OpenStack Summit 2012视频合辑

系统 OpenStack


#OpenStack Summit# 总共95个视频已经全部从Youtube下载上传到@优酷网@OpenStack 账号上: ,对应的slides也均上传到@微盘上,下载: 建议做OpenStack的公司给员工放两天假把这些视频和slides学习一遍。相当于为每个员工节省$1500往返机票+$500入场券。



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Crowbar for OpenStack Deployments(Scott Jensen)


The Open Source Data Center(Cole Crawford)


Getting Physical: Using OpenStack to Provision and Manage Physical Servers, not just VMs(Gur Saran Varma)

虽然很多负载现在都在虚拟机当中运行,但高性能的物理服务器还是有其用武之地。为了迎合不同的需求,提供商通常在Cloud Automation for VMs等环境下管理服务,并手动管理物理机器。在这个分享当中,我们介绍一个无缝管理物理服务器和虚拟机的解决方案。

True Hybrid Clouds: Extending OpenStack with Cloud Foundry)(John Purrier)

Appfog使用开源的Cloud Foundry项目进行OpenStack的延伸,构建一个混合的云。我们讨论了云内部的连接和工作负载在实例之间的转移,并演示开发者如何使用自己相中的编程语言创建应用,再部署到基于OpenStack的云上(如惠普云,Rackspace等)。

Considerations for Building an OpenStack Private Cloud(Ryan Richard)


Pull from Source in Cookbooks for Folsom Deployment(Andi Abes)


Open Source Versions of Amazon's SNS and SQS(Ryan King)

Comcast一直在建造自己的私有云,以承载其Cloud TV平台。作为整个计划的一部分,Comcast硅谷创新中心研发了一套Amazon SNS和SQS的兼容开源版本,现在计划将其跟OpenStack整合。我们的服务基于Redis和Cassandra构建,以实现多数据中心的可用性,可扩展性和低延迟。

How OpenStack Compute is Driving Forward Database Services in the Cloud(Vipul Sabhaya, Tim Simpson)


Hyper-V and OpenStack Deep Dive(Alessandro Pilotti, Peter Pouliot)

从Folsom版本开始,Hyper-V Nova计算功能被合并到了Nova Compute代码当中。我们将演示如何设置一个基于Hyper-V 2012的Folsom基础架构,运行的实例包含Linux,Windows和FreeBSD。

Openstack API support metric, documentation and testing(Ravikumar Venkatesan)

这场是一次有关OpenStack API的头脑风暴:客户和版本的支持,文档,以及测试。

What about billing? An introduction to Ceilometer(Nick Barcet)


Storing VMs with Cinder and Ceph RBD(Josh Durgin)


Getting From Folsom to Grizzly: A DevOps Upgrade Pattern(Greg Althaus)


Heat: A template based orchestration engine for OpenStack(Steven Dake)

Heat是CloudFormation的模板语言。CloudFormation是一个在Apache 2许可协议下的管理引擎,通过Heat可以在这个平台上控制各种底层资源,如存储、网络、实例和应用。Heat还提供了认证、网状stack、高可用、自动化扩容等高级功能。

Upstreaming Chef DevOps: Building Community OpenStack Cookbooks (DISCUSSION)(Matt Ray)


General Bare-Metal Provisioning Framework(Mikyung Kang, Ken Igarashi, David Kang)

Nova为计算基础架构提供了快捷性和灵活性。虚拟化在Nova中至关重要,但是虚拟化同时也造成了性能问题。有些用户希望使用裸金属,而非虚拟化,那么裸金属的部署分配已经有一些实现方式,如重启机器后刷新成一个全新的系统镜像,用户用完了之后就把本地硬盘清空等。NTT docomo和USC/ISI正在计划提供这方面的框架服务。



Videos of Sessions From Day 2

Opening Session(Jonathan Bryce)

OpenStack基金会执行总裁Jonathan Bryce分享为什么OpenStack将获得成功。

The promise of the Open Cloud(Mark Shuttleworth)

“Ubuntu对开放云的愿景,以及在OpenStack中的定位”。来自Canonical总裁Mark Shuttleworth的分享,谈论Canonical对OpenStack部署方面的支持,以及对采用Ubuntu和OpenStack构建大型公有云和私有云的技术路线图。

OpenStack: The Foundation of Cloud Computing(Chris C. Kemp)


OpenStack 101(Joshua McKenty)

OpenStack交付了一个巨大的可扩展的云计算管理框架,任何企业都可以在标准硬件上使用这套系统。OpenStack的创始人之一,NASA的Joshua McKenty将讨论OpenStack是如何开始的,它如何改变了云计算的领域,以及OpenStack的未来。

High Availability Update: OpenStack's progress in infrastructure based HA(Florian Haas)


OpenStack Compute (Nova) Project Update(Vish Ishaya)


Enterprise to OpenStack: Here's what you're missing(Pete Johnson)

Fortune 2000 companies are eager for OpenStack to open up cost models around cloud computing much like Linux did for operating systems but most have not yet taken the plunge.  Why?  In this talk, hear tales from the field of the most commonly cited missing features that the enterprises are asking for before taking fully embracing OpenStack for both private and public cloud usage.

