Qt Designer 布局 (3) PyQt学习基础是本文介绍的内容,接着 Qt Designer 布局 (2) PyQt学习基础 文章继续了解。我们先来看内容。
- import re
- from PyQt4.QtCore import *
- from PyQt4.QtGui import *
- import ui_findandreplacedlg
- MAC = "qt_mac_set_native_menubar" in dir()
- class FindAndReplaceDlg(QDialog,
- ui_findandreplacedlg.Ui_FindAndReplaceDlg):
- def __init__(self, text, parent=None):
- super(FindAndReplaceDlg, self).__init__(parent)
- self.__text = unicode(text)
- self.__index = 0
- self.setupUi(self)
- if not MAC:
- self.findButton.setFocusPolicy(Qt.NoFocus)
- self.replaceButton.setFocusPolicy(Qt.NoFocus)
- self.replaceAllButton.setFocusPolicy(Qt.NoFocus)
- self.closeButton.setFocusPolicy(Qt.NoFocus)
- self.updateUi()
self.setupUi(self) 这一句的作用才是把我们在Designer中设计的界面搬到我们这个对话框中,包括它的widgets,tab order等等。这个setupUi是在ui_findandreplacedlg.py中由pyuic4生成的。
更重要的是,这个setupUi()方法会调用 QtCore.QmetaObject.connectSlotsByName()方法,这个方法的作用是它会自动创建 signal-slots connection ,这种connection是基于我们子类里的方法,和窗口的widgets之间的,只要我们定义的方法,它的名字是 on_widgetName_signalName的这种格式,就会自动把这个widgets和这个signaName connected。
举个例子,在我们的form中,我们曾把Find what 这个Label右边的 Line Edit这个widget的ObjectName命名为 findLineEdit ,跟这个widget相关的信号,就是这个Line Edit被编辑了,就会emit一个信号 textEdited(Qstring),所以如果我们想绑定这个widget和这个signal,就不用调用connected()方法了,只要我们把方法的名字命名为 on_findLineEdit_textEdited()就可以了,connect的工作就交给setupUi去完成了。
后面的四句setFocusPolicy 是为了方便键盘用户(windows和Linux)的,就是使Tab键只能在可编辑widgets之间切换,对于MAC系统不做执行。
- @pyqtSignature("QString")
- #确保正确的connect,括号里的参数为signal的参数
- def on_findLineEdit_textEdited(self, text):
- self.__index = 0
- self.updateUi()
- #此函数就是发现LineEdit有内容输入,buttons变为可用
- def makeRegex(self):
- #利用正则表达式来查找内容
- findText = unicode(self.findLineEdit.text())
- if unicode(self.syntaxComboBox.currentText()) == "Literal":
- findText = re.escape(findText)
- if not self.caseCheckBox.isChecked():
- flags |= re.IGNORECASE
- if self.wholeCheckBox.isChecked():
- findText = r"b%sb" % findText
- return re.compile(findText, flags)
- @pyqtSignature("")
- def on_findButton_clicked(self):
- regex = self.makeRegex()
- match = regex.search(self.__text, self.__index)
- if match is not None:
- self.__index = match.end()
- self.emit(SIGNAL("found"), match.start())
- else:
- self.emit(SIGNAL("notfound")
- @pyqtSignature("")
- def on_replaceButton_clicked(self):
- regex = self.makeRegex()
- self.__text = regex.sub(unicode(self.replaceLineEdit.text()),
- self.__text, 1)
- @pyqtSignature("")
- def on_replaceAllButton_clicked(self):
- regex = self.makeRegex()
- self.__text = regex.sub(unicode(self.replaceLineEdit.text()),
- self.__text)
- def updateUi(self):
- #判断LineEdit是否为空,从而决定buttons是否可用
- enable = not self.findLineEdit.text().isEmpty()
- self.findButton.setEnabled(enable)
- self.replaceButton.setEnabled(enable)
- self.replaceAllButton.setEnabled(enable)
- def text(self):
- #返回修改后的结果
- return self.__text
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- import sys
- text = """US experience shows that, unlike traditional patents,
- software patents do not encourage innovation and R&D, quite the
- contrary. In particular they hurt small and medium-sized enterprises
- and generally newcomers in the market. They will just weaken the market
- and increase spending on patents and litigation, at the expense of
- technological innovation and research. Especially dangerous are
- attempts to abuse the patent system by preventing interoperability as a
- means of avoiding competition with technological ability.
- --- Extract quoted from Linus Torvalds and Alan Cox's letter
- to the President of the European Parliament
- http://www.effi.org/patentit/patents_torvalds_cox.html"""
- def found(where):
- print "Found at %d" % where
- def nomore():
- print "No more found"
- app = QApplication(sys.argv)
- form = FindAndReplaceDlg(text)
- form.connect(form, SIGNAL("found"), found)
- form.connect(form, SIGNAL("notfound"), nomore)
- form.show()
- app.exec_()
- print form.text()
参考资料《Rapid GUI Programing with PyQt》chapter 7
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