TechFrom科技源 9.14日,著名程序员问答网站 Stack Exchange的创始人 Joel Spolsky 创立 Trello,一个无所不能的在线协作工具平台,让团队人员可以实时看到团队项目进展,方便项目管理,以及团队之间可以沟通等。来自 TechCrunch Disrupt 2011,Disrupt SF 2011 洛杉矶站的创业项目。
看Trello 之前,可以需要了解 Joel Spolsky 这位技术牛人之前的一个成功产品 Stack Exchange,知识问答网站群StackExchange超Quora 旗下程序员问答网站Stack Overflow,极其成功。另外,谷歌发布:全球1000网站排名流量数据,以及国家TOP100网站,techfrom,101-1000网站,Stack Exchange 赫然在列。
全功能 在线协作工具平台 Trello ,团队协作和管理的超级利器
如上图所示,在线协作工具平台 Trello 功能非常全面,
基于 Web 浏览器的方式,实时查看项目任务的进展
在线协作工具平台 Trello 可以用于任何行业,任何团队,不仅仅局限于 软件和网络 等领域和方面。
Trello = 工作流 + 项目管理 + 团队信息沟通:
Trello 具有 项目管理功能,如任务分配等等;Trello 支持团队信息交流等; Trello 可以实时查看项目的进展以及流程进度等。
Trello 完全可视化UI界面。
Trello 将要推出移动应用,进一步融合移动互联网。
评委 : John Ham (Ustream), Hilary Mason (, Kevin Rose (Milk), George Zachary (Charles River Ventures)
KR: I love this as a project management software. It looks great. You could charge a few bucks per seat.
A: It is free, but when we have huge numbers of people using this a freemium model may make sense.
GZ: This an awesome product demo. I am an investor in Yammer, I like what you are taping into. Where do you go for revenue?
A: We have all ideas, similar to what kevin is suggesting. Our first goal is to get it as ubiquitous with as little friction.
HM: It looks like this is taking better parts of agile programmer technology.
A: This is the big picture for what people are working on.
HM: IS there an API? What is this built on?
A: There will be an API soon. It’s built on Mongo, backbone.
JH: There’s an opportunity to nail it. Where are you going to drive adoption? Silicon Valley? VCs?
A: I’m not sure. Our goal is to make it a horizontal app. We have a chance to shout about the fact that this is a horizontal category.