
开发 前端

jQuery 的易扩展性吸引了来自全球的开发者来共同编写 jQuery 插件,这些优秀的 jQuery 插件不仅能够增强网站的可用性,有效的改善用户体验,还可以加快开发速度,节省开发时间。

Image Slider, Light Boxes01. 3D Gallery


30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012


02. Book Transition Pages


30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012


03. Image Hover Effects


30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012


04. Swish Zoom Hover Effect


30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012


05. Slider With Modern Effects


30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012


06. Elastic Image Slider


30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012


07. Awesome Slide Show


30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012


08. Flexible notifications


30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012


09. Powerful Scrolling


30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012


10. UI Bootstrap


30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012


11. Stylish Accordion


30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012


12. On-demand Search Box


30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012


13. Colorful Tool Tip


30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012


14. Shiny Knob Control


30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012


15. Thumbnail Proximity


30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012


16. Image Transitions


30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012


17. Multiple style Slideshow


30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012


18. Video Player


30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012


19. Photo Album


30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012


Form Effects01. Cool Captcha


30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012


02. Apple Like Login Form


30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012


Menus Effects01. list items menu


30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012


02. Simple Link Box navigation


30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012


03. Multi Level Hierarchical Menu


30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012


Text Effects01. Curving Text


30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012


02. Text Scrollorama


30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012


03. Count Down Timer


30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012


04. Item Blur


30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012


05. Typography Effect


30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012


06. Smarter Text Input Fields


30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012


责任编辑:张伟 来源: 脚本之家

2013-05-09 10:30:44


2011-06-07 09:22:43


2015-04-13 18:29:54


2011-11-21 11:27:30


2019-03-15 15:37:51


2010-08-02 11:09:45


2011-05-19 17:00:56


2013-11-14 10:34:57

Android 4.4特性

2009-09-08 13:46:13


2013-04-11 13:59:39

2018-08-08 05:38:12


2010-08-12 14:23:05


2021-10-16 07:15:40


2012-12-21 10:32:42


2012-09-26 09:26:21

2011-11-22 10:13:04


2013-04-18 15:42:35

OS X 10.8.4

2015-08-24 16:12:08

