然而几个小时后,路透社修改了这条稿件。引发热议的“封杀阿里巴巴”竟是一条彻头彻尾的假新闻,是外媒在一厢情愿“挑事”。 (路透社第一稿和改稿的截图) 经查证,特朗普并未在发布会现场提及“封杀阿里巴巴”。现场对话实录如下—— 彭博社记者:“总统先生,您已经对TikTok和微信采取了行动。 您还想禁止其他哪些中国科技公司在美国运营?” 特朗普:“嗯,最重要的是华为。 华为不在这里,华为我不允许。 我已经告诉欧洲国家和其他国家。以澳大利亚为例。但是华为不会来这里。我们告诉了某些国家和地区我们对华为的看法,可以使用它们,但是我们不会共享情报,他们都放弃了。你看英国,看起来他们一直在走,现在他们退出了。” 彭博社记者:“有没有特定的公司?” 特朗普:“我们在看其他事情。 我想我们是的。” 彭博社记者:“阿里巴巴?” 从现场视频来看,特朗普似乎没有听到记者最后补充的“阿里巴巴?”,发布会继续进行下去了。 美国已在周五要求TikTok的母公司字节跳动在90天内剥离TikTok在美国的业务。美国接下来是否会对其他中国公司施加压力,广受关注。 但在刚刚这场发布会上,所谓“封杀”不但没有得到证实,甚至不是个正式的问题,难怪路透社这么快就修改了稿件内容!
附:发布会问答原文 - Bloomberg: “Mr. President, you’ve already taken action on TikTok and WeChat. Which other Chinese tech companies are you looking at banning from operating in the United States?” - Trump: “Well, the big thing is Huawei, right? Huawei is not here, and Huawei I am not allowing. And I’ve told European countries and others. Australia has been fantastic as an example. But Huawei is not coming here. And we told certain countries what we think about Huawei, and it’s ok you can use them, but we are not gonna be sharing intelligence, and they’ve all backed away. You look at the UK; look like they were going that way, and now they backed out. Scotland Yard…” - Bloomberg: “Are there any particular companies” - Trump: “Well, we are looking at other things. Yes, we are. We are.” - Bloomberg: “……Alibaba?”