首先你需要一块电路板,选择 Zerynth支持的32位微控制器设备 即可。我们选择的是 Flip&Click Mikroelektronika ,它拥有许多和Arduino平台产品一样的属性,其中就包括作为Arduino Due核心的32位AT91SAM3X8E微芯片。
接着选择带有温度(HTS221)和相对湿度传感器的 Temp&Hum Click 来测量温度。
然后采用 WiFi PLUS Click 将电路板连接到互联网, WiFi PLUS Click 具有MRF24WB0MA-2.4GHz特性,能兼容IEEE std 802.11微芯片模块,并且是车载TCP/IP栈和802.11连接管理器匹配的MCW1001的控制器。
- Zerynth Studio,为物联网服务的强大的开发工具,能使用Python嵌入式编程。 点击下载 。
- Zerynth APP 。
Flip&Click是Arduino的衍生品,一方面它属于Arduino产品,但另一方面,你会发现它身上包含“单机电路板”才有的四个开放mikroBUS套接字的模块。从本质上讲,这些模块是组装Arduino原型的附加模块,但如果缩减去掉,Flip&Click也能勉强适用,只是需要在电路板上的A槽和B槽分别加入Temp&Hum和Wifi Plus clicks。
一旦你 安装Zerynth Studio 并 创建Zerynth用户 ,就可以克隆“Zerynth应用示波器”示例。请参考以下 学习如何克隆一个示例 。
- ################################################################################
- # IoT Thermometer
- ################################################################################
- from wireless import wifi
- # this example is based on Particle Photon
- # change the following line to use a different wifi driver
- from broadcom.bcm43362 import bcm43362 as wifi_driver
- import streams
- import adc
- # Import the Zerynth APP library
- from zerynthapp import zerynthapp
- streams.serial()
- sleep(1000)
- print("STARTING...")
- try:
- # Device UID and TOKEN can be created in the ADM panel
- zapp = zerynthapp.ZerynthApp("DEVICE UID", "DEVICE TOKEN", log=True)
- # connect to the wifi network (Set your SSID and password below)
- wifi_driver.auto_init()
- for i in range(0,5):
- try:
- wifi.link("SSID",wifi.WIFI_WPA2,"PASSWORD")
- break
- except Exception as e:
- print("Can't link",e)
- else:
- print("Impossible to link!")
- while True:
- sleep(1000)
- # Start the Zerynth app instance!
- # Remember to create a template with the files under the "template" folder you just cloned
- # upload it to the ADM and associate it with the connected device
- zapp.run()
- # Read ADC and send values to the ADM
- while True:
- sleep(1000)
- x = (adc.read(A4)*100)//4096
- zapp.event({"data":x})
- if x>95:
- # send mobile notification
- # (there is a limit of one notification per minute per device on the ADM sandbox)
- zapp.notify("ALARM!","The value is greater than 95!")
- except Exception as e:
- print(e)
这个示例中,Zerynth将从相连的电路板获取的数据转变成可视化的图形示波器,这些模拟传感器的数据通过“模拟”pin A4产生。
正如你在注释中看到的,示例是基于 粒子光子板 和wifi驱动的。想要使用WiFi Plus Click,必须修改以下几行:
- from broadcom.bcm43362 import bcm43362 as wifi_driver
- from microchip.mcw1001a import mcw1001a as wifi_driver
- wifi_driver.auto_init()
- wifi_driver.init(SERIAL2,D24) # slot B
为了使用Temp&Hum Click温度传感器,需要添加以下几行代码来导入库并设置传感器,这些可以在 帮助文档 里面看到。
- # Import the HTS221 library
- from stm.hts221 import hts221
- temp_hum = hts221.HTS221(I2C0, D21) # sl
- tmp, hum = temp_hum.get_temp_humidity() # Read tmp and hum
- wifi.link("SSID",wifi.WIFI_WPA2,"PASSWORD")
现在我们要创建一个“连接装置”以便关联“zerynth”的实例。请看下面截图中的步骤。查看 文档 了解更多的技术细节。
设备的证书(UID和TOKEN)可以从开发工具Zerynth Studio的ADM面板直接复制粘贴过来。
“IP”是Zerynth ADM的IP地址。当网络驱动不支持主机名解析时填写的这些参数可以派上用场。
此外,每个装置的图形界面托管于 Zerynth ADM sandbox ,并由一些列可在App上加载并显示的HTML5、Javascript、Css和图片文件组成。Zerynth添加模板后 ADM Javascript库 允许应用程序与连接设备互相通信。
- ################################################################################
- # Zerynth App Oscilloscope
- ################################################################################
- from wireless import wifi
- from microchip.mcw1001a import mcw1001a as wifi_driver
- import streams
- import adc
- streams.serial()
- # Import the Zerynth APP library
- from zerynthapp import zerynthapp
- # Import the HTS221 library
- from stm.hts221 import hts221
- temp_hum = hts221.HTS221(I2C0, D21) # slot A
- sleep(1000)
- print("STARTING...")
- try:
- # Device UID and TOKEN can be created in the ADM panel
- zapp = zerynthapp.ZerynthApp("DEVICE UID", "DEVICE TOKEN",ip = "", log=True)
- # connect to the wifi network (Set your SSID and password below)
- wifi_driver.init(SERIAL2,D24) # slot B
- for i in range(0,5):
- try:
- wifi.link("SSID",wifi.WIFI_WPA2,"PASSWORD")
- break
- except Exception as e:
- print("Can't link",e)
- else:
- print("Impossible to link!")
- while True:
- sleep(1000)
- # Start the Zerynth app instance!
- # Remember to create a template with the files under the "template" folder you just cloned
- # upload it to the ADM and associate it with the connected device
- zapp.run()
- # Read the sensor and send values to the ADM
- while True:
- sleep(1000)
- tmp, hum = temp_hum.get_temp_humidity() # Read tmp and hum
- print("Temp is:", tmp, "Humidity is:", hum)
- try:
- zapp.event({"data":tmp})
- except Exception as e:
- print(e)
- if tmp>30:
- # send mobile notification
- # (there is a limit of one notification per minute per device on the ADM sandbox)
- try:
- zapp.notify("ALARM!","High Temperature!")
- except Exception as e:
- print(e)
- except Exception as e:
- print(e)
编写完成即可 部署脚步到你的设备 。
在这个 极简教程 里,你只需打开Zerynth应用,登录并选择指定的设备即可查看对应的物联网温度计指示板。***,Zerynth也可以通过连接设备接收 推送通知 。比如当温度大于阈值时,就会出现通知。