(你需要一个有Python支持的Vim版本. 请使用 vim --version | grep +python 来检查)
- 依赖(Debian/Ubuntu 平台)
`sudo apt-get install python vim exuberant-ctags git`
`sudo pip install dbgp vim-debug pep8 flake8 pyflakes isort`
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- 依赖(RedHat/CentOS 平台)
CentOS 6.7的yum源自带的Python版本较旧,推荐自行安装Python2.7.
`sudo yum install python vim ctags git`
`sudo pip install dbgp vim-debug pep8 flake8 pyflakes isort`
- 1.
- 2.
- 3.
- 依赖(Mac OS 平台)
`brew install python vim git`
`wget http://tenet.dl.sourceforge.net/project/ctags/ctags/5.8/ctags-5.8.tar.gz && tar -zxvf ctags-5.8.tar.gz && cd ctags-5.8 && ./configure && make && sudo make install`
`sudo pip install dbgp vim-debug pep8 flake8 pyflakes isort`
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- 下载vimrc 文件到用户主目录
`wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tao12345666333/vim/master/vimrc -O $HOME/.vimrc`
- 1.
- 打开 Vim
打开Vim, 它将会自动安装插件. 请耐心等待它完成. 或者你可以使用下面的命令来自行安装.
`vim -E -u $HOME/.vimrc +qall`
- 1.
- 享受你的Vim并个性化它吧!
在这份配置中,使用了Vundle作为插件管理器. Vundle会自动接管 .vim 文件夹,所有配置好的插件将默认下载至~/.vim/bundle/, 在使用之前请确保.vim文件夹干净. Vundle的插件安装需要触发 git clone 操作,搜索需要 curl 支持.
" let Vundle manage Vundle
Bundle 'gmarik/vundle'
" ============================================================================
" Active plugins
" You can disable or add new ones here:
" Plugins from github repos:
" Python and PHP Debugger
Bundle 'fisadev/vim-debug.vim'
" Better file browser
Bundle 'scrooloose/nerdtree'
" Code commenter
Bundle 'scrooloose/nerdcommenter'
" Class/module browser
Bundle 'majutsushi/tagbar'
" Code and files fuzzy finder
Bundle 'kien/ctrlp.vim'
" Extension to ctrlp, for fuzzy command finder
Bundle 'fisadev/vim-ctrlp-cmdpalette'
" Zen coding
Bundle 'mattn/emmet-vim'
" Git integration
Bundle 'motemen/git-vim'
" Tab list panel
Bundle 'kien/tabman.vim'
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命令 | 解释 |
:PluginList | 列出所有Plugin |
:PluginInstall(!) | foo搜索foo相关的Plugin |
:PluginSearch(!) foo | 搜索foo相关的Plugin |
:PluginClean(!) | 清理未使用的Plugin |
:PluginUpdate | 更新插件 |
在这份配置中, 使用了NERDTree查看文件列表. 你可以在NERDTree中浏览和打开你文件系统中的目录或文件. 还可以进行文件隐藏和过滤, 设置添加书签等. 在NERDTree窗口输入?可获得操作指南. 这份配置中默认过滤掉了.pyc, .git, .hg, .svn等文件或文件夹的显示.
" auto open or close NERDTree
autocmd vimenter * if !argc() | NERDTree | endif
autocmd bufenter * if (winnr("$") == 1 && exists("b:NERDTreeType") && b:NERDTreeType == "primary") | q | endif
" NERDTree -----------------------------
" toggle nerdtree display
map <F3> :NERDTreeToggle<CR>
" open nerdtree with the current file selected
nmap ,t :NERDTreeFind<CR>
" don;t show these file types
let NERDTreeIgnore = ['\.pyc$', '\.pyo$']
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快捷键 | 解释 |
F3 | 打开/关闭NERDTree |
,t | 打开NERDTree并选中当前文件 |
在这份配置中, 使用Syntastic插件进行语法静态检查. 包括但不限于C/C++/Go/Python/Haskell/Ruby/JavaScript等. 在本配置中对JavaScript的静态检查使用eslint,可以支持ES6及JSX等, 细节可以参考JSLint, JSHint和ESLint的对比及Vim配置, 想要切换检查工具只要修改对应位置即可.
