setquota - 设置磁盘配额或时间限制
setquota [ -u | -g ] filesystem-name block-soft block-hard inode-soft inode-hard name...
setquota [ -u | -g ] filesystem-name -p model-name name...
setquota -p [ -u | -g ] filesystem-name block-time-limit inode-time-limit
setquota 是一个命令行配额编辑器.它允许针对特定(通过名字或id标识的)用户/组的配额设置. 配额可以直接指定,也可以从其它用户复制(参看选项 -p). 使用这个应用程序,同时可以设置超出软配额的可能的时间限制(参看选项 -t). 如果你想手工编辑配额,你也可以使用 edquota(8) 应用程序,倘若你觉得它更方便的话.
- -u
- 为指定的用户设置用户配额.这是默认的选项
- -g
- 为指定的组设置组配额.
- -p model-name
- 设置指定的用户/组的配额与 model-name 的用户/组相同.
- -t
- 在指定的文件系统上针对特定的配额类型设置时间限制. 限制以秒计.
要禁止使用配额,可以设置相应的参数为0. 要对几个文件系统修改配额,可以对每个文件系统调用一次.
只有超级用户可以编辑配额.(为了在一个文件系统上建立配额,文件系统的 root目录下必须包含一个由root所有,叫做 aquota.user 或 的文件. 参看 quotaon(8) 以了解详情.)
- aquota.user或
- 位于文件系统root下的配额文件
- /etc/mtab
- 已挂载的文件系统表
quota(1), quotactl(2), quotacheck(8), quotaon(8), repquota(8), convertquota(8), edquota(8)
setquota - set disk quotas
setquota [ -r ] [ -u | -g ] [ -F quotaformat ] name block-softlimit block-hardlimit inode-softlimit inode-hardlimit -a | filesystem...
setquota [ -r ] [ -u | -g ] [ -F quotaformat ] [ -p protoname ] name -a | filesystem...
setquota -b [ -r ] [ -u | -g ] [ -F quotaformat ] -a | filesystem...
setquota -t [ -u | -g ] [ -F quotaformat ] block-grace inode-grace -a | filesystem...
setquota -T [ -u | -g ] [ -F quotaformat ] name block-grace inode-grace -a | filesystem...
setquota is a command line quota editor. The filesystem, user/group name and new quotas for this filesystem can be specified on the command line.
- -r
- Edit also remote quota use rpc.rquotad on remote server to set quota. This option is available only if quota tools were compiled with enabled support for setting quotas over RPC.
- -F quotaformat
- Perform setting for specified format (ie. don't perform format autodetection). Possible format names are: vfsold (version 1 quota), vfsv0 (version 2 quota), rpc (quota over NFS), xfs (quota on XFS filesystem)
- -u
- Set user quotas for named user. This is the default.
- -g
- Set group quotas for named group.
- -p protoname
- Use quota settings of user or group protoname to set the quota for the named user or group.
- -b
- Read information to set from stdin (input format is name block-softlimit block-hardlimit inode-softlimit inode-hardlimit ).
- -t
- Set grace times for users/groups. Times block-grace and inode-grace are specified in seconds.
- -T
- Alter times for individual user/group when softlimit is enforced. Times block-grace and inode-grace are specified in seconds or can be string 'unset'.
- -a
- Go through all filesystems with quota in /etc/mtab and perform setting.
To disable a quota, set the coresponding parameter to 0. To change quotas for several filesystems, invoke once for each filesystem.
Only the super-user may edit quotas.
- aquota.user or
- quota file at the filesystem root (version 2 quota, non-XFS filesystems)
- quota.user or
- quota file at the filesystem root (version 1 quota, non-XFS filesystems)
- /etc/mtab
- mounted filesystem table
edquota(8), quota(1), quotactl(2), quotacheck(8), quotaon(8), repquota(8)