有关Unity3D 脚本的API所有文档盆友们都可以去这里查阅。
官方API 文档:http://unity3d.com/support/documentation/ScriptReference/
Scripting inside Unity consists of attaching custom script objects called behaviours to game objects. Different functions inside the script objects are called on certain events. The most used ones being the following: Update: This function is called before rendering a frame. This is where most game behaviour code goes, except physics code. FixedUpdate: This function is called once every physics time step. This is the place to do physics-based game behaviour. Code outside any function: Code outside functions is run when the object is loaded. This can be used to initialise the state of the script. Note: Sections of this document assume you are using Javascript, but see Writing scripts in C# & Boo for information about how to use C# or Boo scripts.
Update:这个函数在渲染帧之前被调用,大部分的游戏行为代码都在这里执行,除 物理代码。
Code outside any function:这类函数在对象加载时被调用,它可以用来脚本的初始化工作。
本章我们着重讨论Update 这个函数,创建脚本与绑定脚本的方法在第二章中已经介绍过了不会的盆友请去那里阅读。虽然官方推荐脚本使用JavaScript编辑,但是其实C#更符合 Unity3D的编程思想,推荐新人先使用JavaScript,然后在学习C#,因为JavaScript更容易上手一些。
在三维世界中创建两个矩形,然后在添加两个脚本分别绑定在这两个箱子上,脚本的名称暂时命名为 js0 、js1。
在Project 页面中打开刚刚创建的js0,发现Unity3D 已经将Update 函数添加在脚本中了。
Translate方法中的三个参数分别标示,模型在三维世界中X 、Y、Z 轴移动的单位距离。
04 |
transform.Translate(1,0,0); |
07 |
transform.Translate(0,1,0); |
10 |
transform.Translate(0,0,1); |
04 |
var translation : float = Time.deltaTime * 10; |
07 |
transform.Translate (translation, 0, 0); |
08 |
transform.Translate (0, translation, 0); |
09 |
transform.Translate (0, 0, translation); |
04 |
var translation : float = Time.deltaTime * 10; |
07 |
transform.Translate(Vector3.right * translation, Camera.main.transform); |
10 |
transform.Translate(Vector3.up * translation, Camera.main.transform); |
13 |
transform.Translate(Vector3.left * translation, Camera.main.transform); |
Rotate方法中的三个参数分别标示,模型在三维世界中X 、Y、Z 轴旋转的单位距离。
04 |
transform.Rotate(2, 0, 0); |
07 |
transform.Rotate(0, 2, 0); |
10 |
transform.Rotate(0, 0, 2); |
04 |
var rotate : float = Time.deltaTime * 100; |
09 |
transform.Rotate(Vector3.right * rotate, Space.World); |
12 |
transform.Rotate(Vector3.up * rotate, Space.World); |
15 |
transform.Rotate(Vector3.left * rotate, Space.World); |
13 |
var x : float = Time.deltaTime * 10; |
14 |
var y : float = Time.deltaTime * 8; |
15 |
var z : float = Time.deltaTime * 5; |
18 |
transform.Translate (x, 0, 0); |
21 |
transform.Translate (0, y, 0); |
23 |
transform.Translate (0, 0, z); |
35 |
GUI.Label(Rect(50, 100,200,20),"x pos is" + posX +"float"); |
36 |
GUI.Label(Rect(50, 120,200,20),"y pos is" + posY +"float"); |
37 |
GUI.Label(Rect(50, 140,200,20),"z pos is" + posZ +"float"); |