- create procedure SP_PHP_PAGE @qry varchar(16384),@iStart int, @iLimit int, @sKeyFiled varchar(32) as
- /*@qry SQL语句, @iStart 开始, @iLimit 结束,@sKeyFiled 表中的主键 */
- begin
- declare @execsql varchar(16384)
- declare @execsqltmp varchar(16384)
- /*定义临时表表名*/
- declare @dt varchar(10) --生成临时表的随机数
- set @dt=substring(convert(varchar, rand()), 3, 10) --一个字符型的随机数
- set rowcount @iLimit
- if(@sKeyFiled is null)
- begin
- set @execsql = stuff(@qry,charindex('select',@qry),6,'select number(*) as sybid,')
- set @execsqltmp = ' select * from #temptable' + @dt + ' where sybid>' || convert(varchar,@iStart) || ' and sybid <= ' || convert(varchar,(@iStart/@iLimit+1)*@iLimit)
- end
- else
- begin
- set @execsql = stuff(@qry,charindex('select',@qry),6,'select number(*) as sybid,' || @sKeyFiled || ' ,@' )
- set @execsql = stuff(@execsql,charindex(',@',@execsql),charindex('from',@execsql)-charindex(',@',@execsql),'' )
- set @execsqltmp = ' select '|| @sKeyFiled ||' from #temptable' + @dt + ' where sybid>' || convert(varchar,@iStart) || ' and sybid <= ' || convert(varchar,(@iStart/@iLimit+1)*@iLimit)
- set @execsqltmp = stuff(@qry,charindex('where',@qry),5,' where '|| @sKeyFiled || ' in ('|| @execsqltmp ||') and ')
- end
- set @execsql = stuff(@execsql, charindex('from',@execsql),4,'into #temptable' + @dt + ' from')
- select (@execsql) as sql, @execsqltmp as sqlTmp
- set rowcount 0
- end
- $sSQL = " exec SP_PHP_PAGE '$sSQL',$iStart,$iLimit,'iId'";
- $pRow = $this->m_hDb->GetResult ( $sSQL );
- $this->m_hDb->Excute ( $pRow->sql );
- $pData = $this->m_hDb->Select($pRow->sqlTmp);