" Syntastic ------------------------------
" show list of errors and warnings on the current file
nmap <leader>e :Errors<CR>
" turn to next or previous errors, after open errors list
nmap <leader>n :lnext<CR>
nmap <leader>p :lprevious<CR>
" check also when just opened the file
let g:syntastic_check_on_open = 1
" syntastic checker for javascript.
" eslint is the only tool support JSX.
" If you don't need write JSX, you can use jshint.
" And eslint is slow, but not a hindrance
" let g:syntastic_javascript_checkers = ['jshint']
let g:syntastic_javascript_checkers = ['eslint']
" don't put icons on the sign column (it hides the vcs status icons of signify)
let g:syntastic_enable_signs = 0
" custom icons (enable them if you use a patched font, and enable the previous
" setting)
let g:syntastic_error_symbol = '✗'
let g:syntastic_warning_symbol = '⚠'
let g:syntastic_style_error_symbol = '✗'
let g:syntastic_style_warning_symbol = '⚠'
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快捷键 | 解释 |
\e | 打开错误列表 |
\n | 移动到下一个错误位置 |
\p | 移动到上一个错误位置 |
在这份配置中, 使用vim-fugitive和vim-signify做Git方面的支持. 可以进行常用的git操作及优雅的状态提示等(目前支持git和hg).
" Signify ------------------------------
" this first setting decides in which order try to guess your current vcs
" UPDATE it to reflect your preferences, it will speed up opening files
let g:signify_vcs_list = [ 'git', 'hg' ]
" mappings to jump to changed blocks
nmap <leader>sn <plug>(signify-next-hunk)
nmap <leader>sp <plug>(signify-prev-hunk)
" nicer colors
highlight DiffAdd cterm=bold ctermbg=none ctermfg=119
highlight DiffDelete cterm=bold ctermbg=none ctermfg=167
highlight DiffChange cterm=bold ctermbg=none ctermfg=227
highlight SignifySignAdd cterm=bold ctermbg=237 ctermfg=119
highlight SignifySignDelete cterm=bold ctermbg=237 ctermfg=167
highlight SignifySignChange cterm=bold ctermbg=237 ctermfg=227
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快捷键 | 解释 |
:Git [args] | 类似执行git命令一样 |
:Gstatus | 类似git status.在列表中使用-添加/移除文件 |
:Gcommit [args] | 类似 git commit |
:Gmerge [args] | 类似 git merge |
:Gpull [args] | 类似 git pull |
:Gpush [args] | 类似 git push |
:Gvdiff [revision] | 类似 git push 但是会切分窗口 |
更多详细的操作可以使用 :help fugitive
" Tagbar -----------------------------
" toggle tagbar display
map <F4> :TagbarToggle<CR>
" autofocus on tagbar open
let g:tagbar_autofocus = 1
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- 6.
快捷键 | 解释 |
F4 | 打开Tag列表 |
在这份配置中, 使用了Neocomplcache作为主要的自动补全插件.
" NeoComplCache ------------------------------
" most of them not documented because I'm not sure how they work
" (docs aren't good, had to do a lot of trial and error to make
" it play nice)
" Disable AutoComplPop.
let g:acp_enableAtStartup = 0
" Use neocomplcache.
let g:neocomplcache_enable_at_startup = 1
let g:neocomplcache_enable_ignore_case = 1
" Use smartcase.
let g:neocomplcache_enable_smart_case = 1
let g:neocomplcache_enable_auto_select = 1
let g:neocomplcache_enable_fuzzy_completion = 1
let g:neocomplcache_enable_camel_case_completion = 1
let g:neocomplcache_enable_underbar_completion = 1
let g:neocomplcache_fuzzy_completion_start_length = 1
let g:neocomplcache_auto_completion_start_length = 1
let g:neocomplcache_manual_completion_start_length = 1
" Set minimum syntax keyword length.
let g:neocomplcache_min_keyword_length = 1
let g:neocomplcache_min_syntax_length = 1
let g:neocomplcache_lock_buffer_name_pattern = '\*ku\*'
" complete with workds from any opened file
let g:neocomplcache_same_filetype_lists = {}
let g:neocomplcache_same_filetype_lists._ = '_'
" <TAB>: completion.
inoremap <expr><TAB> pumvisible() ? "\<C-n>" : "\<TAB>"
" Define keyword.
