Gralloc模块是从Android Eclair(android 2.1)开始加入的一个HAL模块,Gralloc的含义为是Graphics Alloc(图形分配)。他对上为libui提供服务,为其分配显存,刷新显示等。对下对framebuffer进行管理。
gralloc代码通常位于hardware/libhardware/modules/gralloc目录下。包含以下几个文件: framebuffer.cpp gralloc.cpp gralloc_priv.h gr.h mapper.cpp
gralloc的调用是从FramebufferNativeWindow.cpp的构造函数开始的。FramebufferNativeWindow实现FrameBuffer的管理,它主要被SurfaceFlinger使用,也可以被OpenGL Native程序使用。在本质上,它在Framebuffer之上实现了一个ANativeWindow,目前它只管理两个buffers:front and back buffer。
- FramebufferNativeWindow::FramebufferNativeWindow()
- : BASE(), fbDev(0), grDev(0), mUpdateOnDemand(false)
- {
- hw_module_t const* module;
- if (hw_get_module(GRALLOC_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID, &module) == 0) {
- int stride;
- int err;
- int i;
- err = framebuffer_open(module, &fbDev);
- ALOGE_IF(err, "couldn't open framebuffer HAL (%s)", strerror(-err));
- err = gralloc_open(module, &grDev);
- ALOGE_IF(err, "couldn't open gralloc HAL (%s)", strerror(-err));
- // bail out if we can't initialize the modules
- if (!fbDev || !grDev)
- return;
- mUpdateOnDemand = (fbDev->setUpdateRect != 0);
- // initialize the buffer FIFO
- if(fbDev->numFramebuffers >= MIN_NUM_FRAME_BUFFERS &&
- fbDev->numFramebuffers <= MAX_NUM_FRAME_BUFFERS){
- mNumBuffers = fbDev->numFramebuffers;
- } else {
- }
- mNumFreeBuffers = mNumBuffers;
- mBufferHead = mNumBuffers-1;
- /*
- * This does not actually change the framebuffer format. It merely
- * fakes this format to surfaceflinger so that when it creates
- * framebuffer surfaces it will use this format. It's really a giant
- * HACK to allow interworking with buggy gralloc+GPU driver
- * implementations. You should *NEVER* need to set this for shipping
- * devices.
- */
- *((uint32_t *)&fbDev->format) = FRAMEBUFFER_FORCE_FORMAT;
- #endif
- for (i = 0; i < mNumBuffers; i++) { buffers[i] = new NativeBuffer
- ( fbDev->width, fbDev->height, fbDev->format, GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_FB);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < mNumBuffers; i++) { err = grDev->alloc(grDev,
- fbDev->width, fbDev->height, fbDev->format,
- GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_FB, &buffers[i]->handle, &buffers[i]->stride);
- ALOGE_IF(err, "fb buffer %d allocation failed w=%d, h=%d, err=%s",
- i, fbDev->width, fbDev->height, strerror(-err));
- if (err)
- {
- mNumBuffers = i;
- mNumFreeBuffers = i;
- mBufferHead = mNumBuffers-1;
- break;
- }
- }
- const_cast<uint32_t&>(ANativeWindow::flags) = fbDev->flags;
- const_cast<float&>(ANativeWindow::xdpi) = fbDev->xdpi;
- const_cast<float&>(ANativeWindow::ydpi) = fbDev->ydpi;
- const_cast<int&>(ANativeWindow::minSwapInterval) =
- fbDev->minSwapInterval;
- const_cast<int&>(ANativeWindow::maxSwapInterval) =
- fbDev->maxSwapInterval;
- } else {
- ALOGE("Couldn't get gralloc module");
- }
- ANativeWindow::setSwapInterval = setSwapInterval;
- ANativeWindow::dequeueBuffer = dequeueBuffer;
- ANativeWindow::queueBuffer = queueBuffer;
- ANativeWindow::query = query;
- ANativeWindow::perform = perform;
- ANativeWindow::dequeueBuffer_DEPRECATED = dequeueBuffer_DEPRECATED;
- ANativeWindow::lockBuffer_DEPRECATED = lockBuffer_DEPRECATED;
- ANativeWindow::queueBuffer_DEPRECATED = queueBuffer_DEPRECATED;
- }
这里会先根据gralloc的module ID来得到hw_module_t结构。hw_get_module->hw_get_module_by_class。在hw_get_module_by_class里面,首先根据平台配置找到gralloc动态库的位置,默认使用。
- for (i=0 ; i<HAL_VARIANT_KEYS_COUNT+1 ; i++) {
- if (property_get(variant_keys[i], prop, NULL) == 0) {
