
你听说过Pinterest没?没有的话你就Out啦。在8月的ArchSummit大会上,来自Pinterest的两位工程师到场分享了Pinterest的架构扩展历史。他们分别是Marty Weiner和Evrhet Milam。Marty名片上的Title很有意思,叫做Cloud Ninja——云忍者之意。本次对他俩的采访,就从这个Title的含义开始。


在8月的ArchSummit大会上,来自Pinterest的两位工程师到场分享了Pinterest的架构扩展历史。他们分别是Marty Weiner和Evrhet Milam。Marty在2011年1月加入Pinterest,Evrhet在2011年11月加入。对于这样一个初创企业而言,工程师加入的时间不会很长;但从他们的身上,笔者感受到了他们对Pinterest强烈的归属感与认同感。


Marty Weiner & Evrhet Milam

Marty名片上的Title很有意思,叫做Cloud Ninja——云忍者之意。本次对他俩的采访,就从这个Title的含义开始……


S:哈喽,Marty,Evrhet,感谢你们接受51CTO的采访。首先,Marty,你的名片上用了Cloud Ninja这个称号。这个称号很酷!是跟云计算有关系么?












































M:我们有一个Head of Engineers。然后,每个小团队都有一个小组长,不过小组长主要的工作不是管理,而是带领团队一起编码。当然,还有我们的创始人。两个创始人默认在所有人之上的。




s: hi Marty, Evrhet, thanks for taking our interview!

You call yourself a cloud ninja. Does this have anything to do with cloud computing?

M: yes. When we do our work, the control system is all on the cloud. And it just sounds funny. When there are lots of problems going on there, you have to be a little bit ninja.

S: you know architect, devops, dba, security, and everything else to keep pinterest running. And you started off as a coder. When did you learn all these things?

M: on the job. both of us. i was a compiler guy, and i didn't do scaling for web. i did big scaling on the other side of the game, like making java run faster, but that's on the other side. i didn't do things quite on that level. so that's the way we are going. and we do a little bit of everything, architect, devops, db guy, product feature...eventually we get segment as we get more engineers. i do spam. Evr, how about you talk what you do?

e: i'm focused on engagement growth, so trying to make sure more users are using our product, and continue to use it, day by day. so just features, making people enjoy the product, help them find contents they are interested in.

s: so a lot on the product side?

e: mine is a lot more product focused, so we do things to make sure you have good recommendations, they are pretty to look at, make users happy when seeing their homefeed.

m: every eyeball still keeps an eye on the website, in case it breaks, get a backup and get it back running.

s: do you have a product manager?

m: not yet. no official individual product manager yet, but i think we'll get one.

s: so just the engineers doing everything?

m: oh we have a founder who is focused on the vision. we have some great designers. and people focused on the business. we have people focused on internalization, and help us understand what we need to engineer that. so we have product management in implicit way, but not a specific product manager yet.

s: so how is the engineering team in pinterest like? how do you distribute work?

e: i think we have over 30 engineers. and we are splitting them into more and more teams. we have originally an integrity team, and a growth team, and then we had even smaller teams, like the spam team, recently a team related to feed quality, and we have a platform team, that just worries about the apis, and making the platform available for partners and third-party apps. so we just have a lot of small teams flying around different features and products we have. and we have a mobile team, too.

m: and in terms of the type of people that we look for, 30% of our interview is on technical aspects, to make sure they are good engineers, but a 30% is on cultural - how good they can fit into our culture. are they motivated, are they fun, and they like to joke around. do they want to build things and make them run, and create. if they are not like that, if they can only write code but they are not fun, we won't hire them.

s: so you interviewed them?

m: yes, we all interview the new people coming in, that's the culture we want going forward, so that to make sure people coming in match the current culture, in the way that you like, i think it's productive.

s: that's quite unique.

m: yes, i think that barrier is common at the early stage of companies. make sure the people bring in a having lots of fun. build things.

s: so do all the members of the teams know everything?

m: most people know a little bit about every piece, but they may not know, day to day, about mysql, we are a little bit segmented. but a lot of people we hire have just done different pieces, some of them know well about mysql if that's what they previously did. but people who know mysql are most probably the ops guys, and they need to know code, need to know how to fix things when it breaks.

s: are you regarded as specialized in certain fields, then?

m: i'm working on spam right now, we tend to jump on whatever needs to be fixed now and then. i'm actually on the team that we call "blackups", it sounds cool, but what it does is if there is something broken and there is not a specific team to fix it, we'll go and fix it. we are the people that make sure everything is fluid and working. so this role requires us to know a little bit about everything.

e: we do have some people who are focused on data and recommendations, they are a bit more specialized than the rest of us. they have knowledge of phds, on machine learning or things like that, or analytical knowledge. most of us are like generalist engineers, and can come to deal with scaling servers, add a feature, and things like that. usually we need people who can jump onto anything.

s: that's interesting. so marty, before you joined pinterest you were doing jvm. how about eve?

e: i was at yelp. a generalist engineer that was doing credit cards protection, data warehousing, and locations.

