嗦一嗦MySQL 8.0的新特性(三)

数据库 MySQL
MySQL8.0 GA版本发布了,展现了众多新特性,本系列译文将整理为3篇,本文为第三篇(完结篇),为大家介绍升级的部分新特性。

 嗦一嗦MySQL 8.0的新特性(三)

MySQL8.0 GA版本发布了,展现了众多新特性,本系列译文将整理为3篇,本文为第三篇(完结篇),为大家介绍升级的部分新特性。

第一篇MySQL 8.0的新特性(一)

第二篇MySQL 8.0的新特性(二)


  • 提高信息视图库的性能 


MySQL 8.0 reimplements Information Schema. In the new implementation the Information Schema tables are simple views on data dictionary tables stored in InnoDB. This is by far more efficient than the old implementation with up to 100 times speedup. This makes Information Schema practically usable by external tooling. See blog posts by Gopal Shankar here and here , and the blog post by Ståle Deraas here.

  • 提高性能信息库的速度 





根据查询,索引会避免全表扫描的需求,而且会返回一个相当精巧的数据集。对show indexes来说,性能信息库的索引是不可见的,但是会出现在explain的结果中和其有关的部分。

MySQL 8.0 speeds up performance schema queries by adding more than 100 indexes on performance schema tables. The indexes on performance schema tables are predefined. They cannot be deleted,added or altered. A performance schema index is implemented as a filtered scan across the existing table data, rather than a traversal through a separate data structure. There are no B-trees or hash tables to be constructed, updated or otherwise managed. 

Performance Schema tables indexes behave like hash indexes in that a) they quickly retrieve the desired rows, and b) do not provide row ordering, leaving the server to sort the result set if necessary. 

However, depending on the query, indexes obviate the need for a full table scan and will return a considerably smaller result set. Performance schema indexes are visible with SHOW INDEXES and are represented in the EXPLAIN output for queries that reference indexed columns. See comment from Simon Mudd. See blog post by Marc Alff here.

  • 参数配置


MySQL 8.0 adds useful information about configuration variables, such as the variable name, min/max values, where the current value came from, who made the change and when it was made. This information is found in a new performance schema table called variables_info. See blog post by Satish Bharathy here.

  • 客户端错误报告信息统计

8.0版本使得查看服务端曝出的客户端错误信息汇总统计成为可能。用户可以在五个不同的表中查看统计信息:Global count, summary per thread, summary per user, summary per host, 和summary per account。

用户可以查看单个错误信息的次数,被SQL exception句柄处理过的数量,第一次发生的时间戳,最近一次的时间戳。给予用户适当的权限后,用户既可以用select从中查询,也可以使用truncate进行重置统计数据。

MySQL 8.0 makes it possible to look at aggregated counts of client error messagesreported by the server.The user can look at statistics from 5 different tables: Global count, summary per thread, summary per user, summary per host, or summary per account. 

For each error message the user can see the number of errors raised, the number of errors handled by the SQL exception handler, “first seen” timestamp, and “last seen” timestamp. Given the right privileges the user can either SELECTfrom these tables or TRUNCATE to reset statistics. See blog post by Mayank Prasad here.

  • 语句延迟直方图 



MySQL 8.0 provides performance schema histograms of statements latency, for the purpose of better visibility of query response times. This work also computes “P95”, “P99” and “P999” percentiles from collected histograms.

 These percentiles can be used as indicators of quality of service. See blog post by Frédéric Descamps here.

  • 图形化数据依赖关系锁 


MySQL 8.0 instruments data locks in the performance schema. When transaction A is locking row R, and transaction B is waiting on this very same row, B is effectively blocked by A. The added instrumentation exposes which data is locked (R), who owns the lock (A), and who is waiting for the data (B). See blog post by Frédéric Descamps here.

