最为直接、快速、方便,缺点是基本上不能实现增量备份。为了保证数据的一致性,需要在靠背文件前,执行以下 SQL 语句:
但对于 Innodb 类型表来说,还需要备份其日志文件,即 ib_logfile* 文件。因为当 Innodb 表损坏时,就可以依靠这些日志文件来恢复。
mysqlhotcopy 是perl程序。它使用 LOCK TABLES、FLUSH TABLES 和 cp 或 scp 来快速备份数据库。对于备份数据库或单个表来说它是最快的途径,但它只能运行在本地服务器上,且mysqlhotcopy 只能备份 MyISAM表,对于Innodb表则无招可施了。
mysqldump 是SQL级别的备份,它将数据表导成 SQL 脚本文件,在不同的 MySQL 版本之间升级时相对比较合适,这也是最主流的备份方法。
MongoDB提供了两个命令来备份(mongodump )和恢复(mongorestore )数据库。
- [root@localhost bin]# ./mongodump --help
- options:
- --help produce help message
- -v [ --verbose ] be more verbose (include multiple times for more
- verbosity e.g. -vvvvv)
- -h [ --host ] arg mongo host to connect to ( /s1,s2 for
- sets)
- --port arg server port. Can also use --host hostname:port
- --ipv6 enable IPv6 support (disabled by default)
- -u [ --username ] arg username
- -p [ --password ] arg password
- --dbpath arg directly access mongod database files in the given
- path, instead of connecting to a mongod server -
- needs to lock the data directory, so cannot be used
- if a mongod is currently accessing the same path
- --directoryperdb if dbpath specified, each db is in a separate
- directory
- -d [ --db ] arg database to use
- -c [ --collection ] arg collection to use (some commands)
- -o [ --out ] arg (=dump) output directory or "-" for stdout
- -q [ --query ] arg json query
- --oplog Use oplog for point-in-time snapshotting
- --repair try to recover a crashed database
- [root@localhost bin]#
- [root@localhost bin]# ./mongodump -d foo -o /data/dump
- connected to:
- DATABASE: foo to /data/dump/foo
- foo.system.indexes to /data/dump/foo/system.indexes.bson
- 3 objects
- foo.system.users to /data/dump/foo/system.users.bson
- 1 objects
- foo.t2 to /data/dump/foo/t2.bson
- 1 objects
- foo.t1 to /data/dump/foo/t1.bson
- 2 objects
- [root@localhost bin]#
通过工具返回信息,我们可以看到foo中的数据已经被备份成bson格式的文件了, 接下来我们到备份的目录下去验证一下:
- [root@localhost dump]# ll /data/dump/foo/
- 总计 16
- -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 193 04-22 11:55 system.indexes.bson
- -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 91 04-22 11:55 system.users.bson
- -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 66 04-22 11:55 t1.bson
- -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 49 04-22 11:55 t2.bson
- [root@localhost dump]#
- [root@localhost bin]# ./mongorestore --help
- usage: ./mongorestore [options] [directory or filename to restore from]
- options:
- --help produce help message
- -v [ --verbose ] be more verbose (include multiple times for more
- verbosity e.g. -vvvvv)
- -h [ --host ] arg mongo host to connect to ( /s1,s2 for sets)
- --port arg server port. Can also use --host hostname:port
- --ipv6 enable IPv6 support (disabled by default)
- -u [ --username ] arg username
- -p [ --password ] arg password
- --dbpath arg directly access mongod database files in the given
- path, instead of connecting to a mongod server -
- needs to lock the data directory, so cannot be used
- if a mongod is currently accessing the same path
- --directoryperdb if dbpath specified, each db is in a separate
- directory
- -d [ --db ] arg database to use
- -c [ --collection ] arg collection to use (some commands)
- --objcheck validate object before inserting
- --filter arg filter to apply before inserting
- --drop drop each collection before import
- --oplogReplay replay oplog for point-in-time restore
- [root@localhost bin]#
- [root@localhost bin]# ./mongo
- MongoDB shell version: 1.8.1
- connecting to: test
- > use foo
- switched to db foo
- > db.dropDatabase();
- { "dropped" : "foo", "ok" : 1 }
- > show dbs
- admin 0.0625GB
- local (empty)
- test 0.0625GB
- >
- [root@localhost bin]# ./mongorestore --directoryperdb /data/dump
- connected to:
- Sun Apr 22 12:01:27 /data/dump/foo/t1.bson
- Sun Apr 22 12:01:27 going into namespace [foo.t1]
- Sun Apr 22 12:01:27 2 objects found
- Sun Apr 22 12:01:27 /data/dump/foo/t2.bson
- Sun Apr 22 12:01:27 going into namespace [foo.t2]
- Sun Apr 22 12:01:27 1 objects found
- Sun Apr 22 12:01:27 /data/dump/foo/system.users.bson
- Sun Apr 22 12:01:27 going into namespace [foo.system.users]
- Sun Apr 22 12:01:27 1 objects found
- Sun Apr 22 12:01:27 /data/dump/foo/system.indexes.bson
- Sun Apr 22 12:01:27 going into namespace [foo.system.indexes]
- Sun Apr 22 12:01:27 { name: "_id_", ns: "foo.system.users", key: { _id: 1 }, v: 0 }
- Sun Apr 22 12:01:27 { name: "_id_", ns: "foo.t2", key: { _id: 1 }, v: 0 }
- Sun Apr 22 12:01:27 { name: "_id_", ns: "foo.t1", key: { _id: 1 }, v: 0 }
- Sun Apr 22 12:01:27 3 objects found
- [root@localhost bin]#
通过工具返回信息,我们可以看到foo中的数据已经被恢复回来了, 接下来我们到库里去验证一下:
- [root@localhost bin]# ./mongo
- MongoDB shell version: 1.8.1
- connecting to: test
- > use foo
- switched to db foo
- > show collections;
- system.indexes
- system.users
- t1
- t2
- >