xpdf -Portable Document Format(PDF)文件阅读器(版本0.90)
xpdf [选项] [PDF文件 [page]]
Xpdf是一个 Portable Document Format(PDF) 文件阅读软件.(PDF文件也经常被称为Acrobat 文件,这种叫法来源于Adobe公司的PDF软件的名字.) Xpdf运行在UNIX,VMS和OS/2的X Window系统下.
- xpdf file.pdf
file.pdf 是你的PDF文件.文件名字后面可以跟随一个数字,用于指定最先显示的页面的页码,比如:
- xpdf file.pdf 18
- xpdf
- -err
- 将错误信息指定送到/dev/tty而不是标准错误中(此选项当xpdf被其它程序,比如netscape,打开时,十分有用,否则,每个错误都会弹出一个令人讨厌的小窗口).
- -z zoom
- 设定初始的放大因子.放大因子是(-5..5)之间的一个数字,其中0表示72dpi.你也可以通过`page`设定显示页面大小配合窗口大小,或者通过`width`设定显示页面宽度配合窗口宽度. [xpdf.initialZoom]
- -g geometry
- 设定窗口的初始几何参数. (相当于-geometry.) [xpdf.geometry]
- -remote name]
- 启动/连接名为name的xpdf远程服务器(参见后面的"远程服务器模式"部分)
- -raise
- 建立xpdf远程服务器窗口.(仅适用于-remote时)
- -quit
- 退出xpdf远程服务器.(仅适用于-remote时)
- -cmap
- 安装一个自定义的色彩地图.此选项在TrueColor模式下无效. [xpdf.installCmap]
- -rgb number
- 设置xpdf将要分配的最大RGB值.缺省值是5(即RGB值5x5x5); 设置一个小数值,可以节省色彩表记录.在自定义色彩地图和TrueColor模式下,此选项无效.
- -papercolor color
- 设置"页面色彩",比如,页面的显示背景.当pdf文件出现类似在字符后填充白色等情况的时候,此选项无法正常工作. [xpdf.paperColor]
- -eucjp
- 复制字符时,将日文字符转换成EUC-JP编码.这是至今为止唯一的日文字符转换选项---它的唯一作用就是将非日文字符转换成7-bit的ASCII,以便于配合EUC-JP编码.(此选项只有在编译pdftotext时加上日文支持才有效) [xpdf.eucjp]
- -t1lib font-type
- 设定使用t1lib类型的字体提供器.选项为`none`(完全不使用t1lib),`plain`(使用non-anti-aliased字体),`low`或`high`(使用low-level或者high-level anti-aliased 字体). [xpdf.t1libControl]
- -ps PS-file
- 设定缺省的PostScript输出文件的名字.此选项也可以以`|command`的形式,通过某个命令来管道PostScript文件. [xpdf.psFile]
- -paperw size
- 设定页面宽度,单位是像素点. [xpdf.psPaperWidth]
- -paperh size
- 设定页面高度,单位是像素点. [xpdf.psPaperHeight]
- -level1
- 产生Level1 PostScript文件.输出的PostScript文件相当的大(如果它包含图片的话),但是确可以在Level 1打印机上打印输出.此选项将所有的图像转换成黑白图像. [xpdf.psLevel1]
- -cmd
- 打印出命令的执行结果(在调试时有用)
- -q
- 不打印任何信息或者错误
- -h
- 打印帮助信息 (相当于-help)
- -display display
- [xpdf.display]
- -fg color
- [相当于-foreground] [xpdf.foreground] -bg color (相当于-background) [xpdf.background]
- -font font
- (相当于-fn) [xpdf.font]
- xpdf.urlCommand
- 设定,当你点击网络链接时执行的命令.详情参见后面的 网络浏览器 部分.
- xpdf.japaneseFont
- 设定用于使用日文字符的相应的X字体模式.缺省的是:
- -*-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-%s-*-*-*-*-*-jisx0208.1983-0
- xpdf.viKeys
- 设定将左,右,上和下的滚动由`h`,`l`,`k`和`j`键执行.
下面的资源用于设定文件名字使用的14种基本的Type 1字体.
- xpdf.t1TimesRoman
如果激活t1lib,这些Type 1字体将被用于取代X服务器的字体.
- 左/右箭头按键
- 翻到前/后一页
- 双左/右箭头按键
- 向前/后翻动10页
- 破折号左/右箭头按键
- 沿着历史路径向前/后翻动
- `Page`输入框
- 翻到指定的页码.通过点击激活输入框,输入页码,然后回车.
- 放大缩小弹出菜单
- 调整放大因子.(参见前面-z选项的说明)
- 望远镜按键
- 查找某个文本.
- 打印机按键
- 弹出一个产生PostScript文件的对话框.对话框可以设定需要打印的页面和PostScript文件的名字.当文件名字为'-'时,代表标准输出,或者用'|command'通过某个命令来管道PostScript, 比如,'|lpr'.
