这个文档是GNU版本find命令的使用手册。find搜索目录树上的每一个文件名,它从左至右鉴定给定的表达式,按照优先规则(见运算符一节)进行匹配, 直到知道结果(运算符左边值为假则进行与操作,为真则进行或操作),然后find移向下一个文件名。
find - 在目录层次中寻找文件
find [path...] [expression]
路径 表达式
这个文档是GNU版本find命令的使用手册。find搜索目录树上的每一个文件名,它从左至右鉴定给定的表达式,按照优先规则(见运算符一节)进行匹配, 直到知道结果(运算符左边值为假则进行与操作,为真则进行或操作),然后find移向下一个文件名。第一个开头带有'-','(',')',',',或 '!'这些字符的参数将是表达式的开始;在它之前的一些参数是要搜索的路径,在它之后的一些参数是测试类型的表达式。缺省路径用当前目录,缺省表达式用' -print'.假如所有文件都能成功进行检索,find将返回一个 状态值0,有错误发生则返回一个大于0的值。
这个表 达式是由选项(其总是影响所有的操作,而不仅仅是一个指定的文件,而且总是返回真值),测试(其返回一个真值或一个假值),和事件()组成,它们都有运算 符分开.-and用在运算符忽略的地方.若表达式没有包含事件,这个表达式为真值,则 -prune, -print这两个事件将用于搜索所有的文件时缺省使用。
从今天也不从24小时之前开始计量时间(对 -amin,-atime, -cmin, -ctime, -mmin, 和-mtime有效)。
不检索符号链接。意即 -noleaf。
-help, --help
-maxdepth levels
在命令行下目录的最大深度级别(非负整数),'-maxdepth 0'意味着只在命令行参数中应用检测和事件。
-mindepth levels
小于指定数字(非负整数)的深度级别的目录层次将不应用检测和事件。'-mindepth 1'意味着除了当前的命令行参数外将搜索所有的文件。
不 优化假如某一个目录里包含少于两个以下的子目录。这个选项在那些不遵循UNIX文件系统链界约定的文件系统中用,像CD-ROM,MS-DOS或AFS卷 加载点上。在UNIX文件系统中,每个目录有至少两个硬链接,它的名字和'.'。它的子目录(假如有)各自有一个'..'链接到它本身。在FIND检索一 个目录时,在统计其子目录少于两个,意味着将不需要在进行下去了。只需要检索一下这个目录名;这在检索速度上是个有意义的提高。
-version, --version
-xdev 在其它文件系统中不进入目录。
+n 比n大。
-n 比n小。
n 恰好是n。
-amin n
-anewer file
文件最后访问时间比指定的file修改时间更晚。 -anewer会受到-follow的影响当在命令行中-follow在-anewer之前时。
-atime n
-cmin n
-cnewer file
-ctime n
-empty 文件是空的,它是一个正规的文件或目录。
-false 总是假。
-fstype type
文件是type类型。在不同的unix系统中有多种不同的文件系统类型。在一些不同版本的unix中有效的文件类型有:ufs,4.2, 4.3, nfs, tmp, mfs, S51k, S52k.你可以用-printf加上%F指示来看你的文件系统的类型。
-gid n 文件的数字型组ID是n.
-group gname
-ilname pattern
同-lname, 但是匹配是大小些不区分的.
-iname pattern
同-name,但是匹配是大小些不区分的。举个例子,这个通配符'fo*'和'f??'匹配文件名'Foo', 'FOO', 'foo', 'fOo',等等。
-inum n
-ipath pattern
同 -path, 但是匹配大小写不区分。
-iregex pattern
同 -regex, 但是匹配大小写不区分.
-links n
-lname pattern
-mmin n
-mtime n
-name pattern
基本的文件名(起始的目录已经检测过了)匹配shell通配符pattern.元字符('*', '?', 和'[]')不能匹配一个以'.'开头的文件名。忽略在它下边的目录或文件,用-prune;参看-path描述中的例子。
-newer file
-path pattern
文 件名匹配shell通配符pattern.元字符不能区分'/'和'.';因此,像例子find . -path './sr*sc'将列出一个目录条目'./src/misc'(假如它存在的话).忽略整个目录树,用-prune比检测树中的每一个文件要好一些。举 个例子,跳过'src/emacs'和它下边的所有文件,列出其它发现的文件,执行下边的命令: find . -path './src/emacs' -prune -o -print
-perm mode
-perm -mode
-perm +mode
-regex pattern
-size n[bckw]
-true 总是真
-type c
b 块(缓冲)设备.
c 字符设备.
d 目录.
p 有名管道(FIFO).
f 规则文件.
l 符号链结.
s 插座.
