下面为您介绍的是列出SQL SERVER 数据库所有表信息的SQL语句,该SQL语句供您参考,希望对您学习SQL语句能有所启迪。
- select
- ( case when a.colorder = 1 then d.name else '' end ) 表名,
- a.colorder 字段序号,
- a.name 字段名,
- ( case when COLUMNPROPERTY (a.id,a.name,'isidentity') = 1 then '√' else '' end ) 标识
- ( case when (
- select count(*) from sysobjects
- where name in (
- select name from sysindexes
- where (id = a.id ) and ( indid in
- (select indid from sysindexkeys where
- ( id = a.id ) and ( colid in (
- select colid from syscolumns
- where ( id = a.id ) and ( name = a.name ))))))
- and ( xtype ='PK')) > 0 then '√' else '' end ) 主键,
- b.name 类型,
- a.length 字节数,
- COLUMNPROPERTY ( a.id,a.name ,'PRECISION' ) as 长度,
- isnull ( COLUMNPROPERTY ( a.id,a.name ,'Scale'),0) as 小数位数,
- (case when a.isnullable = 1 then '√' else '' end ) 允许空,
- isnull ( e.text,'') 默认值,
- isnull (g.[value],'' ) as 字段说明
- from syscolumns a left join systypes b
- on a.xtype = b.xusertype
- inner join sysobjects d
- on a.id = d.id and d.xtype='U' and d.name <> 'dtproperties'
- left join syscomments e
- on a.cdefault = e.id
- left join sysproperties g
- on a.id = g.id and a.colid = g.smallid
- order by a.id ,a.colorder