下面为您介绍一个sql server存储过程的条件判断和事务管理的实际例子,供您参考,如果您对sql server存储过程感兴趣的话,不妨一看。
通过sql server存储过程周期性地根据条件字段值设置其他字段,包括条件判断和事务管理。实例语句如下。
- CREATE TABLE [dbo].[vipPoint] (
- [userCode] [varchar] (50) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
- [point] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [currentStatus] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [baseStatus] [int] NOT NULL
- GO
sql server存储过程语句如下:
- CREATE procedure vipProcess
- as
- begin
- if (MONTH(getdate())=7)
- begin
- begin transaction
- update vipPoint set currentStatus=1 where baseStatus=1 and point>1000
- update vipPoint set currentStatus=0 where baseStatus=1 and point<1000
- update vipPoint set currentStatus=1 where baseStatus=0 and point>1500
- update vipPoint set currentStatus=0 where baseStatus=0 and point<1500
- /**//**update vipPoint set point=0**/
- update vipPoint set point=10000000000000000000000000000
- if (@@error<>0)
- begin
- print('rollback transaction')
- rollback transaction
- return 0;
- end;
- commit transaction
- end;
- end;
- GO
sql server存储过程语句也可以如下:
- CREATE procedure vipProcess
- as
- begin
- if (MONTH(getdate())=7)
- begin
- begin transaction
- update vipPoint set currentStatus=case when point>=1000 then 1 when point<1000 then 0 end where baseStatus=1
- update vipPoint set currentStatus=case when point>=1500 then 1 when point<1500 then 0 end where baseStatus=0
- /**//**update vipPoint set point=0**/
- update vipPoint set point=10000000000000000000000000000
- if (@@error<>0)
- begin
- print('rollback transaction')
- rollback transaction
- return 0;
- end;
- commit transaction
- end;
- end;
- GO