问题依然无法解决.而页面程序大部分是动态.无法使用fastcgi来处理.因此想使用Nginx做为反向代理apache.整个配置安装过程很简单.在考虑高并发的情况下,在安装前就做了些优化.目前配置能抗住3000以上并发.好像不是特别大哦?呵~~ 但足以~~ 只是还有少量499问题..期待有人跟我讨论解决
1 建立用户及组
- /usr/sbin/groupadd www
- /usr/sbin/useradd -g www www
2 安装pcre 让安装Nginx支持rewrite 方便以后所需
- wget ftp://ftp.csx.cam.ac.uk/pub/software/programming/pcre/pcre-7.8.tar.gz
- tar zxvf pcre-7.8.tar.gz
- cd pcre-7.8/
- ./configure
- make && make install
3 安装Nginx
- wget http://sysoev.ru/ nginx /nginx-0.7.58.tar.gz
- tar zxvf nginx-0.7.58.tar.gz
- cd nginx-0.7.58/
- ./configure --user=www --group=www --prefix=/usr/local/
webserver/nginx --with-http_stub_status_module
--with-http_ssl_module --with-cc-opt='-O2'
--with-cpu-opt=opteron- make && make install
注意上文中的--with-cc-opt='-O2' --with-cpu-opt=opteron 这是编译器优化,目前最常用的是-02 而不是3.后面对应CPU的型号,可参照:http://wiki.gentoo.tw/index.php/HOWTO_CFLAG
Nginx.conf 配置文件:
- user www www;
- worker_processes 4;
- # [ debug | info | notice | warn | error | crit ]
- error_log /usr/local/webserver/nginx/logs/nginx_error.log
crit;- pid /usr/local/webserver/nginx/nginx.pid;
- #Specifies the value for maximum file descriptors that
can be opened by this process.- worker_rlimit_nofile 51200;
- events
- {
- use epoll;
- worker_connections 51200;
- }
- http
- {
- include mime.types;
- default_type application/octet-stream;
- source_charset GB2312;
- server_names_hash_bucket_size 256;
- client_header_buffer_size 256k;
- large_client_header_buffers 4 256k;
- #size limits
- client_max_body_size 50m;
- client_body_buffer_size 256k;
- client_header_timeout 3m;
- client_body_timeout 3m;
- send_timeout 3m;
- #参数都有所调整.目的是解决代理过程中出现的一些502 499错误
- sendfile on;
- tcp_nopush on;
- keepalive_timeout 120; #参数加大,以解决做代理时502错误
- tcp_nodelay on;
- include vhosts/upstream.conf;
- include vhosts/bbs.linuxtone.conf;
- }