-uid n 文件的数字型用户ID是n.
-used n
-user uname
-xtype c
若是符号链结:假如 -follow 没有给出,若这个文件链结的是类型为c的文件,则返回真;假如给了-follow选项,若c为'l',则返回真.对于符号链结, -xtype检测链结的文件类型,-type不做这样的检测。
-exec command ;
执 行命令;返回的状态值为零则为真。所有在这之后的参数都是command的参数,直到遇到';'.字符串'{}'将被当前的文件名代替,作为当前命令的参 数,并不是象一些版本FIND一样是个单独存在的一个参数,这些语句应该被转义(用'')或被引用,以此来保护他们被SHELL展开。这个命令将在起始目 录被执行。
-fls file
值为真;同 -ls 但像 -fprint一样将输出写向文件file
-fprint file
-fprint0 file
值为真;同 -printf 但是将像 -fprint 一样将输出写像文件file.
-ok command
同 -exec但是先问用户(在标准输入);假如应答不是以'y'或'Y'开头,将不执行command,返回假。
-print 值为真;在标准输出上输出整个文件名,并加一个新行。
-printf format
值为真。通过解释转义字符''和指示字符'%',格式化输出到标准输出上.空间宽度和精度能像c函数'printf'一样被指定。不像 -print, -printf不能在字符串的末尾自动加一个新行。这些转义和指示字符是:
a 鸣声.
b 退格键.
c 马上停止格式输出,输出到标准输出上。
f 换页符.
n 行符.
r 回车符.
t 水平制表符.
v 竖直制表符.
%% 符号'%'.
%a 在格式输出中通过调用c函数'ctime'返回文件的最后访问时间。
%AK 用K指定的格式输出文件的最后访问时间。K可以是'@'或者C函数 'strftime' 函数的一个指示。有效的K值列在下边;它们不一定在所有的系统中都有效,主要取决于这些系统中'strftime'函数的异同。
@ 从Jan. 1, 1970, 00:00 GMT到现在的秒数。
H 点钟 (00..23).
I 点钟 (01..12).
k 点种 ( 0..23).
l 点钟 ( 1..12).
M 分钟 ( 00.59).
p 本地的上午或下午.
r 时间,12小时格式 (hh:mm:ss[AP]M).
S 秒钟 (00.61).
T 时间,24小时格式 (hh:mm:ss).
X 本地的时间表示 (H:M:S).
Z 时区 (举例来说,EDT(美国东部时区)),或没有表示没有可决定的时区。
a 本地缩写的星期名 (Sun..Sat).
A 本地完全的星期名,不定长 (Sunday..Saturday).
b 本地缩写的月份名 (Jan...Dec).
B 本地完全的月份名,不定长 (January...December).
c 本地的日期和时间 (Sat Nov 04 12:02:33 EST 1989).
d 当月的哪一天 (01..31).
D 日期 (mm/dd/yy).
h 同 b.
j 当年的哪一天 (001..366).
m 月份 (01..12).
U 当年的星期数,用星期日做为一星期的第一天 (00..53).
w 星期的哪一天
W 当年的星期数,用星期一做为一星期的第一天 (00..53).
x 本地的日期表示法 (mm/dd/yy).
y 当年的最后两位数 (00..99).
Y 年份 (1970...).
%b 用512字节的块计算的文件的大小(上舍入)。
%c 用C函数'ctime'返回的文件状态的最后改变时间。
%Ck 被k指定的文件状态的最后改变时间,k与%A后的k相同.
%d 文件在目录树中的深度;0意味着文件在命令行参数中.
%f 不带目录的文件名(只有最后的元素).
%F 这个文件所在的文件系统类型名;这个值能被 -fstype用。
%g 文件的组名,若组无名则是组ID.
%G 文件的数字组ID.
%h 文件的主目录 (除了最后的元素).
%H 命令行参数若文件在命令行参数中找到.
%i 文件的i节点数 (10进制格式).
%k 用1K字节的块计算文件的大小(上舍入)。
%l 符号链接的目标(假如文件不是一个符号链接则返回一个空字符串).
%m 文件的访问权限位 (八进制)
%n 文件的硬链接数
%p 文件名.
%P 用在命令行参数之下发现的文件名代替文件名.
%s 用字节计算的文件大小.
%t 用C函数'ctime'返回的文件的最后编辑时间。
%Tk 被k指定格式的文件的最后编辑时间,k与%A后的k相同.
%u 文件的用户名,若没有则输出用户数字ID.
%U 文件的数字ID.
-prune 假如 -depth 没指定,值为真;不进入当前的目录。
若 -depth 给定,值为假;没作用.