- continue;
- }
- snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/",
- HAL_LIBRARY_PATH2, name, prop);
- if (access(path, R_OK) == 0) break;
- snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/",
- HAL_LIBRARY_PATH1, name, prop);
- if (access(path, R_OK) == 0) break;
- } else {
- snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/",
- if (access(path, R_OK) == 0) break;
- snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/",
- if (access(path, R_OK) == 0) break;
- }
- }
- status = -ENOENT;
- /* load the module, if this fails, we're doomed, and we should not try
- * to load a different variant. */
- status = load(class_id, path, module);
- }
找到gralloc库的路径后,会调用load函数,在load函数中使用dlopen打开找到的库,并根据HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM_AS_STR(其值为HMI)获取到hw_module_t(即HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM)结构体指针,以及把dlopen返回的handle保存在hw_module_t中。而hw_module_t HMI
- struct private_module_t HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM = {
- base: {
- common: {
- version_major: 1,
- version_minor: 0,
- name: "Graphics Memory Allocator Module",
- author: "The Android Open Source Project",
- methods: &gralloc_module_methods
- },
- registerBuffer: gralloc_register_buffer,
- unregisterBuffer: gralloc_unregister_buffer,
- lock: gralloc_lock,
- unlock: gralloc_unlock,
- },
- framebuffer: 0,
- flags: 0,
- numBuffers: 0,
- bufferMask: 0,
- currentBuffer: 0,
- };
回过头,回到FramebufferNativeWindow的构造函数处,接下来调用了err = framebuffer_open(module, &fbDev);framebuffer_open定义在fb.h中,是一个inline函数,其实最终调用了就是上面结构体中初始化的open函数,open函数指向gralloc_device_open,其实现为(gralloc.cpp):
- int gralloc_device_open(const hw_module_t* module, const char* name, hw_device_t** device)
- {
- int status = -EINVAL;
- if (!strcmp(name, GRALLOC_HARDWARE_GPU0)) {
- gralloc_context_t *dev;
- dev = (gralloc_context_t*)malloc(sizeof(*dev));
- /* initialize our state here */
- memset(dev, 0, sizeof(*dev));
- /* initialize the procs */
- dev->device.common.tag = HARDWARE_DEVICE_TAG;
- dev->device.common.version = 0;
- dev->device.common.module = const_cast<hw_module_t*>(module);
- dev->device.common.close = gralloc_close;
- dev->device.alloc = gralloc_alloc;
- dev-> = gralloc_free;
- *device = &dev->device.common;
- status = 0;
- } else {
- status = fb_device_open(module, name, device);
- }
- return status;
- }
- int fb_device_open(hw_module_t const* module, const char* name,
- hw_device_t** device)
- {
- int status = -EINVAL;
- if (!strcmp(name, GRALLOC_HARDWARE_FB0)) {
- /* initialize our state here */
- fb_context_t *dev = (fb_context_t*)malloc(sizeof(*dev));
- memset(dev, 0, sizeof(*dev));
- /* initialize the procs */
- dev->device.common.tag = HARDWARE_DEVICE_TAG;
- dev->device.common.version = 0;
- dev->device.common.module = const_cast<hw_module_t*>(module);
- dev->device.common.close = fb_close;
- dev->device.setSwapInterval = fb_setSwapInterval;
- dev-> = fb_post;
- dev->device.setUpdateRect = 0;
- private_module_t* m = (private_module_t*)module;
- status = mapFrameBuffer(m);
- if (status >= 0) {
- int stride = m->finfo.line_length / (m->info.bits_per_pixel >> 3);
- int format = (m->info.bits_per_pixel == 32)
- const_cast<uint32_t&>(dev->device.flags) = 0;
- const_cast<uint32_t&>(dev->device.width) = m->info.xres;
- const_cast<uint32_t&>(dev->device.height) = m->info.yres;
- const_cast<int&>(dev->device.stride) = stride;
- const_cast<int&>(dev->device.format) = format;
