ProFtpd下软件该如何配置?ProFTPD是个Unix平台上或是类Unix平台上(如Linux, FreeBSD...)的FTP服务器程序。它是在自由软件基金会的版权声明(GPL)之下开发 发布的免费软件。也可以说,只要任何人遵守GPL版权的声明,全都可以随意修改源始码。本文讲述的是ProFtpd下软件的配置。
- /usr/local/etc/proftpd.conf (如果文件不存在可以从压缩包中把配置文件样例拷贝过来即可)下面逐项分析其中一些常选项:(#后面的部分是注释)
- # This is a basic ProFTPD
- configuration file
- (rename it to
- # 'proftpd.conf' for actual use.
- It establishes a single server
- # and a single anonymous login.
- It assumes that you have a user/group
- # "nobody" and "ftp" for normal
- operation and anon.
- ServerName "
- ServerType
- standalone
- DefaultServer
- on
- # Port 21 is the standard FTP port.
- Port 21
ServerType 指定FTP Server 的启动类型,一般使用standalone方式比较简单,如果访问量不大,为节省资源考虑用xinetd侦听启动,必须在这里指定。Port 指定FTP的侦听端口,一般使用21端口
- # Umask 022 is a good standard
- umask to prevent new dirs and files
- # from being group and world writable.
- Umask 022
- # To prevent DoS attacks, set the
- maximum number of child processes
- # to 30. If you need to allow
- more than 30 concurrent connections
- # at once, simply increase this value.
- Note that this ONLY works
- # in standalone mode, in inetd mode
- you should use an inetd server
- # that allows you to limit maximum
- number of processes per service
- # (such as xinetd).
- MaxInstances 30
- Umask 指定FTP server 进程的Umask 值,022与Linux系统得默认值一致。
- MaxInstances 指定 FTP server 的最大连接数。
- # Set the user and group under
- which the server will run.
- User nobody
- Group nogroup
- # To cause every FTP user to be
- "jailed" (chrooted) into their home
- # directory, uncomment this line.
- #DefaultRoot ~
- DefaultRoot
User 和Group 指定proftpd 进程启动时的有效用户ID,处于安全考虑默认的身份是nobody,有一点要指出的是,一般Red Linux 9.0 中默认是没有nogroup 这个组的,把Group指定为nobody 即可。
DefaultRoot 选项限制Linux 系统用户通过FTP方式登录时将被限制在其home 目录下。
- # Set the maximum number of seconds
- a data connection is allowed
- # to "stall" before being aborted.
- #TimeoutStalled 300
- AllowRetrieveRestart on
- AllowStoreRestart on
- # Normally, we want files to be overwriteable.
- AllowOverwrite on
- TimeoutStalled 指定一个连接的超时时间。
- AllowRetriveRestart 和AllowStroeRestart 指定允许断点续传。
- User ftp
- Group ftp
- # We want clients to be able to
- login with "anonymous"
- as well as "ftp"
- UserAlias anonymous ftp
- # Limit the maximum number of anonymous logins
- MaxClients 10
- # We want 'welcome.msg' displayed
- at login, and '.message' displayed
- # in each newly chdired directory.
- DisplayLogin welcome.msg
- DisplayFirstChdir .message
- # Limit WRITE everywhere
- in the anonymous chroot
- DenyAll
- ProFTPD.conf的详细配置方法
- ProFTPD的配置文件proftpd.conf
- ProFTP下的参数说明
- Porftpd.conf的配置格式
- lampp的ProFTPd下新增FTP用户的方法
- Debian下配置ProFTPd服务器
- Centos下ProFTPD配置FTP服务器
- 用MySQL和Proftpd配置FTP服务器