-ls 值为真;用 'ls -dils'格式在标准输出中列出当前目录的文件。
块记数单位是1k字节,除非 设定了POSIXLY_CORRECT环境变量,将用512字节作为单位。
( expr )
! expr 假如expr为假则为真.
-not expr
同 ! expr.
expr1 expr2
和操作(默认); 假如expr1值是假expr2不能鉴定。
expr1 -a expr2
同 expr1 expr2.
expr1 -o expr2
expr1 -or expr2
同 expr1 -o expr2.
expr1, expr2
locate(1L), locatedb(5L), updatedb(1L), xargs(1L)
find - search for files in a directory hierarchy
find [path...] [expression]
This manual page documents the GNU version of find. find searches the directory tree rooted at each given file name by evaluating the given expression from left to right, according to the rules of precedence (see section OPERATORS), until the outcome is known (the left hand side is false for and operations, true for or), at which point find moves on to the next file name.
The first argument that begins with `-', `(', `)', `,', or `!' is taken to be the beginning of the expression; any arguments before it are paths to search, and any arguments after it are the rest of the expression. If no paths are given, the current directory is used. If no expression is given, the expression `-print' is used.
find exits with status 0 if all files are processed successfully, greater than 0 if errors occur.
The expression is made up of options (which affect overall operation rather than the processing of a specific file, and always return true), tests (which return a true or false value), and actions (which have side effects and return a true or false value), all separated by operators. -and is assumed where the operator is omitted. If the expression contains no actions other than -prune, -print is performed on all files for which the expression is true.
All options always return true. They always take effect, rather than being processed only when their place in the expression is reached. Therefore, for clarity, it is best to place them at the beginning of the expression.- -daystart
- Measure times (for -amin, -atime, -cmin, -ctime, -mmin, and -mtime) from the beginning of today rather than from 24 hours ago.
- -depth
- Process each directory's contents before the directory itself.
- -follow
- Dereference symbolic links. Implies -noleaf.
- -help, --help
- Print a summary of the command-line usage of find and exit.
- -maxdepth levels
- Descend at most levels (a non-negative integer) levels of directories below the command line arguments. `-maxdepth 0' means only apply the tests and actions to the command line arguments.
- -mindepth levels
- Do not apply any tests or actions at levels less than levels (a non-negative integer). `-mindepth 1' means process all files except the command line arguments.
- -mount
- Don't descend directories on other filesystems. An alternate name for -xdev, for compatibility with some other versions offind.
- -noleaf
- Do not optimize by assuming that directories contain 2 fewer subdirectories than their hard link count. This option is needed when searching filesystems that do not follow the Unix directory-link convention, such as CD-ROM or MS-DOS filesystems or AFS volume mount points. Each directory on a normal Unix filesystem has at least 2 hard links: its name and its `.' entry. Additionally, its subdirectories (if any) each have a `..' entry linked to that directory. When find is examining a directory, after it has statted 2 fewer subdirectories than the directory's link count, it knows that the rest of the entries in the directory are non-directories (`leaf' files in the directory tree). If only the files' names need to be examined, there is no need to stat them; this gives a significant increase in search speed.
- -version, --version
- Print the find version number and exit.
- -xdev
- Don't descend directories on other filesystems.
Numeric arguments can be specified as- +n
- for greater than n,
- -n
- for less than n,
- n
- for exactly n.
- -amin n
- File was last accessed n minutes ago.
- -anewer file
- File was last accessed more recently than file was modified. -anewer is affected by -follow only if -follow comes before -anewer on the command line.
- -atime n
- File was last accessed n*24 hours ago.
- -cmin n
- File's status was last changed n minutes ago.
- -cnewer file
- File's status was last changed more recently than file was modified. -cnewer is affected by -follow only if -follow comes before -cnewer on the command line.
- -ctime n
- File's status was last changed n*24 hours ago.
- -empty
- File is empty and is either a regular file or a directory.
- -false
- Always false.
- -fstype type
- File is on a filesystem of type type. The valid filesystem types vary among different versions of Unix; an incomplete list of filesystem types that are accepted on some version of Unix or another is: ufs, 4.2, 4.3, nfs, tmp, mfs, S51K, S52K. You can use -printf with the %F directive to see the types of your filesystems.
- -gid n
- File's numeric group ID is n.
- -group gname
- File belongs to group gname (numeric group ID allowed).
- -ilname pattern
- Like -lname, but the match is case insensitive.
- -iname pattern
- Like -name, but the match is case insensitive. For example, the patterns `fo*' and `F??' match the file names `Foo', `FOO', `foo', `fOo', etc.
