PhoneGap官网翻译 iOS开发常见问题文档


Q. When I run the Installer, the installation fails?

A. Follow the instructions here



Q. Can I do AJAX with servers that have self-signed certificates?

A. No, this is a iOS SDK limitation with UIWebview. You’ll have to write an Objective-C plugin.


答案:不行,这是 iOS SDK与UI Webview之间的一种局限,你必须编写一个Ojbective-C插件。

Q. With iOS 4 SDK, I get “Base SDK Missing” error?

A. See “Upgrade Your Xcode Template for iOS 4”

问题:使用iOS 4 SDK时,出现了“未找到Base SDK”错误?

答案:请参考“为iOS 4 升级你的Xcode模版”。

Q. I installed Xcode 4, but I don’t see the PhoneGap template when creating a New Project? Where is it?

A. Xcode 4 Templates are included as of PhoneGap version - download here.

问题:我安装了Xcode 4,但是当我新建一个新的项目时不能看见PhoneGap模版,模版在哪里?

答案:Xcode 4模版 包含在PhoneGap版里,点击这里下载。

Q. PhoneGapLib.xcodeproj is red in my PhoneGap-based application and I get build errors?

A. The Xcode variable for PhoneGapLib is not set. Xcode must be closed when the installer is running. Either run the installer again, or add a PHONEGAPLIB variable in Xcode Preferences –> Source Trees, with the location of PhoneGapLib. The installer would have installed it in ~/Documents/PhoneGapLib.


答案:PhoneGapLi中Xcode的变量未设置。当运行安装程序时,Xcode必须关闭。要么再次运行安装程序,要么在位于PhoneGapLib中的Xcode Preferencess –> Source Trees里添加一个PHONEGAPLIB 变量,安装程序将会安装到~/Documents/PhoneGapLib。

Q. What is this warning I get when I am packaging the installer? “Warning: “Require Admin Authorization” is recommended but not enabled. Installation may fail.”

A. You can safely ignore this warning, it will not affect installation. The installer only installs for the current user, thus it does not need Admin privileges.



Q. I get this “Invalid architecture” error. How do I fix it?

A. The Active SDK for the project is set to “Use Base SDK”, change it to one of the iPhone targets in the drop-down. Unfortunately this is a user-specific project setting and cannot be set in the Xcode template.


答案:项目的Active SDK设置为“Use Base SDK”,在下拉列表中将它改成一个iPhone的 targets。不幸的是,这是一个特定用户的项目设置,不能在Xcode模版里面设置。

Q. I get this “_kUTTypeImage” link error. How do I fix it?

A. This relates to framework added for the new UIImagePickerController delegate. Add “MobileCoreServices.framework” to your project. This only relates to pre-existing projects that have updated their PhoneGapLib. New projects should not see this error.



Q. I have Framework errors in red when creating a PhoneGap project in Xcode 3.2.x for iOS 4.x? How do I fix it?

A. Change your Base SDK. Go to the Project Menu –> Edit Project Settings –> General Tab –> Base SDK for all Configurations. Change it to “Latest iOS”

问题:当我为iOS 4.x创建一个PhoneGap项目时,遇到了一个用红色标识的框架错误,应该怎样解决?

答案:修改Base SDK。进入Project Menu –> Edit Project Settings –> General Tab –> Base SDK for all Configurations,修改为“Latest iOS”。

Q. I still have some “Invalid Architecture” errors. Yes, I’ve looked at the items above. How do I fix this?

A. The Base SDK for your project and PhoneGapLib must be exactly the same. Launch PhoneGapLib.xcodeproj (double-click on it in your project), and set its Base SDK to the same one in your project.


答案:你的项目和PhoneGapLib中的Base SDK必须完全相同。启动PhoneGapLib.xcodeproj (在你的项目中双击它),然后将它的Base SDK设置成你的项目中的Base SDK。

Q. I’ve tried almost everything and Xcode fails to compile PhoneGapDelegate.m in PhoneGapLib.

A. Check whether there is a space in the path to PhoneGapLib, particularly if there’s a space in your home folder name. Unfortunately at this time you either have to change your home folder name (since PhoneGapLib is installed under it, in your Documents folder) or relocate PhoneGapLib to a location that has no space in the path (and make sure you update the PHONEGAPLIB Xcode variable in Xcode Preferences –> Source Trees). This has been fixed in the latest codebase as of Mar 7th 2011.


答案:检查一下PhoneGapLib所在的路径是否有空间,特别是在你的主文件夹名是否有空间。不幸的是,在这个时候,你要么改变你的主文件夹名(在你的Documents文件夹下,PhoneGapLib安装在里面),要么将PhoneGapLib移到在你的路径里面没有空间的地方(确定在Xcode Preferences –> Source Trees下,更新PHONEGAPLIB Xcode 变量的值)。在2011年3月7日***的代码库中已被修改。

责任编辑:佚名 来源: phonegapcn

2011-10-11 09:50:44


2011-09-13 14:40:16

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2011-09-13 15:51:11

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