微软在Windows7的官方博客网站上刚刚发布了一篇文章,这是微软官方对Windows 7 Service Pack1 (简称Win7 SP1)的***官方回应。
在这篇博文里面,微软提及:For Windows 7, SP1 includes only minor updates, among which are previous updates that are already delivered through Windows Update. SP1 for Windows 7 will, however, deliver an updated Remote Desktop client that takes advantage of RemoteFX introduced in the server-side with SP1 for Windows Server 2008 R2.
就是说,Win7 SP1 里面只包含很少量的新功能,主要是之前发布的Windows 7 系统的补丁合集。Win7系统本身的功能增强和改进方面,在Win7 SP1 里面,会对远程桌面客户端进行更新。