- -inum n
- File has inode number n.
- -ipath pattern
- Like -path, but the match is case insensitive.
- -iregex pattern
- Like -regex, but the match is case insensitive.
- -links n
- File has n links.
- -lname pattern
- File is a symbolic link whose contents match shell pattern pattern. The metacharacters do not treat `/' or `.' specially.
- -mmin n
- File's data was last modified n minutes ago.
- -mtime n
- File's data was last modified n*24 hours ago.
- -name pattern
- Base of file name (the path with the leading directories removed) matches shell pattern pattern. The metacharacters (`*', `?', and `[]') do not match a `.' at the start of the base name. To ignore a directory and the files under it, use -prune; see an example in the description of -path.
- -newer file
- File was modified more recently than file. -newer is affected by -follow only if -follow comes before -newer on the command line.
- -nouser
- No user corresponds to file's numeric user ID.
- -nogroup
- No group corresponds to file's numeric group ID.
- -path pattern
- File name matches shell pattern pattern. The metacharacters do not treat `/' or `.' specially; so, for example,
find . -path './sr*sc'
will print an entry for a directory called './src/misc' (if one exists). To ignore a whole directory tree, use -prune rather than checking every file in the tree. For example, to skip the directory `src/emacs' and all files and directories under it, and print the names of the other files found, do something like this:
find . -path './src/emacs' -prune -o -print
- -perm mode
- File's permission bits are exactly mode (octal or symbolic). Symbolic modes use mode 0 as a point of departure.
- -perm -mode
- All of the permission bits mode are set for the file.
- -perm +mode
- Any of the permission bits mode are set for the file.
- -regex pattern
- File name matches regular expression pattern. This is a match on the whole path, not a search. For example, to match a file named `./fubar3', you can use the regular expression `.*bar.' or `.*b.*3', but not `b.*r3'.
- -size n[cwbkMG]
- File uses n units of space. The following suffixes can be used:
- `b'
- for 512-byte blocks (this is the default if no suffix is used)
- `c'
- for bytes
- `w'
- for two-byte words
- `k'
- for Kilobytes (units of 1024 bytes)
- `M'
- for Megabytes (units of 1048576 bytes)
- `G'
- for Gigabytes (units of 1073741824 bytes)
- The size does not count indirect blocks, but it does count blocks in sparse files that are not actually allocated. Bear in mind that the `%k' and `%b' format specifiers of -printf handle sparse files differently. The `b' suffix always denotes 512-byte blocks and never 1 Kilobyte blocks, which is different to the behaviour of -ls.
- -true
- Always true.
- -type c
- File is of type c:
- b
- block (buffered) special
- c
- character (unbuffered) special
- d
- directory
- p
- named pipe (FIFO)
- f
- regular file
- l
- symbolic link
- s
- socket
- D
- door (Solaris)
- -uid n
- File's numeric user ID is n.
- -used n
- File was last accessed n days after its status was last changed.
- -user uname
- File is owned by user uname (numeric user ID allowed).
- -xtype c
- The same as -type unless the file is a symbolic link. For symbolic links: if -follow has not been given, true if the file is a link to a file of type c; if -follow has been given, true if c is `l'. In other words, for symbolic links, -xtype checks the type of the file that -type does not check.
- -context scontext
- --context scontext
- (SELinux only) File has the security context scontext.
- -exec command ;
- Execute command; true if 0 status is returned. All following arguments to find are taken to be arguments to the command until an argument consisting of `;' is encountered. The string `{}' is replaced by the current file name being processed everywhere it occurs in the arguments to the command, not just in arguments where it is alone, as in some versions offind. Both of these constructions might need to be escaped (with a `\') or quoted to protect them from expansion by the shell. The command is executed in the starting directory.
- -fls file
- True; like -ls but write to file like -fprint.
- -fprint file
- True; print the full file name into file file. If file does not exist when find is run, it is created; if it does exist, it is truncated. The file names ``/dev/stdout'' and ``/dev/stderr'' are handled specially; they refer to the standard output and standard error output, respectively.
- -fprint0 file
- True; like -print0 but write to file like -fprint.
- -fprintf file format
- True; like -printf but write to file like -fprint.
- -ok command ;
- Like -exec but ask the user first (on the standard input); if the response does not start with `y' or `Y', do not run the command, and return false.
- -print
- True; print the full file name on the standard output, followed by a newline.
- -print0
- True; print the full file name on the standard output, followed by a null character. This allows file names that contain newlines to be correctly interpreted by programs that process the find output.
