def wsgi_app(self, environ, start_response):
with self.request_context(environ):
# with语句中生成一个`response`对象
return response(environ, start_response)
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在Flask 0.9版本之前,应用只有“请求上下文”对象,它包含了和请求处理相关的信息。同时Flask还根据werkzeug.local模块中实现的一种数据结构LocalStack用来存储“请求上下文”对象。这在《一个Flask应用运行过程剖析 》中有所介绍。在0.9版本中,Flask又引入了“应用上下文”的概念。本文主要Flask中的这两个“上下文”对象。
>>> from werkzeug.local import LocalStack
>>> import threading
# 创建一个`LocalStack`对象
>>> local_stack = LocalStack()
# 查看local_stack中存储的信息
>>> local_stack._local.__storage__
# 定义一个函数,这个函数可以向`LocalStack`中添加数据
>>> def worker(i):
# 使用3个线程运行函数`worker`
>>> for i in range(3):
t = threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(i,))
# 再次查看local_stack中存储的信息
>>> local_stack._local.__storage__
{<greenlet.greenlet at 0x4bee5a0>: {'stack': [2]},
<greenlet.greenlet at 0x4bee638>: {'stack': [1]},
<greenlet.greenlet at 0x4bee6d0>: {'stack': [0]}
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# Flask v0.1
class _RequestContext(object):
"""The request context contains all request relevant information. It is
created at the beginning of the request and pushed to the
`_request_ctx_stack` and removed at the end of it. It will create the
URL adapter and request object for the WSGI environment provided.
def __init__(self, app, environ):
self.app = app
self.url_adapter = app.url_map.bind_to_environ(environ)
self.request = app.request_class(environ)
self.session = app.open_session(self.request)
self.g = _RequestGlobals()
self.flashes = None
def __enter__(self):
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, tb):
# do not pop the request stack if we are in debug mode and an
# exception happened. This will allow the debugger to still
# access the request object in the interactive shell.
if tb is None or not self.app.debug:
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- “请求上下文”是一个上下文对象,实现了__enter__和__exit__方法。可以使用with语句构造一个上下文环境。
- 进入上下文环境时,_request_ctx_stack这个栈中会推入一个_RequestContext对象。这个栈结构就是上面讲的LocalStack栈。
- 推入栈中的_RequestContext对象有一些属性,包含了请求的的所有相关信息。例如app、request、session、g、flashes。还有一个url_adapter,这个对象可以进行URL匹配。
- 在with语句构造的上下文环境中可以进行请求处理。当退出上下文环境时,_request_ctx_stack这个栈会销毁刚才存储的上下文对象。
- 以上的运行逻辑使得请求的处理始终在一个上下文环境中,这保证了请求处理过程不被干扰,而且请求上下文对象保存在LocalStack栈中,也很好地实现了线程/协程的隔离。
# example - Flask v0.1
>>> from flask import Flask, _request_ctx_stack
>>> import threading
>>> app = Flask(__name__)
# 先观察_request_ctx_stack中包含的信息
>>> _request_ctx_stack._local.__storage__
# 创建一个函数,用于向栈中推入请求上下文
# 本例中不使用`with`语句
>>> def worker():
# 使用应用的test_request_context()方法创建请求上下文
request_context = app.test_request_context()
# 创建3个进程分别执行worker方法
>>> for i in range(3):
t = threading.Thread(target=worker)
# 再观察_request_ctx_stack中包含的信息
>>> _request_ctx_stack._local.__storage__
{<greenlet.greenlet at 0x5e45df0>: {'stack': [<flask._RequestContext at 0x710c668>]},
<greenlet.greenlet at 0x5e45e88>: {'stack': [<flask._RequestContext at 0x7107f28>]},
<greenlet.greenlet at 0x5e45f20>: {'stack': [<flask._RequestContext at 0x71077f0>]}
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- 请求上下文实现了push、pop方法,这使得对于请求上下文的操作更加的灵活;
- 伴随着请求上下文对象的生成并存储在栈结构中,Flask还会生成一个“应用上下文”对象,而且“应用上下文”对象也会存储在另一个栈结构中去。这是两个版本***的不同。
# Flask v0.9
def push(self):
"""Binds the request context to the current context."""
top = _request_ctx_stack.top
if top is not None and top.preserved:
# Before we push the request context we have to ensure that there
# is an application context.
app_ctx = _app_ctx_stack.top
if app_ctx is None or app_ctx.app != self.app:
app_ctx = self.app.app_context()
self.session = self.app.open_session(self.request)
if self.session is None:
self.session = self.app.make_null_session()
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# Flask v0.9
def pop(self, exc=None):
"""Pops the request context and unbinds it by doing that. This will
also trigger the execution of functions registered by the
:meth:`~flask.Flask.teardown_request` decorator.
.. versionchanged:: 0.9
Added the `exc` argument.