- const_cast<float&>(dev->device.xdpi) = m->xdpi;
- const_cast<float&>(dev->device.ydpi) = m->ydpi;
- const_cast<float&>(dev->device.fps) = m->fps;
- const_cast<int&>(dev->device.minSwapInterval) = 1;
- const_cast<int&>(dev->device.maxSwapInterval) = 1;
- *device = &dev->device.common;
- }
- }
- return status;
- }
接下来的gralloc_open也是调用了gralloc_device_open,只不过name参数一个是GRALLOC_HARDWARE_GPU0,而另外一个是GRALLOC_HARDWARE_FB0,这两个函数分别得到alloc_device_t 和 framebuffer_device_t结构。到现在为止,gralloc模块的三个主要结构体,gralloc_module_t,alloc_device_t,framebuffer_device_t都已经获取到了。其中在fb_device_open函数中会获取实际的framebuffer设备(通常是/dev/graphics/fb0)的一些重要参数以及能力,比如分辨率信息以及支持多少个缓冲等,另外会把framebuffer映射到内测的地址保存到alloc_module_t中。android一般使用的都是双缓冲机制。具体代码如下(framebuffer.cpp),其中涉及到对private_module_t中一些成员的完善,涉及到gralloc_module_t以及private_handle_t等,其定义在gralloc_priv.h中,这两个结构中都保存了framebuffer的一些私有信息。
- int mapFrameBufferLocked(struct private_module_t* module)
- {
- // already initialized...
- if (module->framebuffer) {
- return 0;
- }
- char const * const device_template[] = {
- "/dev/graphics/fb%u",
- "/dev/fb%u",
- 0 };
- int fd = -1;
- int i=0;
- char name[64];
- while ((fd==-1) && device_template[i]) {
- snprintf(name, 64, device_template[i], 0);
- fd = open(name, O_RDWR, 0);
- i++;
- }
- if (fd < 0)
- return -errno;
- struct fb_fix_screeninfo finfo;
- if (ioctl(fd, FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO, &finfo) == -1)
- return -errno;
- struct fb_var_screeninfo info;
- if (ioctl(fd, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &info) == -1)
- return -errno;
- info.reserved[0] = 0;
- info.reserved[1] = 0;
- info.reserved[2] = 0;
- info.xoffset = 0;
- info.yoffset = 0;
- info.activate = FB_ACTIVATE_NOW;
- /*
- * Request NUM_BUFFERS screens (at lest 2 for page flipping)
- */
- info.yres_virtual = info.yres * NUM_BUFFERS;
- uint32_t flags = PAGE_FLIP;
- if (ioctl(fd, FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO, &info) == -1) {
- info.yres_virtual = info.yres;
- flags &= ~PAGE_FLIP;
- ALOGW("FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO failed, page flipping not supported");
- }
- if (info.yres_virtual < info.yres * 2) {
- // we need at least 2 for page-flipping
- info.yres_virtual = info.yres;
- flags &= ~PAGE_FLIP;
- ALOGW("page flipping not supported (yres_virtual=%d, requested=%d)",
- info.yres_virtual, info.yres*2);
- }
- if (ioctl(fd, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &info) == -1)
- return -errno;
- uint64_t refreshQuotient =
- (
- uint64_t( info.upper_margin + info.lower_margin + info.yres )
- * ( info.left_margin + info.right_margin + info.xres )
- * info.pixclock
- );
- /* Beware, info.pixclock might be 0 under emulation, so avoid a
- * division-by-0 here (SIGFPE on ARM) */
- int refreshRate = refreshQuotient > 0 ? (int)(1000000000000000LLU / refreshQuotient) : 0;
- if (refreshRate == 0) {
- // bleagh, bad info from the driver
- refreshRate = 60*1000; // 60 Hz
- }
- if (int(info.width) <= 0 || int(info.height) <= 0) {
- // the driver doesn't return that information
- // default to 160 dpi
- info.width = ((info.xres * 25.4f)/160.0f + 0.5f);
- info.height = ((info.yres * 25.4f)/160.0f + 0.5f);
- }
- float xdpi = (info.xres * 25.4f) / info.width;
- float ydpi = (info.yres * 25.4f) / info.height;
- float fps = refreshRate / 1000.0f;
- ALOGI( "using (fd=%d)\n"
- "id = %s\n"
- "xres = %d px\n"
- "yres = %d px\n"
- "xres_virtual = %d px\n"
- "yres_virtual = %d px\n"