  • 查询样例摘要


为了捕获一个真实的查询,并让用户进行explain,并获取查询计划,现增加了一列QUERY_SAMPLE_TEXT 。

为了捕获查询样例时间戳,增加了一列QUERY_SAMPLE_SEEN 。

为了捕获查询执行时间,增加了一列 QUERY_SAMPLE_TIMER_WAIT 。

同时FIRST_SEEN 和 LAST_SEEN 列被修改为可以使用带小数的秒。

MySQL 8.0 makes some changes to the events_statements_summary_by_digestperformance schema table to capture a full example query and some key information about this query example. The column QUERY_SAMPLE_TEXT is added to capture a query sample so that users can run EXPLAIN on a real query and to get a query plan. 

The column QUERY_SAMPLE_SEEN is added to capture the query sample timestamp. 

The column QUERY_SAMPLE_TIMER_WAIT is added to capture the query sample execution time. 

The columns FIRST_SEEN and LAST_SEEN have been modified to use fractional seconds. See blog post by Frédéric Descamps here.

  • 生产者的元信息 

8.0版本在性能信息库的 setup_instruments表上增加了诸如属性,易变的,文档等元信息。这些只读信息作为生产者的在线文档被用户或者工具查阅。

MySQL 8.0 adds meta-data such as properties, volatility, and documentation to the performance schema tablesetup_instruments. This read only meta-data act as online documentation for instruments, to be looked at by users or tools. See blog post by Frédéric Descamps here.

  • 错误记录

8.0版本 带来了对错误日志的重要的改革。从软件架构的角度来说,错误日志成为了新的服务架构的一部分。这意味着高级用户可以根据需要写出自己的错误日志实现。虽然大多数用户并不想这么做,但是或许会在如何写,写在何处上要求有些变通的空间。




MySQL 8.0 delivers a major overhaul of the MySQL error log. From a software architecture perspective the error log is made a component in the new service infrastructure. This means that advanced users can write their own error log implementation if desired. Most users will not want to write their own error log implementation but still want some flexibility in what to write and where to write it. 

Hence, 8.0 offers users facilities to add sinks (where) and filters (what). MySQL 8.0 implements a filtering service (API) and a default filtering service implementation (component). 

Filtering here means to suppress certain log messages (selection) and/or fields within a given log message (projection). MySQL 8.0 implements a log writer service (API) and a default log writer service implementation (component).

 Log writers accept a log event and write it to a log. This log can be a classic file, syslog, EventLog and a new JSON log writer.


By default, without any configuration, MySQL 8.0 delivers many out-of-the-box error log improvements such as:

  • 错误编码: 编码格式现在为MY开头的10000系列数据。比如: “MY-10001”。错误编号在GA版本中将不会变化,但是其代表的含义可能在之后的维护性版本发布中做一些改变。

Error numbering: The format is a number in the 10000 series preceded by “MY-“, for example “MY-10001”. Error numbers will be stable in a GA release, but the corresponding error texts are allowed to change (i.e. improve) in maintenance releases.

  • 系统信息:系统性的信息[System]替换了之前的 [Error](指之前错误日志是系统性相关,但是前缀为[Error]的错误信息),增加到错误日志中。

System messages: System messages are written to the error log as [System] instead of [Error], [Warning], [Note]. [System] and [Error] messages are printed regardless of verbosity and cannot be suppressed. [System] messages are only used in a few places, mainly associated with major state transitions such as starting or stopping the server.

  • 错误日志详细度减弱: 默认的错误日志详细信息级别log_error_verbosity 从3(输出)改成了2(输出警告级别及以上)

Reduced verbosity: The default of log_error_verbosity changes from 3 (Notes) to 2 (Warning). This makes MySQL 8.0 error log less verbose by default.

  • 信息源部分:每个信息前面都加了[Server], [InnoDB], [Replic] 三个其中之一的注释,以显示信息是从哪个子系统中输出的。

Source Component: Each message is annotated with one of three values [Server], [InnoDB], [Replic] showing which sub-system the message is coming from.


