大吉大利,今晚吃鸡~ 今天跟朋友玩了几把吃鸡,经历了各种死法,还被嘲笑说论女生吃鸡的100种死法,比如被拳头抡死、跳伞落到房顶边缘摔死 、把吃鸡玩成飞车被车技秀死、被队友用燃烧瓶烧死的。这种游戏对我来说就是一个让我明白原来还有这种死法的游戏。但是玩归玩,还是得假装一下我沉迷学习,所以今天就用吃鸡比赛的真实数据来看看如何提高你吃鸡的概率。
- import numpy as np
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import pandas as pd
- import seaborn as sns
- from scipy.misc.pilutil import imread
- import matplotlib.cm as cm
- #导入部分数据
- deaths1 = pd.read_csv("deaths/kill_match_stats_final_0.csv")
- deaths2 = pd.read_csv("deaths/kill_match_stats_final_1.csv")
- deaths = pd.concat([deaths1, deaths2])
- #打印前5列,理解变量
- print (deaths.head(),'\n',len(deaths))
- #两种地图
- miramar = deaths[deaths["map"] == "MIRAMAR"]
- erangel = deaths[deaths["map"] == "ERANGEL"]
- #开局前100秒死亡热力图
- position_data = ["killer_position_x","killer_position_y","victim_position_x","victim_position_y"]
- for position in position_data:
- miramar[position] = miramar[position].apply(lambda x: x*1000/800000)
- miramar = miramar[miramar[position] != 0]
- erangel[position] = erangel[position].apply(lambda x: x*4096/800000)
- erangel = erangel[erangel[position] != 0]
- n = 50000
- mira_sample = miramar[miramar["time"] < 100].sample(n)
- eran_sample = erangel[erangel["time"] < 100].sample(n)
- # miramar热力图
- bg = imread("miramar.jpg")
- fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(15,15))
- ax.imshow(bg)
- sns.kdeplot(mira_sample["victim_position_x"], mira_sample["victim_position_y"],n_levels=100, cmap=cm.Reds, alpha=0.9)
- # erangel热力图
- bg = imread("erangel.jpg")
- fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(15,15))
- ax.imshow(bg)
- sns.kdeplot(eran_sample["victim_position_x"], eran_sample["victim_position_y"], n_levels=100,cmap=cm.Reds, alpha=0.9)
- library(dplyr)
- library(tidyverse)
- library(data.table)
- library(ggplot2)
- pubg_full <- fread("../agg_match_stats.csv")
- # 吃鸡团队平均击杀敌人的数量
- attach(pubg_full)
- pubg_winner <- pubg_full %>% filter(team_placement==1&party_size<4&game_size>90)
- detach(pubg_full)
- team_killed <- aggregate(pubg_winner$player_kills, by=list(pubg_winner$match_id,pubg_winner$team_id), FUN="mean")
- team_killed$death_num <- ceiling(team_killed$x)
- ggplot(data = team_killed) + geom_bar(mapping = aes(x = death_num, y = ..count..), color="steelblue") +
- xlim(0,70) + labs(title = "Number of Death that PUBG Winner team Killed", x="Number of death")
- # 吃鸡团队最后存活的玩家击杀数量
- pubg_winner <- pubg_full %>% filter(pubg_full$team_placement==1) %>% group_by(match_id,team_id)
- attach(pubg_winner)
- team_leader <- aggregate(player_survive_time~player_kills, data = pubg_winner, FUN="max")
- detach(pubg_winner)
- # 吃鸡团队中击杀敌人最多的数量
- pubg_winner <- pubg_full %>% filter(pubg_full$team_placement==1&pubg_full$party_size>1)
- attach(pubg_winner)
- team_leader <- aggregate(player_kills, by=list(match_id,team_id), FUN="max")
- detach(pubg_winner)
- ggplot(data = team_leader) + geom_bar(mapping = aes(x = x, y = ..count..), color="steelblue") +
- xlim(0,70) + labs(title = "Number of Death that PUBG Winner Killed", x="Number of death")
- #杀人武器排名
- death_causes = deaths['killed_by'].value_counts()
- ns.set_context('talk')
- fig = plt.figure(figsize=(30, 10))
- ax = sns.barplot(x=death_causes.index, y=[v / sum(death_causes) for v in death_causes.values])