app_ctx = self._implicit_app_ctx_stack.pop()
clear_request = False
if not self._implicit_app_ctx_stack:
self.preserved = False
if exc is None:
exc = sys.exc_info()[1]
clear_request = True
rv = _request_ctx_stack.pop()
assert rv is self, 'Popped wrong request context. (%r instead of %r)'
% (rv, self)
# get rid of circular dependencies at the end of the request
# so that we don't require the GC to be active.
if clear_request:
rv.request.environ['werkzeug.request'] = None
# Get rid of the app as well if necessary.
if app_ctx is not None:
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# example - Flask v0.9
>>> from flask import Flask, _request_ctx_stack, _app_ctx_stack
>>> app = Flask(__name__)
# 先检查两个栈的内容
>>> _request_ctx_stack._local.__storage__
>>> _app_ctx_stack._local.__storage__
# 生成一个请求上下文对象
>>> request_context = app.test_request_context()
>>> request_context.push()
# 请求上下文推入栈后,再次查看两个栈的内容
>>> _request_ctx_stack._local.__storage__
{<greenlet.greenlet at 0x6eb32a8>: {'stack': [<RequestContext 'http://localhost/' [GET] of __main__>]}}
>>> _app_ctx_stack._local.__storage__
{<greenlet.greenlet at 0x6eb32a8>: {'stack': [<flask.ctx.AppContext at 0x5c96a58>]}}
>>> request_context.pop()
# 销毁请求上下文时,再次查看两个栈的内容
>>> _request_ctx_stack._local.__storage__
>>> _app_ctx_stack._local.__storage__
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class AppContext(object):
"""The application context binds an application object implicitly
to the current thread or greenlet, similar to how the
:class:`RequestContext` binds request information. The application
context is also implicitly created if a request context is created
but the application is not on top of the individual application
def __init__(self, app):
self.app = app
self.url_adapter = app.create_url_adapter(None)
# Like request context, app contexts can be pushed multiple times
# but there a basic "refcount" is enough to track them.
self._refcnt = 0
def push(self):
"""Binds the app context to the current context."""
self._refcnt += 1
def pop(self, exc=None):
"""Pops the app context."""
self._refcnt -= 1
if self._refcnt <= 0:
if exc is None:
exc = sys.exc_info()[1]
rv = _app_ctx_stack.pop()
assert rv is self, 'Popped wrong app context. (%r instead of %r)' \
% (rv, self)
def __enter__(self):
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# example - Flask v0.9
>>> from flask import Flask, _request_ctx_stack, _app_ctx_stack
# 创建两个Flask应用
>>> app = Flask(__name__)
>>> app2 = Flask(__name__)
# 先查看两个栈中的内容
>>> _request_ctx_stack._local.__storage__
>>> _app_ctx_stack._local.__storage__
# 构建一个app的请求上下文环境,在这个环境中运行app2的相关操作
>>> with app.test_request_context():
print "Enter app's Request Context:"
print _request_ctx_stack._local.__storage__
print _app_ctx_stack._local.__storage__
with app2.app_context():
print "Enter app2's App Context:"
print _request_ctx_stack._local.__storage__
print _app_ctx_stack._local.__storage__
# do something
print "Exit app2's App Context:"
print _request_ctx_stack._local.__storage__
print _app_ctx_stack._local.__storage__
# Result
Enter app's Request Context:
{<greenlet.greenlet object at 0x000000000727A178>: {'stack': [<RequestContext 'http://localhost/' [GET] of __main__>]}}
{<greenlet.greenlet object at 0x000000000727A178>: {'stack': [<flask.ctx.AppContext object at 0x0000000005DD0DD8>]}}
Enter app2's App Context:
{<greenlet.greenlet object at 0x000000000727A178>: {'stack': [<RequestContext 'http://localhost/' [GET] of __main__>]}}
{<greenlet.greenlet object at 0x000000000727A178>: {'stack': [<flask.ctx.AppContext object at 0x0000000005DD0DD8>, <flask.ctx.AppContext object at 0x0000000007313198>]}}
Exit app2's App Context
{<greenlet.greenlet object at 0x000000000727A178>: {'stack': [<RequestContext 'http://localhost/' [GET] of __main__>]}}
{<greenlet.greenlet object at 0x000000000727A178>: {'stack': [<flask.ctx.AppContext object at 0x0000000005DD0DD8>]}}
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- 我们首先创建了两个Flask应用app和app2;
- 接着我们构建了一个app的请求上下文环境。当进入这个环境中时,这时查看两个栈的内容,发现两个栈中已经有了当前请求的请求上下文对象和应用上下文对象。并且栈顶的元素都是app的请求上下文和应用上下文;
- 之后,我们再在这个环境中嵌套app2的应用上下文。当进入app2的应用上下文环境时,两个上下文环境便隔离开来,此时再查看两个栈的内容,发现_app_ctx_stack中推入了app2的应用上下文对象,并且栈顶指向它。这时在app2的应用上下文环境中,current_app便会一直指向app2;
- 当离开app2的应用上下文环境,_app_ctx_stack栈便会销毁app2的应用上下文对象。这时查看两个栈的内容,发现两个栈中只有app的请求的请求上下文对象和应用上下文对象。
- ***,离开app的请求上下文环境后,两个栈便会销毁app的请求的请求上下文对象和应用上下文对象,栈为空。
# Flask v0.9
_request_ctx_stack = LocalStack()
_app_ctx_stack = LocalStack()
current_app = LocalProxy(_find_app)
request = LocalProxy(partial(_lookup_object, 'request'))
session = LocalProxy(partial(_lookup_object, 'session'))
g = LocalProxy(partial(_lookup_object, 'g'))
# 辅助函数
def _lookup_object(name):
top = _request_ctx_stack.top
if top is None:
raise RuntimeError('working outside of request context')
return getattr(top, name)
def _find_app():
top = _app_ctx_stack.top
if top is None:
raise RuntimeError('working outside of application context')
return top.app
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可以看出,Flask中使用的一些“全局变量”,包括current_app、request、session、g等都来自于上下文对象。其中current_app一直指向_app_ctx_stack栈顶的“应用上下文”对象,是对当前应用的引用。而request、session、g等一直指向_request_ctx_stack栈顶的“请求上下文”对象,分别引用请求上下文的request、session和g。不过,从 Flask 0.10 起,对象 g 存储在应用上下文中而不再是请求上下文中。