
- SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/ashrpt.sql
- --To specify absolute begin time:
- --[MM/DD/YY]] HH24:MI[:SS]
- --08/09/19 08:40:00

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从上面分析可以看到两个明显的等待事件:wait for stopper event to be increased 等待事件和wait for a undo record 等待事件,这个应该是批量任务调度的时候产生了大量的大事务,产生了一些回滚造成了严重的资源消耗
一般情况下wait for stopper event to be increased 等待事件是跟wait for a undo record 等待事件联系起来的。
- 464246.1
- Sometimes Parallel Rollback of Large Transaction may become very slow. After killing a large running transaction
- (either by killing the shadow process or aborting the database) then database seems to hang, or smon and parallel query servers
- taking all the available cpu.
- In fast-start parallel rollback, the background process Smon acts as a coordinator and rolls back a set of transactions in parallel
- using multiple server processes. Fast start parallel rollback is mainly useful when a system has transactions that run a long time
- before comitting, especially parallel Inserts, Updates, Deletes operations. When Smon discovers that the amount of recovery work is
- above a certain threshold, it automatically begins parallel rollback by dispersing the work among several parallel processes.
- There are cases where parallel transaction recovery is not as fast as serial transaction recovery, because the pq slaves are interfering
- with each other. It looks like the changes made by this transaction cannot be recovered in parallel without causing a performance problem.
- The parallel rollback slave processes are most likely contending for the same resource, which results in even worse rollback performance
- compared to a serial rollback.
- --关掉并发回滚,变成串行回滚(直接重启解决)
- sql> alter system set fast_start_parallel_rollback = false scope=spfile;

通常,如果有很多并发进程,可以根据v$px_session视图去查看,查看v$px_session视图,发现所有的并发进程都是由smon进程导致(即qcsid列为smon进程的session id)
而smon进程的等待事件为wait for stopper event to be increased
即smon进程在做大事务的回滚,默认参数fast_start_parallel_rollback参数为low,即回滚时会启动2*CPU个数 个并发进程。而由于是使用并发,所以可能由于并发之间相互使用共同的资源,导致回滚速度更慢。因为是生产环境,不能随便重启,所以我用了下面的方法来修改这个参数:
- select pid,spid,pname,username,tracefile from v$process where pname='SMON'

(2)禁用smon进程的事务清理(Disable SMON transaction cleanup)
- oradebug setorapid 'SMON's Oracle PID';
- oradebug event 10513 trace name context forever, level 2


- alter system set fast_start_parallel_rollback=false;
(5)启用smon进程的事务清理(enable transaction recovery)
- oradebug setorapid 'SMON's Oracle PID';
- oradebug event 10513 trace name context off
(6)获得tracefile name
- oradebug tracefile_name

