全析PPP Options选项设置

网络 网络管理
下面我们来对PPP Options的具体设置内容进行一下分析和讲解。那么通过我们的翻译和介绍,希望大家能够对此有所了解。

对于一个网络协议来说,我们不仅仅要了解它的定义和概念,更要清楚它的设置与应用。那么今天我们就主要讲解一下关于PPP Options 的相关内容,来帮助大家了解一下具体的选项配置。

Selecting PPP Options Using an Options Structure

PPP options may be set at run-time by filling in a PPP options structure and passing the structure location to the ppp Init( ) routine. This routine is the standard entry point for initializing a PPP link (see Initializing a PPP Link).

The PPP options structure is typedefed to PPP_OPTIONS, and its definition is located in h/netinet/ppp/options.h, which is included through h/pppLib.h.


The first field of the structure is an integer, flags, which is a bit field that holds the ORed value of the OPT_option macros displayed in column 2 of Table 3-3. Definitions for OPT_option are located in h/netinet/ppp/options.h. The remaining structure fields in column 2 are character pointers to the various PPP options specified by a string.

选项结构体的***个域是整型数,一个标志位,是几个 OPT_xxx或运算之后的值,所有的OPT_xxx可以在Table 3-3中找到。OPT_xxx的定义在h/netinet/ppp/options.h中。。。。(不知所云)

The following code fragment is one way to set configuration options using the PPP options structure. It initializes a PPP interface that uses the target's second serial port (/tyCo/1). The local IP address is; the IP address of the remote peer is The baud rate is the default rate for the tty device. The VJ compression and authentication options have been disabled, and LCP (Link Control Protocol) echo requests have been enabled.


  1. PPP_OPTIONS pppOpt;     /* PPP configuration options */   
  3. void routine ()   
  4.     {   
  5.     pppOpt.flags = OPT_PASSIVE_MODE | OPT_NO_PAP | OPT_NO_CHAP |   
  6.                     OPT_NO_VJ;   
  7.     pppOpt.lcp_echo_interval = "30";   
  8.     pppOpt.lcp_echo_failure = "10";   
  10.     pppInit (0, "/tyCo/1", "", "", 0, &pppOpt, NULL);   
  11.     } 

Setting PPP Options Using an Options File

PPP options are most conveniently set using an options file. There is one restriction: the options file must be readable by the target without there being an active PPP link. Therefore the target must either have a local disk or RAM disk or an additional network connection. For more information about using file systems, see VxWorks Programmer's Guide: Local File Systems.


This configuration method can be used with either usrPPPInit( ) or pppInit( ). It also can be used to modify the selection of PPP options previously configured using configuration constants in config.h or the option structure PPP_OPTION.

When using usrPPPInit( ) to initialize PPP, define the configuration constant PPP_OPTIONS_FILE to be the absolute path name of the options file (NULL by default). When using pppInit( ), pass in a character string that specifies the absolute path name of the options file.



The options file format is one option per line; comment lines begin with #. For a description of option syntax, see the manual entry for pppInit( ).

The following code fragment generates the same results as the code example in Selecting PPP Options Using an Options Structure. The difference is that the configuration options are obtained from a file rather than a structure.

选项文件的格式是,一个选项占据一行; 注释的部分以#开头。具体的细节,请参考手册中的pppInit()。

下面的代码段的作用和Selecting PPP Options Using an Options Structure中的例子的效果是一样的。不同的地方是,这里从一个文件获取配置选项。

  1. pppFile = "mars:/tmp/ppp_options"; /* PPP config. options file */   
  3. void routine ()   
  4.     {   
  5.     pppInit (0, "/tyCo/1", "", "", 0, NULL, pppFile);   
  6.     }  
  7. In this example, mars:/tmp/ppp_options is a file that contains the following: 


  1. passive   
  2. no_pap   
  3. no_chap   
  4. no_vj   
  5. lcp_echo_interval 30   
  6. lcp_echo_failure 10 


责任编辑:佟健 来源: hi.baidu.com

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