今天主要介绍Oracle数据库在并行操作过程中 slave 进程和 QC 进程经常遇到的等待事件及常用脚本。
一、PX Deq: Execution Msg,PX Deq: Execute Reply等待事件
1. PX Deq: Execution Msg
Occurs when a parallel slave is waiting to be told what to do. This is normally considered an idle event, but can cause excessive CPU in some cases. |
该事件是并行查询中的常见事件。当PQ slave进程在等待QC告诉它要做什么的时候就会出现此事件(eg: when waiting to be told parse / execute / fetch etc..)
v$session_wait 中该等待事件对应的参数:
- P1 = sleeptime/senderid
- P2 = passes
- P3 = not used
- undef p1
- declare
- inst varchar(20);
- sender varchar(20);
- begin
- select bitand(&&p1, 16711680) - 65535 as SNDRINST,
- decode(bitand(&&p1, 65535),65535, 'QC', 'P'||to_char(bitand(&&p1, 65535),'fm000') ) as SNDR
- into inst , sender
- from dual
- where bitand(&&p1, 268435456) = 268435456;
- dbms_output.put_line('Instance = '||inst);
- dbms_output.put_line('Sender = '||sender );
- end;
- /
如果P1的值为空,则意味slave 不需要等待任何进程
- Instance = 1
- Sender = P012
passes 进程在得到信息之前循环轮转等待的次数
作为 Coordinator 的 Process 在获取 Slave 进程的数据时,反应太慢了,导致某些 Slave进行因为 Queue 满而不得不等待,进而拖慢了整个并行执行的速度。
这常常是由于 CPU 数目不足或者 系统中运行的 进程太多导致。可考虑 减小并行度。
2. PX Deq: Execute Reply
Occurs when the query coordinator is waiting for a response from a parallel slave. This is normally considered an idle event, but can cause excessive CPU in some cases.
Waiting Process: QC |
协调器正在等待一个 从slaves 进程对控制信息的响应(确认通知)或者期望从slave进程集中获取数据。这个等待事件意味着QC等待slaves结束执行sql 并且将结果集发送给QC
v$session_wait 中该等待事件对应的参数:
- P1 = sleeptime/senderid
- P2 = passes
- P3 = not used
- undef p1
- declare
- inst varchar(20);
- sender varchar(20);
- begin
- select bitand(&&p1, 16711680) - 65535 as SNDRINST,
- decode(bitand(&&p1, 65535),65535, 'QC', 'P'||to_char(bitand(&&p1, 65535),'fm000') ) as SNDR
- into inst , sender
- from dual
- where bitand(&&p1, 268435456) = 268435456;
- dbms_output.put_line('Instance = '||inst);
- dbms_output.put_line('Sender = '||sender );
- end;
- /
如果P1的值为空,则意味slave 不需要等待任何进程
- Instance = 1
- Sender = P012
等待时间:这是非空闲等待时间,QC 等待从slave 的响应或者查询的数据结果
解决办法:非优化的sql语句肯能是导致此等待事件的原因:slaves 需要花费很长时间来执行sql 语句而qc又在等待slave返回数据。
优化sql,查看slave 在执行的语句以及其执行计划,并做出尽量的优化,以便减少slave执行sql语句的时间!
1. gives an overview of all running parallel queries with all slaves.It shows the if a slave is waiting and for what event it waits.
- select decode(px.qcinst_id,
- username,
- ' - ' ||
- lower(substr(pp.SERVER_NAME, length(pp.SERVER_NAME) - 4, 4))) "Username",
- decode(px.qcinst_id, NULL, 'QC', '(Slave)') "QC/Slave",
- to_char(px.server_set) "SlaveSet",
- to_char(s.sid) "SID",
- to_char(px.inst_id) "Slave INST",
- decode(sw.state, 'WAITING', 'WAIT', 'NOT WAIT') as STATE,
- case sw.state
- substr(sw.event, 1, 30)
- end as wait_event,
- decode(px.qcinst_id, NULL, to_char(s.sid), px.qcsid) "QC SID",
- to_char(px.qcinst_id) "QC INST",
- px.req_degree "Req. DOP",
- px.degree "Actual DOP"
- from gv$px_session px, gv$session s, gv$px_process pp, gv$session_wait sw
- where px.sid = s.sid(+)
- and px.serial# = s.serial#(+)
- and px.inst_id = s.inst_id(+)
- and px.sid = pp.sid(+)
- and px.serial# = pp.serial#(+)
- and ssw.sid = s.sid
- and ssw.inst_id = s.inst_id
- order by decode(px.QCINST_ID, NULL, px.INST_ID, px.QCINST_ID),
- px.QCSID,
- decode(px.SERVER_GROUP, NULL, 0, px.SERVER_GROUP),
- px.INST_ID /
2. shows for the PX Deq events the processes that are exchange data.
- select sw.SID as RCVSID,
- decode(pp.server_name, NULL, 'A QC', pp.server_name) as RCVR,
- sw.inst_id as RCVRINST,
- case sw.state
- substr(sw.event, 1, 30)
- end as wait_event,
- decode(bitand(p1, 65535),
- 65535,
- 'QC',
- 'P' || to_char(bitand(p1, 65535), 'fm000')) as SNDR,
- bitand(p1, 16711680) - 65535 as SNDRINST,
- decode(bitand(p1, 65535),
- 65535,
- ps.qcsid,
- (select sid
- from gv$px_process
- where server_name =
- 'P' || to_char(bitand(sw.p1, 65535), 'fm000')
- and inst_id = bitand(sw.p1, 16711680) - 65535)) as SNDRSID,
- decode(sw.state, 'WAITING', 'WAIT', 'NOT WAIT') as STATE
- from gv$session_wait sw, gv$px_process pp, gv$px_session ps
- where sw.sid = pp.sid(+)
- and sw.inst_id = pp.inst_id(+)
- and sw.sid = ps.sid(+)
- and sw.inst_id = ps.inst_id(+)
- and p1text = 'sleeptime/senderid'
- and bitand(p1, 268435456) = 268435456
- order by decode(ps.QCINST_ID, NULL, ps.INST_ID, ps.QCINST_ID),
- ps.QCSID,
- decode(ps.SERVER_GROUP, NULL, 0, ps.SERVER_GROUP),
- ps.INST_ID
3. shows for long running processes what are the slaves do.
- select decode(px.qcinst_id,
- username,
- ' - ' ||
- lower(substr(pp.SERVER_NAME, length(pp.SERVER_NAME) - 4, 4))) "Username",
- decode(px.qcinst_id, NULL, 'QC', '(Slave)') "QC/Slave",
- to_char(px.server_set) "SlaveSet",
- to_char(px.inst_id) "Slave INST",
- substr(opname, 1, 30) operation_name,
- substr(target, 1, 30) target,
- sofar,
- totalwork,
- units,
- start_time,
- timestamp,
- decode(px.qcinst_id, NULL, to_char(s.sid), px.qcsid) "QC SID",
- to_char(px.qcinst_id) "QC INST"
- from gv$px_session px, gv$px_process pp, gv$session_longops s
- where px.sid = s.sid
- and px.serial# = s.serial#
- and px.inst_id = s.inst_id
- and px.sid = pp.sid(+)
- and px.serial# = pp.serial#(+)
- order by decode(px.QCINST_ID, NULL, px.INST_ID, px.QCINST_ID),
- px.QCSID,
- decode(px.SERVER_GROUP, NULL, 0, px.SERVER_GROUP),
- px.INST_ID