- '?'按键
- 弹出一个'about xpdf'窗口.
- 链接信息
- 当鼠标移动到某个链接的上面,`?`和`Quit`按键之间的空间用来显示链接地址或者外部文件名.
- `Quit`按键
- 退出xpdf.
- Open...
- 通过文件选择器打开一个新文件.
- Save PDF...
- 通过文件选择器保存现有文件.
- Rotate left
- 将当前页面逆时针旋转90度.
- Rotate right
- 将当前页面顺时针旋转90度.这两个旋转命令主要是为了那些没有在文件中正确指定旋转信息的PDF文件设计的,即使您的X服务器不支持字体旋转,它依然起作用.
- Quit
- 退出xpdf.
- o
- 通过文件选择器打开一个新PDF文件.
- f
- 查找字符串.
- n
- 翻到下一页.
- p
- 翻到前一页.
- 空格键,PageDown键或者Next键
- 向下滚动当前页面,如果已经到达当前页面低部,则翻到下一页.
- Backspace键,Delete键,PageUp或者Previous键
- 向上滚动当前页面,如果已经到达页面顶部,则翻到前一页.
- Home键
- 滚动到当前页面顶部.
- End键
- 滚动到当前页面低部.
- 箭头键
- 滚动当前页面.
- control-L
- 更新当前页面.
- q
- 退出xpdf.
如果您希望点击一个指向PDF文件的链接时,从netscape或者mosaic(或者其他的浏览器)中自动启动xpdf,您需要在您的用户目录下修改(或者创建) .mime.types 和 .mailcap 文件. 在 .mime.types 中加入一行:
- application/pdf pdf
在 .mailcap 中加入:
- # Use xpdf to view PDF files.
- application/pdf; xpdf -err %s
- xpdf.urlCommand: netscape -remote `openURL(%s)`
- xpdf -remote myServer file.pdf
- xpdf -remote myServer another.pdf 9
则不会启动新的xpdf,而前一个xpdf(服务器)将会打开 another.pdf 并且显示第9页.如果文件名字相同:
- xpdf -remote myServer another.pdf 4
xpdf会从您的用户目录(如果有的话)中读取一个叫做 .xpdfrc 的文件.这个文件可以包含两种条目.
- fontpath directory
- 在 dicrectory 中寻找Type 1字体. Xpdf只通过此条目获得字体编码.为了显示,还要通过 fontmap 条目来布局字体.
- fontmap PDF-font X-font
- 将 PDF-font (PDF文件中指定的)布局到 X-font 中去,X-font必须是一个在像素大小位置上含有`%s`的标准X字体描述.
- fontmap TimesCE-Roman -*-times-medium-r-*-*-%s-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-2
来布局Central European(Latin-2)版的Times-Roman字体.这里假设您已经安装了适当的X字体(参见 mkfontdir(1) ). Xpdf理解ISO8859-2编码,所以您不需要这些字体的 fontpath 条目. 使用Bakoma Type 1字体,可以这样做:
- fontpath /home/derekn/fonts/bakoma
fontmap cmb10 -bakoma-cmb10-medium-r-normal--%s-*-*-*-p-*-adobe-fontspecific
fontmap cmbsy10 -bakoma-cmbsy10-medium-r-normal--%s-*-*-*-p-*-adobe-fontspecific
这里假设Type 1字体在目录 /home/derekn/fonts/bakoma 下.
不支持TypeType和Type 3字体.
The xpdf software and documentation are copyright 1996-1999 Derek B. Noonburg (derekn@foolabs.com).
pdftops(1). pdftotext(1). pdfinfo(1). pdftopbm(1). pdfimages(1).
xpdf - Portable Document Format (PDF) file viewer for X (version 3.00)
xpdf [options] [PDF-file [page | +dest]]
Xpdf is a viewer for Portable Document Format (PDF) files. (These are also sometimes also called 'Acrobat' files, from the name of Adobe's PDF software.) Xpdf runs under the X Window System on UNIX, VMS, and OS/2.
To run xpdf, simply type:
- xpdf file.pdf
where file.pdf is your PDF file. The file name can be followed by a number specifying the page which should be displayed first, e.g.:
- xpdf file.pdf 18
You can also give a named destination, prefixed with '+' in place of the page number.
You can also start xpdf without opening any files:
- xpdf
Xpdf reads a configuration file at startup. It first tries to find the user's private config file, ~/.xpdfrc. If that doesn't exist, it looks for a system-wide config file, typically /etc/xpdfrc (but this location can be changed when xpdf is built). See the xpdfrc(5) man page for details.
Many of the following options can be set with configuration file commands or X resources. These are listed in square brackets with the description of the corresponding command line option.
