David Thomas:程序员要快乐的思考

程序员的工作似乎是无比苦闷的,整天泡在枯燥的代码堆里。51CTO在2010年终选题上有幸专访了敏捷宣言创始人之一,《程序员修炼之道》与《Programming Ruby》的作者David Thomas,请他谈谈他的快乐编程之道。

【51CTO独家特稿】一个国外的技术大牛,一开始其实只是为了解决具体的技术问题而钻研技术。但是经历了一段时间的钻研,程序员就有可能从中体会到乐趣,真正做到快乐的写代码,快乐的思考。David Thomas就是这样一位快乐的程序员。



Dave Thomas,敏捷宣言创始人之一,《程序员修炼之道》与《Programming Ruby》的作者。他有着三十余年的编程经验,现在主要经营Pragmatic Programmer出版社,阅书无数。同时,Dave每天都仍然在编写代码。







不过,久而久之,我开始意识到工作中的“模式”(patterns)——在软件开发工艺的深层隐藏的那些真理。最终,我和Andy Hunt将其中的一些模式描述成文字,记录在我们的《程序员修炼之道》当中。



当然有过忽然灵光一现的时候。有些时候,只是比较低层次的。我还记得当我在PDP-11计算机上编程的时候,遇到了一个将二进制数字转化为八进制ASCII码的库子程序。很明显,这是任何一个程序员都能够写出来的功能。不过,我遇到的这个程序被编写的十分“优雅”:这位程序员使用了PDP标志寄存器(flag registers)和旋转运算(rotate operations)的一些深层知识,用短短四、五行汇编就完成了这个功能。这并非是我印象中最短小的代码,但我当时领悟到了:想要变得优雅,必须深入理解你编程的环境。大多数开发者只是对他们使用的工具有一个表层的理解,所以他们生产的代码四平八稳。只有那些愿意花费时间深入学习,去了解底层都在做什么的开发者们,才能生产出优雅的、革命性的代码。




在西方,我们有这样一条谚语:“祝你生活在有趣的时代(May you live in interesting times)”(译注:据传这是一句古老的中国诅咒,由一位英国驻中国的外交官传回西方,后变成西方的祝词。中文原文已不可考,有说法是“宁为太平犬,不做乱世人”)。这是一条温柔的诅咒,因为有趣的时代同时也意味着艰难的时代。我觉得我们现在正生活在这条诅咒当中。没有任何一个时代比我们现在所处的时代更加有趣,同时也更加令人混乱。新的技术,新的技巧,新的语言,新的期待。所以我最大的希望是,我编程生涯中最美好的事情还没有到来。我希望最令我印象深刻的事情发生在未来。我的工作,我的热情,都在尽可能的经历更多的事情,所以最令我印象深刻的事情一定会发生在未来。


1. Aspiration

When you first started programming, what was your technical aspiration? Has your aspiration changed over the years?

I don't think I had a technical aspiration when I first started programming—that kind of thing came a lot later.

When I was 16, I was planning to study mathematics at college. I was still in secondary school in England, and a group of us had finished all our required classes a year early. The school was looking for things for us to do, and suggested we might be interested in attended a class on computer programming at the local technical college (a vocational school). This was back when you interacted with computers using 300 baud modems, teletypes, and paper tape. And sometime during the first month of that class, I realized that I'd found something I truly loved. I spent hours after school slowly typing Basic programs on to paper tape before uploading them to a mainframe. I even did my first metaprogramming—we were only allowed to store 5 programs up on the mainframe, so I wrote a Basic program that stored my other Basic programs inside itself, a kind of mini filesystem.

After that experience, I knew I wanted to write code. I stopped looking at university mathematics courses and instead looked for computer science. And I was lucky—Imperial College in London had just started a course, and I got in. It really was the best possible introduction to the field—the course itself was deep, and the work outside the course was practical and challenging. I ended up paying my way through school with programming jobs.

After I graduated, I started working on a PhD, but got tempted away by a start-up. I think this was also a very lucky move, because I suddenly learned the other side of the software business—clients, projects, and doing things right. The company was very small and full of very smart people, so we'd do just about any work we could find. I got an incredible amount of experience in a very broad range of topics in just a few years.

All of this was driven by a passion, not by any kind of technical aspiration. I was just doing what I enjoyed doing.

But, over time,I also started to realize that there were patterns in the work—underlying realities in the craft of developing software. Eventually, Andy Hunt and I captured some of these in our book The Pragmatic Programmer.

But I still don't think these count as "technical aspirations." You question was a good one, and it made me think. In the end, I don't think I have a technical aspiration, if the phrase means "I hope I do this or that technical thing." Instead, my aspiration is simple—I want to continue to do what I enjoy doing. I want to continue to write code, and to solve people's problems using code. I want to continue to improve at my craft, and to experiment with and experience new areas of software development. I know it's selfish, but I want to continue to have fun!

2. Insight

Have you ever experienced the change from "have no insight" to "have insight" in programming? Has there been a day on which you suddenly realised "oh, this IS the right way to programming"? If so, can you describe what grabbed you on that day?

I have definitely had those moments where suddenly something snaps into place. Sometimes these are really low-level technical moments. I remember when I was programming PDP-11 computers, I came across a library subroutine that converted a binary number into its ASCII octal representation. Of course, this would have been a function that any programmer could write. But this particular developer had done it *elegantly*, using a deep knowledge of the PDP's various flag registers and rotate operations to do the whole thing in just four or five lines of assembler. It wasn't the small size of the code that I remember—the insight was that you had to really understand the environment you were using if you wanted to be elegant. Most people have a surface understanding of the tools they use, and they produce solid, average code as a result. But the people who spend the time to dig deep, and to learn what's really going on—those are the people who produce elegant and revolutionary answers.

I also experienced nontechnical insights. I remember early on in my career I was at a client meeting with the owner of the startup I worked for. The client was the owner of a large software company; an important person in our industry, and, more importantly, someone with a project that we really needed :)  During the meeting, it became clear that what he wanted us to write wouldn't work—he'd overlooked some technical problems. Being very young and very naive, I told him this. The room went silent, and the meeting ended very quickly after that. On our way back to our office, I expected to get fired for disagreeing with a client. But, instead, my boss taught me a lesson that I still use. He said that I was right to speak up. He said that if there was a problem that would stop the project working, we'd be unethical if we went ahead. But then he said that I was wrong to speak up the way I did—if there's a problem with a someone's ideas, don't just say "that's wrong." Instead, try to guide them to find the problem for themselves.

I'm not very good at this—I still get caught up in the technical challenges of projects, and I too often forget the human side, But the lesson—the insight—is still valid.

3. Back to the past

What is the most memorable thing in your programming career? If you can give suggestions to yourself at that time, what would you say?

In the West, we're told that there is a saying: "May you live in interesting times."  it's meant as a mild curse—interesting times are difficult times. And I think we're all living with that curse right now. Times have never been more interesting, or more confusing. New technologies, new techniques, new languages, and new expectations surround us. So I very much hope that the best part of my programming career has not yet happened. I hope that the most memorable thing I'll do lies in the future. My job, my passion, is to experience as much as I can so that I maximize the chances that this will happen.


  1. 程序员的十个层次 你属于哪一层?
  2. 成为完美程序员的10种品质
  3. 钟胜辉谈PHP发展的现状和前景
  4. 程序员,你适合做一个项目经理吗?
  5. 是什么成就了一名“高级”程序员?
责任编辑:彭凡 来源: 51CTO

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