- -printf format
- True; print format on the standard output, interpreting `\' escapes and `%' directives. Field widths and precisions can be specified as with the `printf' C function. Unlike -print, -printf does not add a newline at the end of the string. The escapes and directives are:
- \a
- Alarm bell.
- \b
- Backspace.
- \c
- Stop printing from this format immediately and flush the output.
- \f
- Form feed.
- \n
- Newline.
- \r
- Carriage return.
- \t
- Horizontal tab.
- \v
- Vertical tab.
- \\
- A literal backslash (`\').
- \NNN
- The character whose ASCII code is NNN (octal).
A `\' character followed by any other character is treated as an ordinary character, so they both are printed.
- %%
- A literal percent sign.
- %a
- File's last access time in the format returned by the C `ctime' function.
- %Ak
- File's last access time in the format specified by k, which is either `@' or a directive for the C `strftime' function. The possible values for k are listed below; some of them might not be available on all systems, due to differences in `strftime' between systems.
- @
- seconds since Jan. 1, 1970, 00:00 GMT.
Time fields:
- H
- hour (00..23)
- I
- hour (01..12)
- k
- hour ( 0..23)
- l
- hour ( 1..12)
- M
- minute (00..59)
- p
- locale's AM or PM
- r
- time, 12-hour (hh:mm:ss [AP]M)
- S
- second (00..61)
- T
- time, 24-hour (hh:mm:ss)
- X
- locale's time representation (H:M:S)
- Z
- time zone (e.g., EDT), or nothing if no time zone is determinable
Date fields:
- a
- locale's abbreviated weekday name (Sun..Sat)
- A
- locale's full weekday name, variable length (Sunday..Saturday)
- b
- locale's abbreviated month name (Jan..Dec)
- B
- locale's full month name, variable length (January..December)
- c
- locale's date and time (Sat Nov 04 12:02:33 EST 1989)
- d
- day of month (01..31)
- D
- date (mm/dd/yy)
- h
- same as b
- j
- day of year (001..366)
- m
- month (01..12)
- U
- week number of year with Sunday as first day of week (00..53)
- w
- day of week (0..6)
- W
- week number of year with Monday as first day of week (00..53)
- x
- locale's date representation (mm/dd/yy)
- y
- last two digits of year (00..99)
- Y
- year (1970...)
- %b
- File's size in 512-byte blocks (rounded up).
- %c
- File's last status change time in the format returned by the C `ctime' function.
- %Ck
- File's last status change time in the format specified by k, which is the same as for %A.
- %d
- File's depth in the directory tree; 0 means the file is a command line argument.
- %f
- File's name with any leading directories removed (only the last element).
- %F
- Type of the filesystem the file is on; this value can be used for -fstype.
- %g
- File's group name, or numeric group ID if the group has no name.
- %G
- File's numeric group ID.
- %h
- Leading directories of file's name (all but the last element).
- %H
- Command line argument under which file was found.
- %i
- File's inode number (in decimal).
- %k
- File's size in 1K blocks (rounded up).
- %l
- Object of symbolic link (empty string if file is not a symbolic link).
- %m
- File's permission bits (in octal).
- %n
- Number of hard links to file.
- %p
- File's name.
- %P
- File's name with the name of the command line argument under which it was found removed.
- %s
- File's size in bytes.
- %t
- File's last modification time in the format returned by the C `ctime' function.
- %Tk
- File's last modification time in the format specified by k, which is the same as for %A.
- %u
- File's user name, or numeric user ID if the user has no name.
- %U
- File's numeric user ID.
- %Z
- (SELinux only) file's security context.
A `%' character followed by any other character is discarded (but the other character is printed).
- -prune
- If -depth is not given, true; do not descend the current directory.
If -depth is given, false; no effect. - -ls
- True; list current file in `ls -dils' format on standard output. The block counts are of 1K blocks, unless the environment variable POSIXLY_CORRECT is set, in which case 512-byte blocks are used.
Listed in order of decreasing precedence:- ( expr )
- Force precedence.
- ! expr
- True if expr is false.
- -not expr
- Same as ! expr.
- expr1 expr2
- And (implied); expr2 is not evaluated if expr1 is false.
- expr1 -a expr2
- Same as expr1 expr2.
- expr1 -and expr2
- Same as expr1 expr2.
- expr1 -o expr2
- Or; expr2 is not evaluated if expr1 is true.
- expr1 -or expr2
- Same as expr1 -o expr2.
- expr1 , expr2
- List; both expr1 and expr2 are always evaluated. The value of expr1 is discarded; the value of the list is the value of expr2.
locate(1L), locatedb(5L), updatedb(1L), xargs(1L) Finding Files (on-line in Info, or printed)