This is what is written to the error log in 8.0 GA after startup :


1234 2018-03-08T10:14:29.289863Z 0 [System][MY-010116] [Server] /usr/sbin/mysqld (mysqld 8.0.5) starting as process 8063 2018-03-08T10:14:29.745356Z 0 [Warning][MY-010068] [Server] CA certificate ca.pem is self signed. 2018-03-08T10:14:29.765159Z 0 [System][MY-010931] [Server] /usr/sbin/mysqld: ready for connections. Version: '8.0.5' socket: '/tmp/mysql.sock' port: 3306 Source distribution. 2018-03-08T10:16:51.343979Z 0 [System][MY-010910] [Server] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Shutdown complete (mysqld 8.0.5) Source distribution.

新引入的错误编码方式允许 MySQL在需要的情况下在以后的维护性版本发布中,不改变错误编号的情况下改进错误详细信息。同时错误编号还可以用于在客制化中作为过滤/屏蔽错误信息的实施基础.

The introduction of error numbering in the error log allows MySQL to improve an error text in upcoming maintenance releases (if needed) while keeping the error number (ID) unchanged. Error numbers also act as the basis for filtering/suppression and internationalization/localization.

二、可管理性 Manageability

  • 不可见索引




MySQL 8.0 adds the capability of toggling the visibility of an index (visible/invisible). An invisible index is not considered by the optimizer when it makes the query execution plan. However, the index is still maintained in the background so it is cheap to make it visible again. 

The purpose of this is for a DBA / DevOp to determine whether an index can be dropped or not. If you suspect an index of not being used you first make it invisible, then monitor query performance, and finally remove the index if no query slow down is experienced. 

This feature has been asked for by many users, for example through Bug#70299. See blog post by Martin Hansson here.

  • 灵活的Undo表空间管理 


MySQL 8.0 gives the user full control over Undo tablespaces, i.e. how manytablespaces, where are they placed, and how many rollback segments in each.


No more Undo log in the System tablespace. Undo log is migrated out of the System tablespace and into Undo tablespaces during upgrade. This gives an upgrade path for existing 5.7 installation using the system tablespace for undo logs.


*Undo tablespaces can be managed separately from the System tablespace.*For example, Undo tablespaces can be put on fast storage.


Reclaim space taken by unusually large transactions (online). A minimum of two Undo tablespaces are created to allow for tablespace truncation. This allows InnoDB to shrink the undo tablespace because one Undo tablespace can be active while the other is truncated.


More rollback segments results in less contention. The user might choose to have up to 127 Undo tablespaces, each one having up to 128 rollback segments. More rollback segments mean that concurrent transactions are more likely to use separate rollback segments for their undo logs which results in less contention for the same resources.

See blog post by Kevin Lewis here.

  • 将全局参数设置持久化


MySQL 8.0 makes it possible to persist global, dynamic server variables. Many server variables are both GLOBAL and DYNAMIC and can be reconfigured while the server is running. For example: SET GLOBAL sql_mode='STRICT_TRANS_TABLES';However, such settings are lost upon a server restart.

这就让 SET PERSIST sql_mode='STRICT_TRANS_TABLES';的写法成为可能。这样就可以在重启后,参数设定值仍会留存。这个功能的使用场景很多,但是最重要的是给出了一个在更改配置文件不方便或者根本无法做到的情况下的选择。

比如某些托管的场景下,你根本没有文件系统的访问权限,仅有连入数据库服务的权限。和 SET GLOBAL 相同,SET PERSIST也需要super权限。

This work makes it possible to write SET PERSIST sql_mode='STRICT_TRANS_TABLES';The effect is that the setting will survive a server restart. There are many usage scenarios for this functionality but most importantly it gives a way to manage server settings when editing the configuration files is inconvenient or not an option. 

For example in some hosted environments you don’t have file system access, all that you have is the ability to connect to one or more servers. As for SET GLOBAL you need the super privilege for SET PERSIST.

