在看Oracle性能优化一书时,讲到用exists替代in,用表链接替代exists,关于前者,一般效果比较明显,exists效率明显比in高,但是如果要想表连接的效率比exists高,必须在from子句中,将记录多的表放在前面,记录少的表放后面。下文中将为大家详细讲解Oracle性能优化可能出现的问题 ,希望能够帮助到大家。
关于select... bulk collect into ... limit ...或fetch... bulk collect into ... limit ...句型:
for tp in tmp.FIRST.. tmp.LAST loop .... end loop;
for tp in 1 .. tmp.COUNT loop .... end loop;
for tp in indecs of tmp loop .... end loop;
上面的第1种方法有一个致使的弱点,就是在select... bulk collect into ... limit ...或fetch... bulk collect into ... limit ...没有取到数据时,如果没有exit,则***种方法会报错:ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error。因为tmp.FIRST访问不存在,为空值。必须对错误进行错误处理。而在嵌套的循环中,内层的循环是不能用exit的,所有必然遇到这种错误。
PROCEDURE RemoveBat2DjaRecords(参数) AS type RowIdArray is table of rowid index by binary_integer; rowIds RowIdArray; BEGIN loop select rowid BULK COLLECT into rowIds from 表名 where 查询条件 and rownum <= 1000; exit when SQL%NOTFOUND; forall k in 1 .. rowIds.COUNT delete from 表名 where rowid = rowIds(k); commit; end loop; EXCEPTION when OTHERS then rollback; END RemoveBat2DjaRecords;
用exit跳出循环,通常情况下,exit只跳出当前层的循环,与其它程序设计语言的break语句类似。在嵌套的循环中,如果要直接从内层循环跳出外面多层的循环,可使用'EXIT 标签 When'形式的语句,举例如下:
SQL> BEGIN 2 <> 3 FOR v_outerloopcounter IN 1..2 LOOP 4 <> 5 FOR v_innerloopcounter IN 1..4 LOOP 6 DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Outer Loop counter is ' 7 || v_outerloopcounter || 8 ' Inner Loop counter is ' || v_innerloopcounter); 9 EXIT WHEN v_innerloopcounter = 3; 10 END LOOP innerloop; 11 END LOOP outerloop; 12 END; 13 / Outer Loop counter is 1 Inner Loop counter is 1 Outer Loop counter is 1 Inner Loop counter is 2 Outer Loop counter is 1 Inner Loop counter is 3 Outer Loop counter is 2 Inner Loop counter is 1 Outer Loop counter is 2 Inner Loop counter is 2 Outer Loop counter is 2 Inner Loop counter is 3 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> BEGIN 2 <> 3 FOR v_outerloopcounter IN 1..2 LOOP 4 <> 5 FOR v_innerloopcounter IN 1..4 LOOP 6 DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Outer Loop counter is ' 7 || v_outerloopcounter || 8 ' Inner Loop counter is ' || v_innerloopcounter); 9 EXIT outerloop WHEN v_innerloopcounter = 3; 10 END LOOP innerloop; 11 END LOOP outerloop; 12 END; 13 / Outer Loop counter is 1 Inner Loop counter is 1 Outer Loop counter is 1 Inner Loop counter is 2 Outer Loop counter is 1 Inner Loop counter is 3 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.