nmbd 中文man页面

nmbd 是一个回应构造于IP之上的NetBIOS名字服务请求的服务器,这些请求由SMBD/CIFS 客户(如Windows 95/98、NT和LanManager客户)产生。当然它也参与构造Windows的"网络邻居”查看的浏览协议。


nmbd - 向客户端提供构造在IP之上的NetBIOS名字服务的NetBIOS名字服务器  


nmbd [-D] [-F] [-S] [-a] [-i] [-o] [-h] [-V][-d <debug level>] [-H <lmhosts file>] [-l <log directory>][-n <primary netbios name>] [-p <port number>] [-s <configuration file>]


此程序是 Samba(7) 套件的一部分。

nmbd 是一个回应构造于IP之上的NetBIOS名字服务请求的服务器,这些请求由SMBD/CIFS 客户(如Windows 95/98、NT和LanManager客户)产生。当然它也参与构造Windows的"网络邻居”查看的浏览协议。


在其它的服务中,nmbd 将监听这样的请求,如果客户自身的NetBIOS名字已被指定的话就用正在运行的主机IP地址回复它。这个“自身的NetBIOS名字”在默认情况下将是正在运行的主机在 DNS中的名字,但可以用 -n 参数(查看后面关于OPTIONS的描述)越过它。从而nmbd 将用它自已的名字来回应广播查询。要让 nmbd 回应额外名字的话可以在smb.conf(5)配置文件中通过参数来设定。

nmbd 也可用作一个WINS(Windows互联网名称服务)服务器。它作为WINS数据库服务器运作时,用名字注册请求来建立一个数据库以接收和回应客户对这些名字的查询。

另外,nmbd 也可以作WINS代理,转发用户不能直接以WINS协议和WINS服务器交谈的广播查询。


如果指定这个参数的话,将使 nmbd 作为一个后台守护程序运行。这样,它分配本身的进程在后台运行,并监视适当的端口请求。在默认情况下, nmbd 通常以命令行方式启动,后台运行。 nmbd 也能通过inetd 这个超级守护程序来启动,但不推荐这样做。
If specified, this parameter causes the main nmbd process to not daemonize, i.e. double-fork and disassociate with the terminal. Child processes are still created as normal to service each connection request, but the main process does not exit. This operation mode is suitable for running nmbd under process supervisors such as supervise and svscan from Daniel J. Bernstein's daemontools package, or the AIX process monitor.
If specified, this parameter causes nmbd to log to standard output rather than a file.
If this parameter is specified it causes the server to run "interactively", not as a daemon, even if the server is executed on the command line of a shell. Setting this parameter negates the implicit daemon mode when run from the command line. nmbd also logs to standard output, as if the -S parameter had been given.
Print a summary of command line options.
-H <filename>
指定NetBIOS的lmhosts文件。 NetBIOS的lmhosts文件是一份NetBIOS名字到IP地址对应关系的列表, nmbd服务器将会通过在smb.conf (5)文件中name resolve order描述的名字解析机制来装入和使用这个文件,以便让服务器解析可能的NetBIOS名字查询。注意到nmbd并用这个文件的内容来回答可能的名字查询。在这个文件中添加内容只会影响本计算机的NetBIOS名字解析。

 /usr/local/samba/lib/lmhosts/usr/samba/lib/lmhosts 或是 /etc/samba/lmhosts。 在lmhosts (5)手册页中查找描述此文件的详细内容。

-s <configuration file>
The file specified contains the configuration details required by the server. The information in this file includes server-specific information such as what printcap file to use, as well as descriptions of all the services that the server is to provide. See smb.conf for more information. The default configuration file name is determined at compile time.
debuglevel 是一个从0到10的整数。如果没有指定此参数则默认的值是0。



注意在此使用这个参数将越过在smb.conf 文件中的log level 参数。

用参数-l可以指定一个带路径的文件名作为记录文件,并会在你给出的名称后自动加上 ".client"的扩展名。The log file is never removed by the client.
-p <UDP port number>
UDP端口号是一个正整数。 这个选项来改变nmbd响应查询的默认UDP端口号(通常它是 137) 。除非你是位这方面的专家,否则请不要用这个选项改变它。


