/* Check that scrambled message corresponds to the password; the function is used by server to check that recieved reply is authentic. This function does not check lengths of given strings: message must be null-terminated, reply and hash_stage2 must be at least SHA1_HASH_SIZE long (if not, something fishy is going on). SYNOPSIS check_scramble() scramble clients' reply, presumably produced by scramble() message original random string, previously sent to client (presumably second argument of scramble()), must be exactly SCRAMBLE_LENGTH long and NULL-terminated. hash_stage2 hex2octet-decoded database entry All params are IN. RETURN VALUE 0 password is correct !0 password is invalid */ my_bool check_scramble(const uchar *scramble_arg, const char *message, const uint8 *hash_stage2) { SHA1_CONTEXT sha1_context; uint8 buf[SHA1_HASH_SIZE]; uint8 hash_stage2_reassured[SHA1_HASH_SIZE]; mysql_sha1_reset(&sha1_context); /* create key to encrypt scramble */ mysql_sha1_input(&sha1_context, (const uint8 *) message, SCRAMBLE_LENGTH); mysql_sha1_input(&sha1_context, hash_stage2, SHA1_HASH_SIZE); mysql_sha1_result(&sha1_context, buf); /* encrypt scramble */ my_crypt((char *) buf, buf, scramble_arg, SCRAMBLE_LENGTH); /* now buf supposedly contains hash_stage1: so we can get hash_stage2 */ mysql_sha1_reset(&sha1_context); mysql_sha1_input(&sha1_context, buf, SHA1_HASH_SIZE); mysql_sha1_result(&sha1_context, hash_stage2_reassured); return memcmp(hash_stage2, hash_stage2_reassured, SHA1_HASH_SIZE); }
memcmp的返回值实际上是int,而my_bool实际上是char。那么在把int转换成char的时候,就有可能发生截断。比如,memcmp返回0×200,截断后变成了0,调用check_scramble函数的就误以为“password is correct“。
原文链接: http://www.udpwork.com/redirect/7463