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做为如今全球最火热的SNS服务之一,Twitter团队在四年的发展中都做出了哪些努力,经历过哪些困难?新特性的添加如何取舍,系统方面的压力从何处解决?51CTO开发频道在今年的QCon大会上有幸邀请到了Twitter的系统工程师Nick Kallen与我们分享Twitter技术团队的宝贵经验。

【51CTO独家特稿】2006年创建的Twitter已经是如今全球最为火热的SNS服务之一,更是微博客这一概念的头号先行者。Twitter目前的注册用户数已经超过了一亿,而现在整个Twitter团队大约只有180名员工,其中技术工程师占据70到80个左右。巨大的信息流量不断冲击着Twitter服务器的上限,而做为一个SNS服务,功能的更新也同样不可忽视。对于这样一个发展迅速的服务,我们要如何有效地把握它的发展脉络?在今年的北京QCon大会上,51CTO开发频道有幸邀请到了Twitter的系统工程师Nick Kallen来和我们分享Twitter技术团队的经验。

Twitter工程师Nick Kallen

Nick Kallen原本是一位软件咨询师,同时也是Rails3框架的基础Arel、NamedScope、分布式缓存框架Cache Money和JavaScript行为驱动开发框架Screw.Unit等多个开源项目的作者。两年前他应邀解决Twitter的可伸缩性问题,并由此加入了Twitter的技术团队。对于现在Twitter的规模而言,可高效查询的可伸缩式数据模式是最为紧迫的任务之一,而Nick现在的主要关注方向之一就是一个通用的分布式数据库。




不过对当时常年被Fail Whale所纠缠的Twitter团队而言,的确也抽不出足够的人力和精力放在开发新功能上面。Twitter诞生后的三年时间中,用户数量一直飞速发展,数据量骤然攀升。Twitter最开始以LAMP架构(Linux+Apache+MySQL+PHP)创建,这个系统很快便不堪重负。Nick十分坦诚的向我们描述了Twitter团队早些年的状况:







“以前我们将所有的数据和服务存储在一个组件上。而数据分割的做法,就是将数据分割成小块,然后存储在多个组件之上。因为大块的数据被切割成了小块,我们就可以并行的、以小任务的方式完成查询和操作的工作。无论是我们开始发一个推,还是我们开始一个社交图(social graph),还是我们开始一个搜索,每一个主要组件都在过去的一年半中通过不同的策略完成了数据分割。这就是现在Twitter可伸缩性的实现。”

近一年多持续增长的时间内,Twitter Fail Whale的出现次数已经降低了很多,应用层与数据层改进可谓是卓有成效。

Twitter API与新功能



对于Twitter API的由来,Nick做了一点简单的介绍:







附录:Nick Kallen专访文字整理

51CTO专访Nick Kallen
(右为Twitter系统工程师Nick Kallen,左为51CTO开发频道编辑杨赛)

51CTO: How did you join twitter, and how many people are there in the current twitter development team?

NK: I joined twitter about 2 years ago. Originally I consulted for them to help with scalability issues, and I really enjoyed working there. They wanted to hire me, they made me an offer and I accepted, that’s how I originally joined. I believe there is 180 employees now, approximately. As for how many engineers are there, I think there is about 40% or 50% of engineers, so about 70 to 80.

51CTO: Twitter has been cautiously adding new features over the past 4 years. How do you decide whether a new feature should be added?

NK: There is a lot of reasons why twitter has in the past been cautious adding new features. For the first couple of years of twitter history, and until recently, scalability has been such an urgent concern that there hasn’t been as much opportunities for the engineers to work on any new features, they’ve been so busy keeping the site up on, making it scale. I think also early on, twitter is sort of a minimal service, I mean, many people contrast it to Facebook. Facebook is a rich set of features like photos, all sorts of things. And traditionally twitter has been very minimal, hasn’t added like extensive conversation functionality abilities like photo features. And so, the culture for a while, we have been reluctant to add features, which distracts the minimal of twitter. I think that is changing now, though, I think we are pretty aggressively adding new features, and riching new feature sets has been rather experimental. So, vary to the minimalism we used to be.

51CTO: Did you consider high scalability from the very beginning? How did Twitter's scalability improve over the past year?

NK: Well it definitely wasn’t designed for scalability from the beginning. It was designed using kind of the traditional LAMP style – Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP architecture – usually the single MySQL master database, vertically scaled. That is kind of how the original version of twitter was architectured. That is definitely not unscalable design.

Last year and a half, we were focused on basically partitioning strategies for our data storage. That means, instead of storing all the data or service in one component, you take that data and divide it into small pieces, and you store it across multiple components. So you can answer queries and manipulate it in parallel and in smaller jobs, because you’ve take a huge amount of data and divided it into pieces. So every major components, from how we start tweets, to how we start a social graph, to how we start search indices, has basically been partitioned using different strategies over the last year and a half. That’s what makes twitter scale now.

51CTO: Twitter APIs has been a main reason for Twitter's success as a service. How does such an architecture different from a normal Web 2.0 product?

NK: Originally the API was developed because, when the first engineers of twitter left and moved to Germany, and he wanted to integrate twitter with an IRC bot, and the original API was designed to support him doing his little toy, and it quickly became apparent that people could have created things using the API, so we early on invested on the API functionality. That gives twitter a main advantage since we have been a small engineering team for a long time, and by opening the API we allow other people to build core functionality for us, an obvious example would be twitpic, where we didn’t have the resources to build photo storage/services, because there weren’t enough engineers. But by having the API, those core services could be built by other people, including like an iPhone client these days.

The challenge in the community now, though, is as we are able to build central parts of the products for people to have more creative uses of the API, and use it for not just as an alternative to the web, but creative kinds of things that we are not going to build into the core product. For scaling, APIs vs. the web, there is a big difference between the way software queries APIs vs. the way human beings use the websites. Programs would constantly pull – they keep pinning twitter, can I get more data, is there anything more recent, etc. The human beings don’t behave that way, they check it a few times, during lunch or something like that. So the interesting thing about API usage is that it’s very homogeneous, very similar, and is very high velocity and repetitive. And so you need to engineer your system to support that style of access efficiently. And that’s a different problem in supporting the kind of varied and irregular use cases of human beings.

51CTO专访Nick Kallen视频请见下一页




责任编辑:yangsai 来源: 51CTO.com

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