除此之外还有 RESET PERSIST 命令,可以将之前使用SET PERSIST命令更改后参数值的持久化特性取消掉,让这个参数值和 SET GLOBAL设置的一样,下次启动可能会丢失。

There is also the RESET PERSIST command. The RESET PERSIST command has the semantic of removing the configuration variable from the persist configuration, thus converting it to have similar behavior as SET GLOBAL.

8.0版本也允许对大部分当前启动环境下的只读参数进行 SET PERSIST 更改,在下次启动时会生效。当然了部分只读参数是无法被设置更改的。

MySQL 8.0 allows SET PERSIST to set most read-only variables as well, the new values will here take effect at the next server restart. Note that a small subset of read-only variables are left intentionally not settable. See blog post by Satish Bharathy here.

  • 远程管理 

8.0版本增加了RESTART命令。其用途是用来允许通过SQL连接来允许远程管理MySQL实例。比如通过 SET PERSIST 命令更改了只读参数后,可以用这个命令来重启MySQL实例。


MySQL 8.0 implements an SQL RESTART command. The purpose is to enable remote management of a MySQL server over an SQL connection, for example to set a non-dynamic configuration variable by SET PERSIST followed by a RESTART. 

See blog post MySQL 8.0: changing configuration easily and cloud friendly ! by Frédéric Descamps.

  • 重命名表空间 

8.0版本增加了 ALTER TABLESPACE s1 RENAME TO s2;功能,通用表空间或者共享表空间都可以被用户创建,更改,删除。

MySQL 8.0 implements ALTER TABLESPACE s1 RENAME TO s2; A shared/general tablespace is a user-visible entity which users can CREATE, ALTER, and DROP. See also Bug#26949, Bug#32497, and Bug#58006.

  • 列重命名

8.0版本支持 ALTER TABLE ... RENAME COLUMN old_name TO new_name;,这相对于现有的ALTER TABLE <table_name> CHANGE …语法(需要注明当前列所有属性)来说是个改进。


MySQL 8.0 implements ALTER TABLE ... RENAME COLUMN old_name TO new_name;This is an improvement over existing syntax ALTER TABLE <table_name> CHANGE … which requires re-specification of all the attributes of the column. 

The old/existing syntax has the disadvantage that all the column information might not be available to the application trying to do the rename. There is also a risk of accidental data type change in the old/existing syntax which might result in data loss.


  • 新的默认验证插件 



MySQL 8.0 changes the default authentication plugin from mysql_native_passwordto caching_sha2_password. Correspondingly, libmysqlclient will use caching_sha2_password as the default authentication mechanism, too. 

The new caching_sha2_password combines better security (SHA2 algorithm) with high performance (caching). The general direction is that we recommend all users to use TLS/SSL for all their network communication. See blog post by Harin Vadodaria here.

  • 社区版本默认使用


MySQL 8.0 is unifying on OpenSSL as the default TLS/SSL library for both MySQL Enterprise Edition and MySQL Community Edition. Previously, MySQL Community Edition used YaSSL. Supporting OpenSSL in the MySQL Community Edition has been one of the most frequently requested features. See blog post by Frédéric Descamps here.

  • 动态链接的OpenSSL 


MySQL 8.0 is linked dynamically with OpenSSL. Seen from the MySQL Repositoryusers perspective , the MySQL packages depends on the OpenSSL files provided by the Linux system at hand. By dynamically linking, OpenSSL updates can be applied upon availability without requiring a MySQL upgrade or patch. See blog post by Frédéric Descamps here.

  • 对Undo和Redo日志的加密 



MySQL 8.0 implements data-at-rest encryption of UNDO and REDO logs. In 5.7 we introduced Tablespace Encryption for InnoDB tables stored in file-per-table tablespaces.