- "bpp = %d\n"
- "r = %2u:%u\n"
- "g = %2u:%u\n"
- "b = %2u:%u\n",
- fd,
- info.xres,
- info.yres,
- info.xres_virtual,
- info.yres_virtual,
- info.bits_per_pixel,
- );
- ALOGI( "width = %d mm (%f dpi)\n"
- "height = %d mm (%f dpi)\n"
- "refresh rate = %.2f Hz\n",
- info.width, xdpi,
- info.height, ydpi,
- fps
- );
- if (ioctl(fd, FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO, &finfo) == -1)
- return -errno;
- if (finfo.smem_len <= 0)
- return -errno;
- module->flags = flags;
- module->info = info;
- module->finfo = finfo;
- module->xdpi = xdpi;
- module->ydpi = ydpi;
- module->fps = fps;
- /*
- * map the framebuffer
- */
- int err;
- size_t fbSize = roundUpToPageSize(finfo.line_length * info.yres_virtual);
- module->framebuffer = new private_handle_t(dup(fd), fbSize, 0);
- module->numBuffers = info.yres_virtual / info.yres;
- module->bufferMask = 0;
- void* vaddr = mmap(0, fbSize, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
- if (vaddr == MAP_FAILED) {
- ALOGE("Error mapping the framebuffer (%s)", strerror(errno));
- return -errno;
- }
- module->framebuffer->base = intptr_t(vaddr);
- memset(vaddr, 0, fbSize);
- return 0;
- }
1. 打开framebuffer设备
2. 获取 fb_fix_screeninfo and fb_var_screeninfo
3. refill fb_var_screeninfo
4. 判断是否支持PAGE_FLIP
5. 计算刷新率
6. 打印gralloc信息
7. 填充private_module_t
8. mmap the framebuffer
- typedef struct framebuffer_device_t {
- struct hw_device_t common;
- /* flags describing some attributes of the framebuffer */
- const uint32_t flags;
- /* dimensions of the framebuffer in pixels */
- const uint32_t width;
- const uint32_t height;
- /* frambuffer stride in pixels */
- const int stride;
- /* framebuffer pixel format */
- const int format;
- /* resolution of the framebuffer's display panel in pixel per inch*/
- const float xdpi;
- const float ydpi;
- /* framebuffer's display panel refresh rate in frames per second */
- const float fps;
- /* min swap interval supported by this framebuffer */
- const int minSwapInterval;
- /* max swap interval supported by this framebuffer */
- const int maxSwapInterval;
- /* Number of framebuffers supported*/
- const int numFramebuffers;
- int reserved[7];
- /*
- * requests a specific swap-interval (same definition than EGL)
- *
- * Returns 0 on success or -errno on error.
- */
- int (*setSwapInterval)(struct framebuffer_device_t* window,
- int interval);
- /*
- * This hook is OPTIONAL.
- *
- * It is non NULL If the framebuffer driver supports "update-on-demand"
- * and the given rectangle is the area of the screen that gets
- * updated during (*post)().
- *
- * This is useful on devices that are able to DMA only a portion of
- * the screen to the display panel, upon demand -- as opposed to
- * constantly refreshing the panel 60 times per second, for instance.
- *
- * Only the area defined by this rectangle is guaranteed to be valid, that
- * is, the driver is not allowed to post anything outside of this
- * rectangle.
- *
- * The rectangle evaluated during (*post)() and specifies which area
- * of the buffer passed in (*post)() shall to be posted.
- *
- * return -EINVAL if width or height <=0, or if left or top < 0
- */
- int (*setUpdateRect)(struct framebuffer_device_t* window,
- int left, int top, int width, int height);
- /*
- * Post <buffer> to the display (display it on the screen)
- * The buffer must have been allocated with the
- * GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_FB usage flag.
