make_student_classifier(lower_bound, upper_bound):
- def classify_student(exam_dict):
- return {k:v for (k,v) in exam_dict.items() if lower_bound <= v < upper_bound}
- return classify_student
- grade_A = make_student_classifier(80, 100)
- grade_B = make_student_classifier(70, 80)
- grade_C = make_student_classifier(50, 70)
- grade_D = make_student_classifier(0, 50)
如果分类标准变化,直接个性函数的参数即可,主要代码逻辑不变,如果想查找成绩分类为 A 的学生,只需要调用 grade_A(students) 即可:
- In [13]: grade_A(students)
- Out[13]: {'Alice': 98, 'Chris': 85}
本文介绍了一种称为 Python 闭包的技术。在大多数情况下,可以使用它来重写递归函数,并且在很大程度上优于后者。