 This feature provides at-rest encryption for physical tablespace data files. In 8.0 we extend this to include UNDO and REDO logs. See documentation here.

  • SQL 角色


MySQL 8.0 implements SQL Roles. A role is a named collection of privileges. The purpose is to simplify the user access right management. One can grant roles to users, grant privileges to roles, create roles, drop roles, and decide what roles are applicable during a session. See blog post by Frédéric Descamps here.

  • 允许为公用角色授权或收回权限 

8.0版本引入了可配置的参数 mandatory-roles,用于自动给新创建的用户加上角色。授予给所有用户指定的角色的权限不可以被再次分发。但是这些角色除非被设置为默认角色,否则还是需要进行激活操作。

当然也可以把新引入的 activate-all-roles-on-login参数设为ON,这样在用户验证通过连接进来后,所有授权角色都会自动激活。

MySQL 8.0 introduces the configuration variable mandatory-roles which can be used for automatic assignment and granting of default roles when new users are created. Example: role1@%,role2,role3,role4@localhost. All the specified roles are always considered granted to every user and they can’t be revoked. These roles still require activation unless they are made into default roles. When the new server configuration variable activate-all-roles-on-login is set to “ON”, all granted roles are always activated after the user has authenticated.

  • 分解super权限



MySQL 8.0 defines a set of new granular privileges for various aspects of what SUPER is used for in previous releases. The purpose is to limit user access rights to what is needed for the job at hand and nothing more. 


  • 用于管理XA事务的授权模型 

8.0版本引入了一个新的系统权限 XA_RECOVER_ADMIN ,用于控制执行 XA RECOVER语句的权限。所有尝试执行 XA RECOVER 语句的非授权用户会引起报错。

MySQL 8.0 introduces a new system privilege XA_RECOVER_ADMIN which controls the capability to execute the statement XA RECOVER. An attempt to do XA RECOVER by a user who wasn’t granted the new system privilege XA_RECOVER_ADMIN will cause an error.

  • 密码轮换策略 



MySQL 8.0 introduces restrictions on password reuse. Restrictions can be configured at global level as well as individual user level. Password history is kept secure because it may give clues about habits or patterns used by individual users when they change their password. The password rotation policy comes in addition to other, existing mechanisms such as the password expiration policy and allowed password policy. See Password Management.

  • 减缓对用户密码的暴力破解 


MySQL 8.0 introduces a delay in the authentication process based on consecutive unsuccessful login attempts. The purpose is to slow down brute force attacks on user passwords. It is possible to configure the number of consecutive unsuccessful attempts before the delay is introduced and the maximum amount of delay introduced.

  • 撤销skip-grant-tables(指远程连接情况下) 


MySQL 8.0 disallows remote connections when the server is started with –skip-grant-tables. See also Bug#79027 reported by Omar Bourja.

  • 为实例增加mysqld_safe的部分功能

8.0版本在实例中引入了部分之前mysqld_safe中的逻辑。可以改善当使用 --daemonize 启动参数时在某些情况下的可用性。


MySQL 8.0 implement parts of the logic currently found in the mysqld_safe script inside the server. The work improves server usability in some scenarios for example when using the --daemonize startup option. 

The work also make users less dependent upon the mysqld_safe script, which we hope to remove in the future. It also fixes Bug#75343 reported by Peter Laursen.


8.0 版本带来更好的读写负载,IO依赖性工作负载,和业务热数据集中的负载。另外新增的资源组特性给用户带来在特定硬件特定负载下将用户线程分配给指定CPU的选项。

MySQL 8.0 comes with better performance for Read/Write workloads, IO bound workloads, and high contention “hot spot” workloads. In addition, the new Resource Group feature gives users an option to optimize for specific workloads on specific hardware by mapping user threads to CPUs.

  • 可伸缩的读写负载




MySQL 8.0 scales well on RW and heavy write workloads. On intensive RW workloads we observe better performance already from 4 concurrent users and more than 2 times better performance on high loads comparing to MySQL 5.7. We can say that while 5.7 significantly improved scalability for Read Only workloads, 8.0 significantly improves scalability for Read/Write workloads. 

