Sendmail.cf是Sendmail 配置文件,它全权决定了Sendmail的属性。这个文件定义邮件服务器为哪个域工作。其中的内容为特定宏,大多数人对它都抱有恐惧心理,因为文件中的宏代码实在是太多。sendmail.cf通常是由一个以mc结尾的文件编译产生。如Redhat自带一个,用户可以自己修改其中的一些设置,使之适合自己。
笔者的 文件内容如下:
- divert(-1)
- dnl This is the macro config file used to generate the /etc/
- dnl file. If you modify thei file you will have to regenerate the
- dnl /etc/ by running this macro config through the m4
- dnl preprocessor:
- dnl m4 /etc/ > /etc/
- dnl You will need to have the Sendmail-cf package installed for this to work.
- include(`/usr/lib/Sendmail-cf/m4/cf.m4')
- define(`confDEF_USER_ID',``8:12'')
- OSTYPE(`linux')
- undefine(`UUCP_RELAY')
- undefine(`BITNET_RELAY')
- define(`confAUTO_REBUILD')
- define(`confTO_CONNECT', `1m')
- define(`confTRY_NULL_MX_LIST',true)
- define(`confDONT_PROBE_INTERFACES',true)
- define(`PROCMAIL_MAILER_PATH',`/usr/bin/procmail')
- FEATURE(`smrsh',`/usr/sbin/smrsh')
- FEATURE(`mailertable',`hash -o /etc/mail/mailertable')
- FEATURE(`virtusertable',`hash -o /etc/mail/virtusertable')
- FEATURE(redirect)
- FEATURE(always_add_domain)
- FEATURE(use_cw_file)
- FEATURE(local_procmail)
- MAILER(smtp)
- MAILER(procmail)
- FEATURE(`access_db')
- FEATURE(`blacklist_recipients')
- dnl We strongly recommend to comment this one out if you want to protect
- dnl yourself from spam. However, the laptop and users on computers that do
- dnl not hav 24x7 DNS do need this.
- FEATURE(`accept_unresolvable_domains')
- dnl FEATURE(`relay_based_on_MX')
Sendmail配置编译sendmail.mc以产生需要的sendmail.cf文件:# m4 /etc/ > /etc/mail/。
# Alias for this host
然后,就可以启动Sendmail了:# /usr/sbin/Sendmail -bd -q20m。
Sendmail 8.9.x以后的版本,在缺省情况下,都默认不对未验证的计算机进行转发(Relay),所以如果要为本机以外的其他计算机进行邮件转发,这时,应该在相应的配置文件中明确告诉Sendmail配置要对哪几个主机进行转发。如果不考虑验证,对任何主机都进行转发的话,可以在sedmail.mc文件中加入一行:FEATURE(promiscuous_relay)。
- Linux sendmail配置、安装和测试
- 使用php sendmail Windows下配置方法
- Sendmail 配置E-Mail服务器实现E-Mail灵活运用
- Sendmail 配置E-Mail服务器开启SMTP、POP端口
- Sendmail 安装RPM包和编译源码