- * buffer must be the same width and height as the display and must NOT
- * be locked.
- *
- * The buffer is shown during the next VSYNC.
- *
- * If the same buffer is posted again (possibly after some other buffer),
- * post() will block until the the first post is completed.
- *
- * Internally, post() is expected to lock the buffer so that a
- * subsequent call to gralloc_module_t::(*lock)() with USAGE_RENDER or
- * USAGE_*_WRITE will block until it is safe; that is typically once this
- * buffer is shown and another buffer has been posted.
- *
- * Returns 0 on success or -errno on error.
- */
- int (*post)(struct framebuffer_device_t* dev, buffer_handle_t buffer);
- /*
- * The (*compositionComplete)() method must be called after the
- * compositor has finished issuing GL commands for client buffers.
- */
- int (*compositionComplete)(struct framebuffer_device_t* dev);
- /*
- * This hook is OPTIONAL.
- *
- * If non NULL it will be caused by SurfaceFlinger on dumpsys
- */
- void (*dump)(struct framebuffer_device_t* dev, char *buff, int buff_len);
- /*
- * (*enableScreen)() is used to either blank (enable=0) or
- * unblank (enable=1) the screen this framebuffer is attached to.
- *
- * Returns 0 on success or -errno on error.
- */
- int (*enableScreen)(struct framebuffer_device_t* dev, int enable);
- void* reserved_proc[6];
- } framebuffer_device_t;
1. static int fb_setSwapInterval(struct framebuffer_device_t* dev, int interval)
这个函数基本没有用,因为maxSwapInterval=minSwapInterval= 1;
2. int (*setUpdateRect)(struct framebuffer_device_t* window, int left, int top, int width, int height);
3. int (*post)(struct framebuffer_device_t* dev, buffer_handle_t buffer);
- static int fb_post(struct framebuffer_device_t* dev, buffer_handle_t buffer)
- {
- if (private_handle_t::validate(buffer) < 0)
- return -EINVAL;
- fb_context_t* ctx = (fb_context_t*)dev;
- private_handle_t const* hnd = reinterpret_cast<private_handle_t const*>(buffer);
- private_module_t* m = reinterpret_cast<private_module_t*>(
- dev->common.module);
- if (hnd->flags & private_handle_t::PRIV_FLAGS_FRAMEBUFFER) {
- const size_t offset = hnd->base - m->framebuffer->base;
- m->info.activate = FB_ACTIVATE_VBL;
- m->info.yoffset = offset / m->finfo.line_length;
- if (ioctl(m->framebuffer->fd, FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO, &m->info) == -1) {
- m->base.unlock(&m->base, buffer);
- return -errno;
- }
- m->currentBuffer = buffer;
- } else {
- // If we can't do the page_flip, just copy the buffer to the front
- // FIXME: use copybit HAL instead of memcpy
- void* fb_vaddr;
- void* buffer_vaddr;
- m->base.lock(&m->base, m->framebuffer,
- 0, 0, m->info.xres, m->info.yres,
- &fb_vaddr);
- m->base.lock(&m->base, buffer,
- 0, 0, m->info.xres, m->info.yres,
- &buffer_vaddr);
- memcpy(fb_vaddr, buffer_vaddr, m->finfo.line_length * m->info.yres);
- m->base.unlock(&m->base, buffer);
- m->base.unlock(&m->base, m->framebuffer);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- typedef struct alloc_device_t {
- struct hw_device_t common;
- /*
- * (*alloc)() Allocates a buffer in graphic memory with the requested
- * parameters and returns a buffer_handle_t and the stride in pixels to
- * allow the implementation to satisfy hardware constraints on the width
- * of a pixmap (eg: it may have to be multiple of 8 pixels).
- * The CALLER TAKES OWNERSHIP of the buffer_handle_t.
- *
- * If format is HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YCbCr_420_888, the returned stride must be
- * 0, since the actual strides are available from the android_ycbcr
- * structure.
- *
- * Returns 0 on success or -errno on error.
- */
- int (*alloc)(struct alloc_device_t* dev,
- int w, int h, int format, int usage,
- buffer_handle_t* handle, int* stride);
- /*
- * (*free)() Frees a previously allocated buffer.