- -g geometry
- Set the initial window geometry. (-geometry is equivalent.) [X resource: xpdf.geometry]
- -title title
- Set the window title. By default, the title will be "xpdf: foo.pdf". [X resource: xpdf.title]
- -cmap
- Install a private colormap. This is ignored on TrueColor visuals. [X resource: xpdf.installCmap]
- -rgb number
- Set the size of largest RGB cube xpdf will try to allocate. The default is 5 (for a 5x5x5 cube); set to a smaller number to conserve color table entries. This is ignored with private colormaps and on TrueColor visuals. [X resource: xpdf.rgbCubeSize]
- -rv
- Set reverse video mode. This reverses the colors of everything except images. It may not always produce great results for PDF files which do weird things with color. This also causes the paper color to default to black. [X resource: xpdf.reverseVideo]
- -papercolor color
- Set the "paper color", i.e., the background of the page display. This will not work too well with PDF files that do things like filling in white behind the text. [X resource: xpdf.paperColor]
- -z zoom
- Set the initial zoom factor. A number specifies a zoom percentage, where 100 means 72 dpi.You may also specify 'page', to fit the page to the window size, or 'width', to fit the page width to the window width. [config file: initialZoom; or X resource: xpdf.initialZoom]
- -t1lib yes | no
- Enable or disable t1lib (a Type 1 font rasterizer). This defaults to "yes". [config file: enableT1lib]
- -freetype yes | no
- Enable or disable FreeType (a TrueType / Type 1 font rasterizer). This defaults to "yes". [config file: enableFreeType]
- -aa yes | no
- Enable or disable font anti-aliasing. This defaults to "yes". [config file: antialias]
- -ps PS-file
- Set the default file name for PostScript output. This can also be of the form '|command' to pipe the PostScript through a command. [config file: psFile]
- -paper size
- Set the paper size to one of "letter", "legal", "A4", or "A3". This can also be set to "match", which will set the paper size to match the size specified in the PDF file. [config file: psPaperSize]
- -paperw size
- Set the paper width, in points. [config file: psPaperSize]
- -paperh size
- Set the paper height, in points. [config file: psPaperSize]
- -level1
- Generate Level 1 PostScript. The resulting PostScript files will be significantly larger (if they contain images), but will print on Level 1 printers. This also converts all images to black and white. [config file: psLevel]
- -enc encoding-name
- Sets the encoding to use for text output. The encoding-name must be defined with the unicodeMap command (see xpdfrc(5)). This defaults to "Latin1" (which is a built-in encoding). [config file: textEncoding]
- -eol unix | dos | mac
- Sets the end-of-line convention to use for text output. [config file: textEOL]
- -opw password
- Specify the owner password for the PDF file. Providing this will bypass all security restrictions.
- -upw password
- Specify the user password for the PDF file.
- -fullscreen
- Open xpdf in a full-screen mode, useful for presentations. You may also want to specify '-bg black' (or similar) with this. (There is currently no way to switch between window and full-screen modes on the fly.)
- -remote name
- Start/contact xpdf remote server with specified name (see the REMOTE SERVER MODE section below).
- -reload
- Reload xpdf remote server window (with -remote only).
- -raise
- Raise xpdf remote server window (with -remote only).
- -quit
- Kill xpdf remote server (with -remote only).
- -cmd
- Print commands as they're executed (useful for debugging). [config file: printCommands]
- -q
- Don't print any messages or errors. [config file: errQuiet]
- -cfg config-file
- Read config-file in place of ~/.xpdfrc or the system-wide config file.
- -v
- Print copyright and version information.
- -h
- Print usage information. (-help and --help are equivalent.)
Several other standard X options and resources will work as expected:
- -display display
- [X resource: xpdf.display]
- -fg color
- (-foreground is equivalent.) [X resource: xpdf*Foreground]
- -bg color
- (-background is equivalent.) [X resource: xpdf*Background]
- -font font
- (-fn is equivalent.) [X resource: xpdf*fontList]
The color and font options only affect the user interface elements, not the PDF display (the 'paper').
The following X resources do not have command line option equivalents:
- xpdf.viKeys
- Enables the 'h', 'l', 'k' and 'j' keys for left, right, up, and down scrolling.
On-screen controls, at the bottom of the xpdf window
- left/right arrow buttons
- Move to the previous/next page.
- double left/right arrow buttons
- Move backward or forward by ten pages.
- dashed left/right arrow buttons
- Move backward or forward along the history path.
- 'Page' entry box
- Move to a specific page number. Click in the box to activate it, type the page number, then hit return.
- zoom popup menu
- Change the zoom factor (see the description of the -z option above).
- binoculars button
- Find a text string.
- print button
- Bring up a dialog for generating a PostScript file. The dialog has options to set the pages to be printed and the PostScript file name. The file name can be '-' for stdout or '|command' to pipe the PostScript through a command, e.g., '|lpr'.