OpenStack Swift Introduction: Architecture Overview and Use Cases(Joe Arnold, John Dickinson)


Modern web and mobile applications demand a highly-available, distributed object storage system that supports highly-concurrent workloads. OpenStack Swift solves these problems at large services providers, top web properties and large enterprises. This talk will also provide an overview of Swift’s architecture where you will learn about the components of Swift. This talk will also cover use cases including high-volume websites, mobile application development, custom file-sharing applications, data analytics and providing private/public storage infrastructure-as-a-service. This talk is also for those who want to understand the design goals of Swift and how to best make use of this component of OpenStack. It’s a great introduction for those interested in using or learning more about Swift.

Quantum Fog! Networking for Programmatic Overlays(Rob @Zehicle Hirschfeld)

It's time to take Fog to the next level.  Fog is the leading Ruby abstraction library for the OpenStack API and it's embedded in several ecosystem products.  With the addition of Quantum, there is a need to extend Fog's models to comprehend cloud networking.  Our vision includes adding both hidden functionality like setting up networks by default and explicit functions that expose the power of elastic networking.  The goal of this session is to discuss the best ways to surface this functionality and coordinate development so that we do not duplicate or fork efforts.

OpenStack Image Service (Glance) Project Update


From the Outside Looking In: The Analyst Perspective on OpenStack(Krishnan Subramanian, Stephen O\'Grady, Gary Chen, Sean Michael Kerner, Gretchen Curtis)

Krishnan Subramanian, Stephen O\'Grady, Gary Chen, Sean Michael Kerner, Gretchen Curtis

Moderator: Gretchen Curtis, Piston


  • Gary Chen
  • Sean Michael Kerner
  • Stephen O'Grady
  • Krishnan Subramanian

An Introduction to Nova(Jacob Walcik, Sandy Walsh)

A presentation to introduce new members of the OpenStack Community to Nova. This will include a brief history of the project, an overview of the supporting projects (Glance, Keystone, Horizon, etc), API examples, and Nova architecture. The intended audience would be both new members of the community and more business-focused attendees as well as technical attendees who would like a good overview (or refresher) on Nova.

Chef for OpenStack(Matt Ray)

The open source configuration management and automation framework Chef is used to deploy and manage many large public and private installations of OpenStack and supports a wide variety of deployment scenarios. Chef for OpenStack is a project based on the healthy exchange of code, ideas and documentation for deploying and operating OpenStack with Chef. With involvement from Intel, Dell, HP, Rackspace and many others there is a community of collaboration between users, developers and operators. This session will discuss the currently available resources and documentation, the evolution and layout of the project and the roadmap going forward.

OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) Project Update(Gabriel Hurley)

The future of Infrastructure automation(Joshua McKenty)

Joshua McKenty will take a look at the future of infrastructure automation as it pertains to the adoption of private and public clouds. Every layer of cloud comes down to infrastructure automation. Learn how the software-defined infrastructure is playing a part to orchestrate the underlying machines and virtual resources up through applications and the Paas layers.

Furthermore, Joshua will discuss how automating the integration of Paas and Iaas on a technical level has the potential to drive greater adoption of public and private clouds, and how it can even show ways to make the Paas layer install on top of OpenStack without human interaction.

Surviving your first check-in: An engineers guide to contributing to OpenStack(Colin McNamara)


Let me tell you a dirty little secret. While OpenStack is a great project, it is extremely complicated for and indivdual with an engineering/operations focus vs a programming focus to get to their first code contribution.

My name is Colin, I am and engineer. Although I initially got involved with OpenStack in the context of operations, I quickly was drawn into actually contributing code to the project. What I found is that many of the tools and workflows used to contribute to OpenStack are completely foreign to those (like me) with an operations focus.

In this session I will go over the biggest challenges that I faced as an engineer contributing. And review the  tools and techniques to that I used to get past them. This information will be presented with the goal of arming engineers just getting involved with the knowledge tools necessary to get to their first successful contribution and beyond.

Learning objectives

  • The importance of community - Leveraging the power of the meeting
  • Talking your employeer into supporting OpenStack and the CLA
  • Setting up your dev environments - getting beyond Devstack
  • Getting git, using the git repository for those that don't code for a living
  • Testing your code - what do you mean it doesn't build?
  • How to give back, and get other people involved in the community.







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责任编辑:yangsai 来源:

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