if !exists('g:neocomplcache_keyword_patterns')
let g:neocomplcache_keyword_patterns = {}
let g:neocomplcache_keyword_patterns['default'] = '\h\w*'
" Plugin key-mappings.
inoremap <expr><C-g> neocomplcache#undo_completion()
inoremap <expr><C-l> neocomplcache#complete_common_string()
" <C-h>, <BS>: close popup and delete backword char.
inoremap <expr><C-h> neocomplcache#smart_close_popup()."\<C-h>"
inoremap <expr><BS> neocomplcache#smart_close_popup()."\<C-h>"
inoremap <expr><C-y> neocomplcache#close_popup()
inoremap <expr><C-e> neocomplcache#cancel_popup()
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快捷键 | 解释 |
<Tab> | 使用Tab键进行待提示项目选择 |
<C-g> | 取消补全 |
<C-l> | 完成待补全项中共同的字符串 |
<C-h> | 关闭待选项 |
<C-y> | 关闭待选项 |
<C-e> | 退出待选项 |
<BS> | 关闭待选项 |
在这份配置中,使用了vim-choosewin进行窗口管理器. 支持类Tmux的操作.
" Window Chooser ------------------------------
" mapping
nmap - <Plug>(choosewin)
" show big letters
let g:choosewin_overlay_enable = 1
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快捷键 | 解释 |
- | 开启窗口选择 |
- [ | 选择上一个tab的窗口 |
- ] | 选择下一个tab的窗口 |
更多操作可以使用 :help choosewin
" TabMan ------------------------------
" mappings to toggle display, and to focus on it
let g:tabman_toggle = 'tl'
let g:tabman_focus = 'tf'
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- 5.
快捷键 | 解释 |
tl | 开启/关闭tab管理 |
tf | 将光标移动到tab管理窗口 |
" Airline ------------------------------
let g:airline_powerline_fonts = 1
let g:airline_theme = 'bubblegum'
"let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 1
"let g:airline#extensions#tabline#left_sep = ' '
"let g:airline#extensions#tabline#left_alt_sep = '|'
let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#enabled = 1
" to use fancy symbols for airline, uncomment the following lines and use a
" patched font (more info on the README.rst)
if !exists('g:airline_symbols')
let g:airline_symbols = {}
let g:airline_left_sep = '?'
let g:airline_left_alt_sep = '?'
let g:airline_right_sep = '?'
let g:airline_right_alt_sep = '?'
let g:airline_symbols.branch = '?'
let g:airline_symbols.readonly = '?'
let g:airline_symbols.linenr = '?'
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在这份配置中写了个小函数根据新建的不同类型的文件,自动插入头部,支持python, ruby, bash等.
在这份配置中, 使用了vim-instant-markdown和vim-markdown做Markdown格式的支持,可以支持实时预览等特性.
此功能需要有node环境支持,可以执行 npm -g install instant-markdown-d 进行安装.
" Vim-markdown ------------------------------
" Disabled automatically folding
let g:vim_markdown_folding_disabled=1
" LeTeX math
let g:vim_markdown_math=1
" Highlight YAML frontmatter
let g:vim_markdown_frontmatter=1
" Vim-instant-markdown -----------------
" If it takes your system too much, you can specify
" let g:instant_markdown_slow = 1
" if you don't want to manually control it
" you can open this setting
" and when you open this, you can manually trigger preview
" via the command :InstantMarkdownPreview
let g:instant_markdown_autostart = 0
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快捷键 | 解释 |
:InstantMarkdownPreview | 手动触发markdown文件的预览 |
在这份配置中, 可以在高亮某单词时, 通过使用 Ctrl-n 或者 Ctrl-p 进行多游标选择, 然后进行编辑或修改等操作.
在这份配置中, 可以通过使用,R进行全文查找或者,r进行快速查找, 或者在当前字符串上使用,wR以及,wr来进行全文查找或者快速查找.
使用NERDCommenter插件完成快速注释, 可以通过\ci进行快速注释.
Python 支持
完备的Python支持, 可以自动识别当前是系统环境或虚拟环境, 使用:Isort可智能对导入包进行排序, 使用:PymodeLintAuto可自动格式化.
除了上述列出的功能以外, 还有很多方便的特性,可以大大提升效率,在使用中慢慢体会吧!有问题可以在tao12345666333/vim on github 提issue