上一节提到的MemTable是内存表,而当内存表增长到一定程度时(memtable.size> Options::write_buffer_size),会将当前的MemTable数据持久化(LevelDB中实际有两份MemTable,后面LevelDB数据库备忘时会讲)。持久化的文件(sst文件)称之为Table,LevelDB中的Table分为不同的层级,当前版本的***层级为7(0-6),table中level0的数据***,level6的数据最旧。
- 1 struct FileMetaData {
- 2 int refs;
- 3 int allowed_seeks; // Seeks allowed until compaction
- 4 uint64_t number;
- 5 uint64_t file_size; // File size in bytes
- 6 InternalKey smallest; // Smallest internal key served by table
- 7 InternalKey largest; // Largest internal key served by table
- 8
- 9 FileMetaData() : refs(0), allowed_seeks(1 << 30), file_size(0) { }
创建Index Block:用于Data Block的快速定位
将数据分为一个个的Data Block
依次写入Data Block、Meta Block、Index Block、Footer Block,形成完整的SSTable文件结构
- 1 void TableBuilder::Add(const Slice& key, const Slice& value) {
- 2 Rep* r = rep_;
- 3 assert(!r->closed);
- 4 if (!ok()) return;
- 5 if (r->num_entries > 0) {
- 6 assert(r->options.comparator->Compare(key, Slice(r->last_key)) > 0);
- 7 }
- 8
- 9 //Index Block:Data Block的索引元数据。
- 10 if (r->pending_index_entry) {
- 11 assert(r->data_block.empty());
- 12 r->options.comparator->FindShortestSeparator(&r->last_key, key);
- 13 std::string handle_encoding;
- 14 r->pending_handle.EncodeTo(&handle_encoding);
- 15 r->index_block.Add(r->last_key, Slice(handle_encoding));
- 16 r->pending_index_entry = false;
- 17 }
- 18
- 19 r->last_key.assign(key.data(), key.size());
- 20 r->num_entries++;
- 21 r->data_block.Add(key, value);
- 22
- 23 const size_t estimated_block_size = r->data_block.CurrentSizeEstimate();
- 24 if (estimated_block_size >= r->options.block_size) {
- 25 Flush(); //超过单数据块大小,写入文件。
- 26 }
- 27 }
Add方法创建Data Block、IndexBlock,DataBlcok通过Flush刷入磁盘文件。
- 1 Status TableBuilder::Finish() {
- 2 //Data Block
- 3 Rep* r = rep_;
- 4 Flush();
- 5
- 6 assert(!r->closed);
- 7 r->closed = true;
- 8
- 9 //Meta Block
- 10 BlockHandle metaindex_block_handle;
- 11 BlockHandle index_block_handle;
- 12 if (ok())
- 13 {
- 14 BlockBuilder meta_index_block(&r->options);
- 15 // TODO(postrelease): Add stats and other meta blocks
- 16 WriteBlock(&meta_index_block, &metaindex_block_handle);
- 17 }
- 18
- 19 //Index Block
- 20 if (ok()) {
- 21 if (r->pending_index_entry) {
- 22 r->options.comparator->FindShortSuccessor(&r->last_key);
- 23 std::string handle_encoding;
- 24 r->pending_handle.EncodeTo(&handle_encoding);
- 25 r->index_block.Add(r->last_key, Slice(handle_encoding));
- 26 r->pending_index_entry = false;
- 27 }
- 28 WriteBlock(&r->index_block, &index_block_handle);
- 29 }
- 30
- 31 //Footer
- 32 if (ok())
- 33 {
- 34 Footer footer;
- 35 footer.set_metaindex_handle(metaindex_block_handle); //
- 36 footer.set_index_handle(index_block_handle);
- 37 std::string footer_encoding;
- 38 footer.EncodeTo(&footer_encoding);
- 39 r->status = r->file->Append(footer_encoding);
- 40 if (r->status.ok()) {
- 41 r->offset += footer_encoding.size();
- 42 }
- 43 }
- 44 return r->status;
- 45 }
Finish依次写入:尚未写入的***一块Data Block及Meta Block、Index Block、Footer。Meta Block暂未使用,Footer则保存了meta block、index block的位置信息。
Data Block、Meta Block、Index Block是业务划分,分别代表用户数据块、元数据块及用户数据索引块。其存储格式均为Block结构:
- 1 void BlockBuilder::Add(const Slice& key, const Slice& value) {
- 2 Slice last_key_piece(last_key_);
- 3 ......
- 4 size_t shared = 0;
- 5 if (counter_ < options_->block_restart_interval) {
- 6 // See how much sharing to do with previous string
- 7 const size_t min_length = std::min(last_key_piece.size(), key.size());
- 8 while ((shared < min_length) && (last_key_piece[shared] == key[shared])) {
- 9 shared++;
- 10 }
- 11 }
- 12 else { //restart时保存完整的key值
- 13 // Restart compression
- 14 restarts_.push_back(buffer_.size());
- 15 counter_ = 0;
- 16 }
- 17 const size_t non_shared = key.size() - shared;
- 18
- 19 //Record信息
- 20 // shared size | no shared size | value size | no shared key data | value data
- 21 // Add "<shared><non_shared><value_size>" to buffer_
- 22 PutVarint32(&buffer_, shared);
- 23 PutVarint32(&buffer_, non_shared);
- 24 PutVarint32(&buffer_, value.size());
- 25 // Add string delta to buffer_ followed by value
- 26 buffer_.append(key.data() + shared, non_shared);
- 27 buffer_.append(value.data(), value.size());
- 28
- 29 // Update state
- 30 last_key_.resize(shared);
- 31 last_key_.append(key.data() + shared, non_shared);
- 32 assert(Slice(last_key_) == key);
- 33 counter_++;
- 34 }
每当添加一个新的重启点时,重启点指向位置的Record中一定保存了完整的key值(shared size = 0),随后的Record中保存的key值仅为和上一个Record的差异值。因为Key在Block中是有序排列的,所以相邻key值重叠区域节省的空间还是非常可观的。
分析这个问题就要了解重启点的定位:Block的一级索引,SSTable的二级索引(Index Block是SSTable的一级索引)。本文将每个重启点记录位置所属的Record列表称为一个Restart Block
根据Key值从Index Block中找到所属的Data Block
根据Key值从“重启点”列表中找到所属的Restart Block,从Restart Block的起始位置进行key值比较,找到正确的记录。
在上述流程中,我们必定会先找到一个Restart Point,随后进行key值比较,而Restart Point记录本身包含了完整的key值信息,后续key值均可基于此key得到。
做法和Restart列表的做法类似,是在Index Block中,通过调用FindShortestSeparator / FindShortSuccessor方法实现。
- 1 // If *start < limit, changes *start to a short string in [start,limit).
- 2 // Simple comparator implementations may return with *start unchanged,
- 3 // i.e., an implementation of this method that does nothing is correct.
- 4 virtual void FindShortestSeparator(std::string* start, const Slice& limit) const = 0;
- 5
- 6 // Changes *key to a short string >= *key.
- 7 // Simple comparator implementations may return with *key unchanged,
- 8 // i.e., an implementation of this method that does nothing is correct.
- 9 virtual void FindShortSuccessor(std::string* key) const = 0;