- * Behavior is undefined if the buffer is still mapped in any process,
- * but shall not result in termination of the program or security breaches
- * (allowing a process to get access to another process' buffers).
- * THIS FUNCTION TAKES OWNERSHIP of the buffer_handle_t which becomes
- * invalid after the call.
- *
- * Returns 0 on success or -errno on error.
- */
- int (*free)(struct alloc_device_t* dev,
- buffer_handle_t handle);
- /* This hook is OPTIONAL.
- *
- * If non NULL it will be caused by SurfaceFlinger on dumpsys
- */
- void (*dump)(struct alloc_device_t *dev, char *buff, int buff_len);
- void* reserved_proc[7];
- } alloc_device_t;
- static int gralloc_alloc(alloc_device_t* dev,
- int w, int h, int format, int usage,
- buffer_handle_t* pHandle, int* pStride)
- {
- if (!pHandle || !pStride)
- return -EINVAL;
- size_t size, stride;
- int align = 4;
- int bpp = 0;
- switch (format) {
- bpp = 4;
- break;
- bpp = 3;
- break;
- bpp = 2;
- break;
- default:
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- size_t bpr = (w*bpp + (align-1)) & ~(align-1);
- size = bpr * h;
- stride = bpr / bpp;
- int err;
- if (usage & GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_FB) {
- err = gralloc_alloc_framebuffer(dev, size, usage, pHandle);
- } else {
- err = gralloc_alloc_buffer(dev, size, usage, pHandle);
- }
- if (err < 0) {
- return err;
- }
- *pStride = stride;
- return 0;
- }
- static int gralloc_alloc_framebuffer_locked(alloc_device_t* dev,
- size_t size, int usage, buffer_handle_t* pHandle)
- {
- private_module_t* m = reinterpret_cast<private_module_t*>(
- dev->common.module);
- // allocate the framebuffer
- if (m->framebuffer == NULL) {
- // initialize the framebuffer, the framebuffer is mapped once
- // and forever.
- int err = mapFrameBufferLocked(m);
- if (err < 0) {
- return err;
- }
- }
- const uint32_t bufferMask = m->bufferMask;
- const uint32_t numBuffers = m->numBuffers;
- const size_t bufferSize = m->finfo.line_length * m->info.yres;
- if (numBuffers == 1) {
- // If we have only one buffer, we never use page-flipping. Instead,
- // we return a regular buffer which will be memcpy'ed to the main
- // screen when post is called.
- int newUsage = (usage & ~GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_FB) | GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_2D;
- return gralloc_alloc_buffer(dev, bufferSize, newUsage, pHandle);
- }
- if (bufferMask >= ((1LU<<numBuffers)-1)) {
- // We ran out of buffers.
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- // create a "fake" handles for it
- intptr_t vaddr = intptr_t(m->framebuffer->base);
- private_handle_t* hnd = new private_handle_t(dup(m->framebuffer->fd), size,
- private_handle_t::PRIV_FLAGS_FRAMEBUFFER);
- // find a free slot
- for (uint32_t i=0 ; i<numBuffers ; i++) {
- if ((bufferMask & (1LU<<i)) == 0) {
- m->bufferMask |= (1LU<<i);
- break;
- }
- vaddr += bufferSize;
- }
- hnd->base = vaddr;
- hnd->offset = vaddr - intptr_t(m->framebuffer->base);
- *pHandle = hnd;
- return 0;
- }
- static int gralloc_alloc_buffer(alloc_device_t* dev,
- size_t size, int usage, buffer_handle_t* pHandle)
- {
- int err = 0;
- int fd = -1;
- size = roundUpToPageSize(size);
- fd = ashmem_create_region("gralloc-buffer", size);
- if (fd < 0) {
- ALOGE("couldn't create ashmem (%s)", strerror(-errno));
- err = -errno;
- }
- if (err == 0) {
- private_handle_t* hnd = new private_handle_t(fd, size, 0);
- gralloc_module_t* module = reinterpret_cast<gralloc_module_t*>(
- dev->common.module);
- err = mapBuffer(module, hnd);
- if (err == 0) {
- *pHandle = hnd;
- }
- }
- ALOGE_IF(err, "gralloc failed err=%s", strerror(-err));
- return err;
- }