The effect is that MySQL improves hardware utilization (efficiency) for standard server side hardware (like systems with 2 CPU sockets).

 This improvement is due to re-designing how InnoDB writes to the REDO log. In contrast to the historical implementation where user threads were constantly fighting to log their data changes, in the new REDO log solution user threads are now lock-free, REDO writing and flushing is managed by dedicated background threads, and the whole REDO processing becomes event-driven. See blog post by Dimitri Kravtchuk here.

  • 榨干IO能力(在更快速的存储设备上) 

8.0版本允许马力全开的使用存储设备,比如使用英特尔奥腾闪存盘的时候,我们可以在IO敏感的负载情况下获得1百万的采样 QPS(这里说的IO敏感是指不在IBP中,且必须从二级存储设备中获取)。

这个改观是由于我们摆脱了 file_system_mutex全局锁的争用。

MySQL 8.0 allows users to use every storage device to its full power. For example, testing with Intel Optane flash devices we were able to out-pass 1M Point-Select QPS in a fully IO-bound workload. (IO bound means that data are not cached in buffer pool but must be retrieved from secondary storage). This improvement is due to getting rid of the fil_system_mutexglobal lock.

  • 在高争用(热点数据)负载情况下的更优性能



MySQL 8.0 significantly improves the performance for high contention workloads. A high contention workload occurs when multiple transactions are waiting for a lock on the same row in a table, causing queues of waiting transactions. Many real world workloads are not smooth over for example a day but might have bursts at certain hours (Pareto distributed). MySQL 8.0 deals much better with such bursts both in terms of transactions per second, mean latency, and 95th percentile latency. The benefit to the end user is better hardware utilization (efficiency) because the system needs less spare capacity and can thus run with a higher average load. The original patch was contributed by Jiamin Huang (Bug#84266). Please study the Contention-Aware Transaction Scheduling (CATS) algorithm and read the MySQL blog post by Jiamin Huang and Sunny Bains here.

  • 资源组


因此DBA的工具箱中又多了一把可以帮助自己提升硬件使用率或者增加查询性能的工具。比如在英特尔志强E7-4860 2.27GHz,40核超线程处理器上运行Sysbench读写负载时,我们可以通过将写负载限制在10个核心上从而将总体请求输入量提升一倍。


MySQL 8.0 introduces global Resource Groups to MySQL. With Resource Groups, DevOps/DBAs can manage the mapping between user/system threads and CPUs. This can be used to split workloads across CPUs to obtain better efficiency and/or performance in some use cases. 

Thus, Resource Groups adds a tool to the DBA toolbox, a tool which can help the DBA to increase hardware utilization or to increase query stability. As an example, with a Sysbench RW workload running on a Intel(R) Xeon (R) CPU E7-4860 2.27 GHz 40 cores-HT box we doubled the overall throughput by limiting the Write load to 10 cores.

 Resource Groups is a fairly advanced tool which requires skilled DevOps/DBA to be used effectively as effects will vary with type of load and with the hardware at hand.



  • 更优的默认值 


In the MySQL team we pay close attention to the default configuration of MySQL, and aim for users to have the best out of the box experience possible. MySQL 8.0 has changed more than 30 default values to what we think are better values. See blog post New Defaults in MySQL 8.0. The motivation for this is outlined in a blog post by Mogan Tocker here.

  • 协议


因此在我们关闭了元数据产生和存储后,显著了地提升了查询结果集的转化。客户端如果不想接收于数据一同传回的元数据信息,可以设置 CLIENT_OPTIONAL_RESULTSET_METADATA

MySQL 8.0 adds an option to turn off metadata generation and transfer for resultsets. Constructing/parsing and sending/receiving resultset metadata consumes server, client and network resources. In some cases the metadata size can be much bigger than actual result data size and the metadata is just not needed. 