如果你用 inetd 这个超级守护程序来运行nmbd服务器,那么必须在这个文件中包含适当的启动参数和信息。


If running the server via the meta-daemon inetd, this file must contain a mapping of service name (e.g., netbios-ssn) to service port (e.g., 139) and protocol type (e.g., tcp).
这是服务器配置文件 smb.conf(5) 默认的存放位置。 系统安装配置文件通常的一些其它位置也可能是 /usr/samba/lib/smb.conf/etc/samba/smb.conf

当nmbd被用作WINS服务器时(参见 smb.conf(5) 手册页中对 wins support 参数的描述), nmbd 将会把WINS数据库文件wins.dat写到 var/locks 目录下。

如果 nmbd 作为 主浏览器 (参见smb.conf (5)手册页中对local master参数的描述),nmbd将会把浏览数据库browse.dat 写到var/locks目录下。


我们 推荐你使用SIGKILL (-9)来终止nmbd进程除非这是***的方法,因为这样做可能导致名字数据库不一致。正确的方法是发送SIGTERM (-15)信号并等待程序自行结束。

nmbd 可以接受SIGHUP信号,这样程序将把名字清单写入位于/usr/local/samba/var/locks (或是var/locks)目录下的namelist.debug文件,同时这个信号也将导致程序把服务器的数据库写入log.nmb文件。

另外,nmbd程序的调试记录等级也可以通过smbcontrol(1) 调高或者调低。(向程序发送一个SIGUSR1信号(kill -USR1 <nmbd-pid>)或SIGUSR2信号(kill -USR2 <nmbd-pid>)的方法在Samba2.2 中已经不再使用。) 通过使用这样的方法可以诊断一些暂时的问题,同时仍然可以在一个正常的并且较低的记录等级来运行。




inetd(8), smbd(8), smb.conf(5), smbclient(1), testparm(1), testprns(1)还有互联网草案 rfc1001.txt, rfc1002.txt. 另外,CIFS (从前的 SMB) 规约可以在 http://samba.org/cifs/网页上找到链接。



nmbd - NetBIOS name server to provide NetBIOS over IP naming services to clients  


nmbd [-D] [-F] [-S] [-a] [-i] [-o] [-h] [-V] [-d <debug level>] [-H <lmhosts file>] [-l <log directory>] [-p <port number>] [-s <configuration file>]



This program is part of the samba(7) suite.

nmbd is a server that understands and can reply to NetBIOS over IP name service requests, like those produced by SMB/CIFS clients such as Windows 95/98/ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP and LanManager clients. It also participates in the browsing protocols which make up the Windows "Network Neighborhood" view.

SMB/CIFS clients, when they start up, may wish to locate an SMB/CIFS server. That is, they wish to know what IP number a specified host is using.

Amongst other services, nmbd will listen for such requests, and if its own NetBIOS name is specified it will respond with the IP number of the host it is running on. Its "own NetBIOS name" is by default the primary DNS name of the host it is running on, but this can be overridden by the netbios name in smb.conf. Thus nmbd will reply to broadcast queries for its own name(s). Additional names for nmbd to respond on can be set via parameters in the smb.conf(5) configuration file.

nmbd can also be used as a WINS (Windows Internet Name Server) server. What this basically means is that it will act as a WINS database server, creating a database from name registration requests that it receives and replying to queries from clients for these names.

In addition, nmbd can act as a WINS proxy, relaying broadcast queries from clients that do not understand how to talk the WINS protocol to a WINS server.


