一、 确定Mac OS的版本号
版本号:Mac OS X version 10.5.5
CPU: Processor 1 GHz PowerPC G4
iPhone SDK:iPhone_sdk_for_iPhone_os_2.2.19m2621afinal.dmg
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说明:每个IPhone SDK可能兼容的Mac OS都不同,该SDK支持10.5.3以后的版本。还有,Intel 和 PowerPC 不同的CPU设置文件也不同,同一种CPU不同型号,设置也不同(注意PowerPC G3/G4/G5不同型号),详细请看下文。
重点的是:官方的iPhone SDK只支持Intel Mac with OSX 10.5.
二、安装IPhone SDK
1. iPhone sdk 的后缀名为.dmg,只要双击该文件,弹出一个对话框,点“skip”,这就看到里面有3个文件,分别是About iPhone SDK.pdf 、iphone sdk.mpkg 、 Packages.如下图:
2. 双击iPhone sdk.mpkg,按引导到Custom Install on”Macintosh HD”那步,如图:
这是会看到iPhone SDK不可选,不知道是什么问题,不用害怕,下面有解决方案,我们是把可选的都选了,让所有的包都安装到默认的路径下。
注意: Developer Tools Essentials那个包的安装路径(默认为/Developer),等下安装iPhone SDK 时需要安装到同一路径下。
其实这一步已经安装好了Xcode3.1 了。
3. 安装iPhone SDK.
要安装到和Developer Tools Essentials同一目录,即/Developer
如果已经安装到其他目录,可以不用重装。进入到安装目录,默认是/Platforms,然后复制 iPhone.platform 和iPhoneSimulator.platform 到 /Developer/Platform,注意不要把整个/Platforms复制。
现在还不能建立iphone 项目,就算建好也编译不过。出现如下错误:
No architectures to compile for (ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH = YES, active arch = ppc, i386 VALID_ARCHS =)
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4. 配置Architectures.xcspec文件
因为官方的iPhone SDK只支持Intel Mac with OSX 10.5.。所以要更改所有intel的配置。
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// 32-Bit
{ Type = Architecture;
Identifier = Standard;
Name = "Standard (iPhone Simulator: i386, ppc)";
Description = "32-bit iPhone Simulator architectures";
ListInEnum = YES;
SortNumber = 1;
RealArchitectures = ( i386, ppc );
ArchitectureSetting = "ARCHS_STANDARD_32_BIT";
// Old-style Debug
{ Type = Architecture;
Identifier = Native;
Name = "Native Architecture of Build Machine";
Description = "32-bit for build machine";
ListInEnum = YES;
SortNumber = 101;
ArchitectureSetting = "NATIVE_ARCH";
// G3
{ Type = Architecture;
Identifier = ppc;
Name = "Minimal (32-bit PowerPC only)";
Description = "32-bit PowerPC ";
PerArchBuildSettingName = "PowerPC";
ByteOrder = big;
ListInEnum = No;
SortNumber = 201;
// G4 这个是我台机的型号
{ Type = Architecture;
Identifier = ppc7400;
Name = "PowerPC G4";
Description = "32-bit PowerPC for G4 processor";
ByteOrder = big;
ListInEnum = NO;
SortNumber = 202;
// G5 32-bit
{ Type = Architecture;
Identifier = ppc970;
Name = "PowerPC G5 32-bit";
Description = "32-bit PowerPC for G5 processor";
ByteOrder = big;
ListInEnum = NO;
SortNumber = 203;
// Intel
{ Type = Architecture;
Identifier = i386;
Name = "Intel";
Description = "32-bit Intel";
PerArchBuildSettingName = "Intel";
ByteOrder = little;
ListInEnum = NO;
SortNumber = 105;
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简单Interface Builder工程,实现Hello World.
双击 /Developer/Applications/Xcoide.app
记得要到下面隐藏的快捷方式栏去找刚启动的Xcode,然后File->new project.
选择 View-Based Application.
展开Groups&Files 下的 Resources目录,选择双击MainWindow.xib,就会弹出xib主窗口和libery窗口,如果没有,可以通过Tools来调出窗口。Libery里有不同的控件,可以拖放到View窗口里,单击选中控件,选择Tools->inspetor打开属性窗口修改控件属性。
File->Save,Build->build and run.
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