We can significantly speed up the query result transfer by completely disabling the generation and storage of these data. Clients can set the CLIENT_OPTIONAL_RESULTSET_METADATA flag if they do not want meta-data back with the resultset.

  • C语言客户端 

8.0版本扩展了 libmysql的C语言API,使其更加稳定地从服务器流式获取复制事务。其设计目的在于为了实现基于binlog的程序(类似Hadoop接收MySQL数据的工具) 进而需要避免对非正式API的调用和对内部头文件的打包

MySQL 8.0 extends libmysql’s C API with a stable interface for getting replication events from the server as a stream of packets. The purpose is to avoid having to call undocumented APIs and package internal header files in order to implement binlog based programs like the MySQL Applier for Hadoop.

  • 内存缓存


对范围查询的支持是应脸书的Yoshinori 所请求(译者注:MHA作者)。利用范围查询,用户可以指定一个特定的范围,并获取此区间所有合乎需要的键值。这两个特性对于减少客户端和服务端的来回交互来说都是至关重要的。

MySQL 8.0 enhances the InnoDB Memcached functionalities with multiple getoperations and support for range queries. We added support for the multiple getoperation to further improve the read performance, i.e. the user can fetch multiple key value pairs in a single memcached query. 

Support for range queries has been requested by Yoshinori @ Facebook. With range queries, the user can specify a particular range, and fetch all the qualified values in this range. Both features can significantly reduce the number of roundtrips between the client and the server.

  • 持久化的自增计数器




MySQL 8.0 persists the AUTOINC counters by writing them to the redo log. This is a fix for the very old Bug#199. The MySQL recovery process will replay the redo log and ensure correct values of the AUTOINC counters. There won’t be any rollback of AUTOINCcounters. This means that database recovery will reestablish the last known counter value after a crash. It comes with the guarantee that the AUTOINC counter cannot get the same value twice. The counter is monotonically increasing, but note that there can be gaps (unused values). The lack of persistent AUTOINC has been seen as troublesome in the past, e.g. see Bug#21641 reported by Stephen Dewey in 2006 or this blog post .

六、总结 Summary

综上所述,8.0版本带来了一大堆新特性和性能提升,马上从dev.mysql.com上下载并尝试一下吧( ̄▽ ̄)"。

As shown above, MySQL 8.0 comes with a large set of new features and performance improvements. Download it from dev.mysql.com and try it out !


这个工具可以帮你检查既存5.7版本的8.0版本升级兼容性(译者附:8.0.3到8.0.11不可以直接升级,或许我用到了旧的工具,改天再试)。可以试试Frédéric Descamps写的t Migrating to MySQL 8.0 without breaking old application 博文。

You can also upgrade an existing MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0. In the process you might want to try our new Upgrade Checker that comes with the new MySQL Shell (mysqlsh). 

This utility will analyze your existing 5.7 server and tell you about potential 8.0 incompatibilities. Another good resource is the blog post Migrating to MySQL 8.0 without breaking old application by Frédéric Descamps.

在这篇文章中我们主要覆盖了服务端的新特性。不仅如此,我们还写了很多关于其他方面的文章,如复制,组复制,InnoDB集群,MySQL Shell,开发API及其相关的连接组件((Connector/Node.js, Connector/Python, PHP, Connector/NET, Connector/ODBC,Connector/C++, and Connector/J)

In this blog post we have covered Server features. There is much more! We will also publish blog posts for other features such as Replication, Group Replication, InnoDB Cluster, Document Store, MySQL Shell, DevAPI, and DevAPI based Connectors 

(Connector/Node.js, Connector/Python, PHP, Connector/NET, Connector/ODBC,Connector/C++, and Connector/J).


That’s it for now, and thank you for using MySQL ! 

责任编辑:庞桂玉 来源: 老叶茶馆

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