- '?' button
- Bring up the 'about xpdf' window.
- link info
- The space between the '?' and 'Quit' buttons is used to show the URL or external file name when the mouse is over a link.
- 'Quit' button
- Quit xpdf.
Pressing the right mouse button will post a popup menu with the following commands:
- Open...
- Open a new PDF file via a file requester.
- Open in new window...
- Create a new window and open a new PDF file via a file requester.
- Reload
- Reload the current PDF file. Note that Xpdf will reload the file automatically (on a page change or redraw) if it has changed since it was last loaded.
- Save as...
- Save the current file via a file requester.
- Rotate counterclockwise
- Rotate the page 90 degrees counterclockwise.
- Rotate clockwise
- Rotate the page 90 degrees clockwise. The two rotate commands are intended primarily for PDF files where the rotation isn't correctly specified in the file.
- Close
- Close the current window. If this is the only open window, the document is closed, but the window is left open (i.e., this menu command won't quit xpdf).
- Quit
- Quit xpdf.
If the PDF contains an outline (a.k.a., bookmarks), there will be an outline pane on the left side of the window. The width of the outline pane is adjustable with a vertical split bar via the knob near its bottom end.
Text selection
Dragging the mouse with the left button held down will highlight an arbitrary rectangle. Any text inside this rectangle will be copied to the X selection buffer.
Clicking on a hyperlink will jump to the link's destination. A link to another PDF document will make xpdf load that document. A 'launch' link to an executable program will display a dialog, and if you click 'ok', execute the program. URL links call an external command (see the WEB BROWSERS section below).
Dragging the mouse with the middle button held down pans the window.
Key bindings
- o
- Open a new PDF file via a file requester.
- r
- Reload the current PDF file. Note that Xpdf will reload the file automatically (on a page change or redraw) if it has changed since it was last loaded.
- control-L
- Redraw the current page.
- control-W
- Close the current window.
- f or control-F
- Find a text string.
- control-G
- Find next occurrence.
- control-P
- Print.
- n
- Move to the next page. Scrolls to the top of the page, unless scroll lock is turned on.
- p
- Move to the previous page. Scrolls to the top of the page, unless scroll lock is turned on.
- <Space> or <PageDown> or <Next>
- Scroll down on the current page; if already at bottom, move to next page.
- <Backspace> or <Delete> or <PageUp> or <Previous>
- Scroll up on the current page; if already at top, move to previous page.
- v
- Move forward along the history path.
- b
- Move backward along the history path.
- <Home>
- Scroll to top of current page.
- <End>
- Scroll to bottom of current page.
- control-<Home>
- Scroll to first page of document.
- control-<End>
- Scroll to last page of document.
- arrows
- Scroll the current page.
- g
- Activate the page number text field ("goto page").
- 0
- Set the zoom factor to zero (72 dpi).
- +
- Zoom in (increment the zoom factor by 1).
- -
- Zoom out (decrement the zoom factor by 1).
- z
- Set the zoom factor to 'page' (fit page to window).
- w
- Set the zoom factor to 'width' (fit page width to window).
- q
- Quit xpdf.
If you want to run xpdf automatically from netscape or mosaic (and probably other browsers) when you click on a link to a PDF file, you need to edit (or create) the files .mime.types and .mailcap in your home directory. In .mime.types add the line:
- application/pdf pdf
In .mailcap add the lines:
- # Use xpdf to view PDF files.
- application/pdf; xpdf -q %s
Make sure that xpdf is on your executable search path.
When you click on a URL link in a PDF file, xpdf will execute the command specified by the urlCommand config file option, replacing an occurrence of '%s' with the URL. For example, to call netscape with the URL, add this line to your config file:
- urlCommand "netscape -remote 'openURL(%s)'"
Xpdf can be started in remote server mode by specifying a server name (in addition to the file name and page number). For example:
- xpdf -remote myServer file.pdf
If there is currently no xpdf running in server mode with the name 'myServer', a new xpdf window will be opened. If another command:
- xpdf -remote myServer another.pdf 9
is issued, a new copy of xpdf will not be started. Instead, the first xpdf (the server) will load another.pdf and display page nine. If the file name is the same:
- xpdf -remote myServer another.pdf 4
the xpdf server will simply display the specified page.
The -raise option tells the server to raise its window; it can be specified with or without a file name and page number.
The -quit option tells the server to close its window and exit.
The Xpdf tools use the following exit codes:
- 0
- No error.
- 1
- Error opening a PDF file.
- 2
- Error opening an output file.
- 3
- Error related to PDF permissions.
- 99
- Other error.
The xpdf software and documentation are copyright 1996-2004 Glyph & Cog, LLC.
pdftops(1), pdftotext(1), pdfinfo(1), pdffonts(1), pdftoppm(1), pdfimages(1), xpdfrc(5)