If specified, this parameter causesnmbd to operate as a daemon. That is, it detaches itself and runs in the background, fielding requests on the appropriate port. By default, nmbd will operate as a daemon if launched from a command shell. nmbd can also be operated from the inetd meta-daemon, although this is not recommended.
If specified, this parameter causes the main nmbd process to not daemonize, i.e. double-fork and disassociate with the terminal. Child processes are still created as normal to service each connection request, but the main process does not exit. This operation mode is suitable for runningnmbd under process supervisors such as supervise and svscan from Daniel J. Bernstein's daemontools package, or the AIX process monitor.
If specified, this parameter causesnmbd to log to standard output rather than a file.
If this parameter is specified it causes the server to run "interactively", not as a daemon, even if the server is executed on the command line of a shell. Setting this parameter negates the implicit daemon mode when run from the command line. nmbd also logs to standard output, as if the -S parameter had been given.
Print a summary of command line options.
-H <filename>
NetBIOS lmhosts file. The lmhosts file is a list of NetBIOS names to IP addresses that is loaded by the nmbd server and used via the name resolution mechanism name resolve order described in smb.conf(5) to resolve any NetBIOS name queries needed by the server. Note that the contents of this file are NOT used by nmbd to answer any name queries. Adding a line to this file affects name NetBIOS resolution from this host ONLY.

The default path to this file is compiled into Samba as part of the build process. Common defaults are /usr/local/samba/lib/lmhosts,/usr/samba/lib/lmhosts or/etc/samba/lmhosts. See the lmhosts(5) man page for details on the contents of this file.

Prints the program version number.
-s <configuration file>
The file specified contains the configuration details required by the server. The information in this file includes server-specific information such as what printcap file to use, as well as descriptions of all the services that the server is to provide. See smb.conf for more information. The default configuration file name is determined at compile time.
debuglevel is an integer from 0 to 10. The default value if this parameter is not specified is zero.

The higher this value, the more detail will be logged to the log files about the activities of the server. At level 0, only critical errors and serious warnings will be logged. Level 1 is a reasonable level for day-to-day running - it generates a small amount of information about operations carried out.

Levels above 1 will generate considerable amounts of log data, and should only be used when investigating a problem. Levels above 3 are designed for use only by developers and generate HUGE amounts of log data, most of which is extremely cryptic.

Note that specifying this parameter here will override the log level parameter in the smb.conf file.

Base directory name for log/debug files. The extension ".progname" will be appended (e.g. log.smbclient, log.smbd, etc...). The log file is never removed by the client.
-p <UDP port number>
UDP port number is a positive integer value. This option changes the default UDP port number (normally 137) that nmbd responds to name queries on. Don't use this option unless you are an expert, in which case you won't need help!


If the server is to be run by theinetd meta-daemon, this file must contain suitable startup information for the meta-daemon.
or whatever initialization script your system uses).

If running the server as a daemon at startup, this file will need to contain an appropriate startup sequence for the server.

If running the server via the meta-daemon inetd, this file must contain a mapping of service name (e.g., netbios-ssn) to service port (e.g., 139) and protocol type (e.g., tcp).
This is the default location of the smb.conf(5) server configuration file. Other common places that systems install this file are /usr/samba/lib/smb.conf and /etc/samba/smb.conf.

When run as a WINS server (see thewins support parameter in the smb.conf(5) man page),nmbd will store the WINS database in the file wins.dat in the var/locks directory configured under wherever Samba was configured to install itself.

If nmbd is acting as a browse master (see the local master parameter in the smb.conf(5) man page, nmbd will store the browsing database in the file browse.dat in the var/locks directory configured under wherever Samba was configured to install itself.



To shut down an nmbd process it is recommended that SIGKILL (-9) NOT be used, except as a last resort, as this may leave the name database in an inconsistent state. The correct way to terminate nmbd is to send it a SIGTERM (-15) signal and wait for it to die on its own.

nmbd will accept SIGHUP, which will cause it to dump out its namelists into the file namelist.debug in the /usr/local/samba/var/locks directory (or the var/locks directory configured under wherever Samba was configured to install itself). This will also cause nmbd to dump out its server database in the log.nmb file.

The debug log level of nmbd may be raised or lowered using smbcontrol(1) (SIGUSR[1|2] signals are no longer used since Samba 2.2). This is to allow transient problems to be diagnosed, whilst still running at a normally low log level.


This man page is correct for version 3.0 of the Samba suite.


inetd(8), smbd(8), smb.conf(5), smbclient(1), testparm(1), testprns(1), and the Internet RFC's rfc1001.txt, rfc1002.txt. In addition the CIFS (formerly SMB) specification is available as a link from the Web page http://samba.org/cifs/.


责任编辑:韩亚珊 来源: CMPP.net

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