s: so what difference do you think there is between working in pinterest and working in your previous post?

m: i think i really learned how to scale things on a larger scale, how things break down, i get to see things from a top level. i really learned how to engineer very large systems. it's the same problem, but also a very different problem from scaling mysql. from a compiler level, your system(?) either work or doesn't work, it's 1 or 0. for mysql, you find yourself surrounded by technology that works 95%. you have to write things that are very tolerant to that, tolerant to the bugs. some of them don't work, some of them break away, so part of our job is to make things tolerant - make them work no matter what is happening. i think the compiler work helped a lot for me, just for debugging regular problems, beating them down to the ground to make them work.

e: yelp does pretty much the same thing, running a website that has a lot of users. so i have a lot of similar experience that i have now. but i think yelp has a lot of knowledge in scaling a team. making sure the code is maintainable, has unit tests, is documented, so that the rest of the team can carry on with the code. yelp had a good job in doing that, and i learned a lot of these processes, like hr processes, getting more engineers, getting the right people for the job.

m: one thing i think is interesting is that, it is just two of us for wild scaling, when pinterest is scaling fast, a lot of code is not matured. some code there is just really nasty, and if you don't slow down a bit, it will just become worse and worse. so some engineers we brought in, their work is to stablize, so they come in and rework a lot of the codes to make them cleaner, and more scalable for later.

s: cool. so the important thing is to get the right team.

m: yes. in january we had 5 engineers, and now we have 30. so we are getting bigger in size. it actually doesn't matter what scale you are at, but about how fast things move. so when we moved from 6 to 15 engineers, and 15 to 60, or 100 to 150, or any doubling the size, you have to rework everything that you used to. so we have to make sure the culture matches, and we have to make sure we have properly related our team. we have to make sure their coding doesn't fly too fast, but at the same time we don't want to place too many rules around the place, that will slow down the fun, slow down the feeling that you are getting something done. bigger companies have this problem: i want to make a change, i have to go three levels for approval. right now we are still fast, but not super loose. keep it fun.

s: cool. so you have been engineers for quite a long time, do you think things have changed a lot in these 2-3 years?

m: it certainly is moving fast for me.

s: and do you think this has made things more difficult for developers?

m: i think we get the right people who likes things to be fast moving. it makes things better for them. we get a lot of people who come from big big companies that have slowed down. and they want to come back to the fast.

s: so they want the fast changes?

m: yes. they want to be in small startups that move fast. we've got a lot of people who say "i'm sick of all the management. i want to make code and move. i want to make another product and move. pinterest is still young enough so they can get that opportunity. so fast is what we thrive on.

e: oh yes, that's one of the reasons i joined pinterest. there are so many opportunities to work on new products. Right after I joined, it was probably the most stressful two weeks of my life. Thing were breaking all the time, you keep going back to a fixing mode - i've never experienced that before in the two years at yelp. it's really different. it can be stressful, keep solving problems, but it is really satisfying, very very fun at the end of the day. so in pinterest we have all the right people, like families, sleep and hangout together, i really enjoyed it.

m: one thing is that we kept watching that graph of growing number of users that keeps rising. so no matter what happens, whether we worked up till 3am or even all night every week or the other week, as long as you saw that graph, it's like, oh, it's worth it, it's worth it~ and also it's a fun product to build. it's a really beautiful product, we get really good designers, visionaries, and it's really simple. a lot of people had so much fun with it, and i like going on to twitter and reading all these people saying "i love pinterest". a lot of people would go in the end of stressful days and say, oh at least i've got my pinterest and my key. reading those is really satisfying. you know a lot of people is relaxing, you know, my stress! at least my stress is going to relax somebody:)

s: cool. so last question. your session mentioned choosing sharding over clustering. so who make those decisions? what's the process like? do you just go ahead and decide, or do some data, testing before you went for it?

m: so early on, when there were only 2 or 3 of us, it was pretty much like "we hope this will work", because we just didn't have the room to test and bring up a lot of technologies that didn't work. and we knew what was working, so we sort of extract it, and hope for the best thing we got. and in a way we got lucky as it turned out to be working. now we do have the capacity to do a bit of testing, but we are still kind of build the system and start push it to a little bit of entity(?) and see how it does, and if there are problems, fix them. For the follower service we started off pushing 10% and see, ok we've found a few problems, fix those. push 20%, ok a few more problems, and so on. so we have this bring things to production, but just push some things to it. and when it's 100%, you are done. so in a way we are kind of test in production, but in control. and you can always push loads to the system, you can see how the system responds, but it never ever matches the real load.

e: also i think it's up to the team you have. when new ideas come up, engineers are going to talk about it. are they excited about it? good ideas tend to have lots of chats, and people will start bringing them in. test them. deploy them. they have to be excited about the new idea - good solutions to the problems we have.

s: so do you have some kind of a leader?

m: we have a head of engineers. and then, every team has a team leader who is very down into the code - he is not managing, just code along and lead the teams. and we have a founder, two founders who are automatically on top of everything.

责任编辑:yangsai 来源: 51CTO.com

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