- ax.set_title('Rate of Death Causes')
- ax.set_xticklabels(death_causes.index, rotation=90)
- #排名前20的武器
- rank = 20
- fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
- ax = sns.barplot(x=death_causes[:rank].index, y=[v / sum(death_causes) for v in death_causes[:rank].values])
- ax.set_title('Rate of Death Causes')
- ax.set_xticklabels(death_causes.index, rotation=90)
- #两个地图分开取
- f, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(30, 10))
- axes[0].set_title('Death Causes Rate: Erangel (Top {})'.format(rank))
- axes[1].set_title('Death Causes Rate: Miramar (Top {})'.format(rank))
- counts_er = erangel['killed_by'].value_counts()
- counts_mr = miramar['killed_by'].value_counts()
- sns.barplot(x=counts_er[:rank].index, y=[v / sum(counts_er) for v in counts_er.values][:rank], ax=axes[0] )
- sns.barplot(x=counts_mr[:rank].index, y=[v / sum(counts_mr) for v in counts_mr.values][:rank], ax=axes[1] )
- axes[0].set_ylim((0, 0.20))
- axes[0].set_xticklabels(counts_er.index, rotation=90)
- axes[1].set_ylim((0, 0.20))
- axes[1].set_xticklabels(counts_mr.index, rotation=90)
- #吃鸡和武器的关系
- win = deaths[deaths["killer_placement"] == 1.0]
- win_causes = win['killed_by'].value_counts()
- sns.set_context('talk')
- fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
- ax = sns.barplot(x=win_causes[:20].index, y=[v / sum(win_causes) for v in win_causes[:20].values])
- ax.set_title('Rate of Death Causes of Win')
- ax.set_xticklabels(win_causes.index, rotation=90)
- library(dplyr)
- 2library(tidyverse)
- 3library(data.table)
- 4library(ggplot2)
- 5pubg_full <- fread("E:/aggregate/agg_match_stats_0.csv")
- 6attach(pubg_full)
- 7pubg_winner <- pubg_full %>% filter(team_placement==1)
- 8detach(pubg_full)
- 9ggplot(data = pubg_winner) + geom_bar(mapping = aes(x = player_assists, y = ..count..), fill="#E69F00") +
- 10 xlim(0,10) + labs(title = "Number of Player assisted", x="Number of death")
- 11ggplot(data = pubg_winner) + geom_bar(mapping = aes(x = player_assists, y = ..prop..), fill="#56B4E9") +
- 12 xlim(0,10) + labs(title = "Number of Player assisted", x="Number of death")
- # python代码:杀人和距离的关系
- import math
- def get_dist(df): #距离函数
- dist = []
- for row in df.itertuples():
- subset = (row.killer_position_x - row.victim_position_x)**2 + (row.killer_position_y - row.victim_position_y)**2
- if subset > 0:
- dist.append(math.sqrt(subset) / 100)
- else:
- dist.append(0)
- return dist
- df_dist = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'dist(m)': get_dist(erangel)})
- df_dist.index = erangel.index
- erangel_dist = pd.concat([erangel,df_dist], axis=1)
- df_dist = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'dist(m)': get_dist(miramar)})
- df_dist.index = miramar.index
- miramar_dist = pd.concat([miramar,df_dist], axis=1)
- f, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(30, 10))
- plot_dist = 150
- axes[0].set_title('Engagement Dist. : Erangel')
- axes[1].set_title('Engagement Dist.: Miramar')
- plot_dist_er = erangel_dist[erangel_dist['dist(m)'] <= plot_dist]
- plot_dist_mr = miramar_dist[miramar_dist['dist(m)'] <= plot_dist]
- sns.distplot(plot_dist_er['dist(m)'], ax=axes[0])
- sns.distplot(plot_dist_mr['dist(m)'], ax=axes[1])
- # R语言代码如下:
- library(magrittr)
- library(dplyr)
- library(survival)
- library(tidyverse)
- library(data.table)
- library(ggplot2)
- library(survminer)
- pubg_full <- fread("../agg_match_stats.csv")
- # 数据预处理,将连续变量划为分类变量
- pubg_sub <- pubg_full %>%
- filter(player_survive_time<2100) %>%
- mutate(drive = ifelse(player_dist_ride>0, 1, 0)) %>%
- mutate(size = ifelse(game_size<33, 1,ifelse(game_size>=33 &game_size<66,2,3)))
- # 创建生存对象
- surv_object <- Surv(time = pubg_sub$player_survive_time)
- fit1 <- survfit(surv_object~party_size,data = pubg_sub)
- # 可视化生存率
- ggsurvplot(fit1, data = pubg_sub, pval = TRUE, xlab="Playing time [s]", surv.median.line="hv",
- legend.labs=c("SOLO","DUO","SQUAD"), ggtheme = theme_light(),risk.table="percentage")
- fit2 <- survfit(surv_object~drive,data=pubg_sub)
- ggsurvplot(fit2, data = pubg_sub, pval = TRUE, xlab="Playing time [s]", surv.median.line="hv",
- legend.labs=c("walk","walk&drive"), ggtheme = theme_light(),risk.table="percentage")
- fit3 <- survfit(surv_object~size,data=pubg_sub)
- ggsurvplot(fit3, data = pubg_sub, pval = TRUE, xlab="Playing time [s]", surv.median.line="hv",
- legend.labs=c("small","medium","big"), ggtheme = theme_light(),risk.table="percentage")
- #最后毒圈位置
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import pandas as pd
- import seaborn as sns
- from scipy.misc.pilutil import imread
- import matplotlib.cm as cm
- #导入部分数据
- deaths = pd.read_csv("deaths/kill_match_stats_final_0.csv")
- #导入aggregate数据
- aggregate = pd.read_csv("aggregate/agg_match_stats_0.csv")
- print(aggregate.head())
- #找出最后三人死亡的位置
- team_win = aggregate[aggregate["team_placement"]==1] #排名第一的队伍
- #找出每次比赛第一名队伍活的最久的那个player
- grouped = team_win.groupby('match_id').apply(lambda t: t[t.player_survive_time==t.player_survive_time.max()])
- deaths_solo = deaths[deaths['match_id'].isin(grouped['match_id'].values)]
- deaths_solo_er = deaths_solo[deaths_solo['map'] == 'ERANGEL']
- deaths_solo_mr = deaths_solo[deaths_solo['map'] == 'MIRAMAR']
- df_second_er = deaths_solo_er[(deaths_solo_er['victim_placement'] == 2)].dropna()
- df_second_mr = deaths_solo_mr[(deaths_solo_mr['victim_placement'] == 2)].dropna()
- print (df_second_er)
- position_data = ["killer_position_x","killer_position_y","victim_position_x","victim_position_y"]
- for position in position_data:
- df_second_mr[position] = df_second_mr[position].apply(lambda x: x*1000/800000)
- df_second_mr = df_second_mr[df_second_mr[position] != 0]
- df_second_er[position] = df_second_er[position].apply(lambda x: x*4096/800000)
- df_second_er = df_second_er[df_second_er[position] != 0]
- df_second_er=df_second_er
- # erangel热力图
- sns.set_context('talk')
- bg = imread("erangel.jpg")
- fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(15,15))
- ax.imshow(bg)
- sns.kdeplot(df_second_er["victim_position_x"], df_second_er["victim_position_y"], cmap=cm.Blues, alpha=0.7,shade=True)
- # miramar热力图
- bg = imread("miramar.jpg")
- fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(15,15))
- ax.imshow(bg)
- sns.kdeplot(df_second_mr["victim_position_x"], df_second_mr["victim_position_y"], cmap=cm.Blues,alpha=0.8,shade=True)