- [code]
- # Search Thief
- # creator: Singo
- # date: 2007-8-24
- import urllib
- import re
- class SearchThief:
- " " "the google thief " " "
- global path,targetURL
- path = "pages\\ "
- # targetURL = " "
- targetURL = " "
- def __init__(self,key):
- self.key = key
- def getPage(self):
- webStr = urllib.urlopen(targetURL+self.key).read() # get the page string form the url
- self.setPageToFile(webStr)
- def setPageToFile(self,webStr):
- rereSetStr = re.compile( "\r ")
- self.key = reSetStr.sub( " ",self.key) # replace the string "\r "
- targetFile = file(path+self.key+ ".html ", "w ") # open the file for "w "rite
- targetFile.write(webStr)
- targetFile.close()
- print "done "
- inputKey = raw_input( "Enter you want to search --> ")
- obj = SearchThief(inputKey)
- obj.getPage()
- [/code]
看一下百度搜索结果页的源码,在搜索结构的那个table标签前面有个 <DIV id=Div> </DIV> 的标签,我们可以根据这个标签得到下移两行的结果集,于是增加一个方法。
- getResultStr()
- [code]
- def getResultStr(self,webStr):
- webStrwebStrList = "\r\n ")
- line = webStrList.index( " <DIV id=Div> </DIV> ")+2 # get the line from " <DIV id=Div> </DIV> " move 2 line
- resultStr = webStrList[line]
- return resultStr
- [/code]
- [code]
- <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN " " ">
- <html xmlns= " ">
- <head>
- < http-equivhttp-equiv= "Content-Type " content= "text/html; charset=gb2312 " />
- <title> SuperSingo搜索-%title% </title>
- <link href= "default/css/global.css " type=text/css rel=stylesheet>
- </head>
- <body>
- <div id= "top ">
- <div id= "logo "> <img src= "default/images/logo.jpg " /> </div>
- <div id= "searchUI ">
- <input type= "text " style= "width:300px; " />
- <input type= "submit " value= "Search " />
- </div>
- <div class= "clear "/>
- </div>
- <div id= "result_info ">
- 工找到:×××条记录,耗时×××秒
- </div>
- <div id= "result "> %result% </div>
- <div id= "foot ">
这里搜索的结构全都是百度那里过来的哦!其中%title%和%result%是等待替换的字符,为了替换这些字符,我们再增加一个方法, #p#
- [b]reCreatePage():[/b]
- [code]
- def reCreatePage(self,resultStr):
- demoStr = urllib.urlopen(demoPage).read() # get the demo page string
- rereTitle = re.compile( "%title% ")
- demoStr = reTitle.sub(self.key,demoStr) # re set the page title
- rereResult = re.compile( "%result% ")
- demoStr = reResult.sub(resultStr,demoStr) # re set the page result
- return demoStr
- [/code]
- [code]
- # the main programme
- # creator: Singo
- # date: 2007-8-24
- import urllib
- import re
- class SearchThief:
- " " "the google thief " " "
- global path,targetURL,demoPage
- path = "pages\\ "
- # targetURL = " "
- targetURL = " "
- demoPage = path+ "__demo__.html "
- def __init__(self,key):
- self.key = key
- def getPage(self):
- webStr = urllib.urlopen(targetURL+self.key) # get the page string form the url
- webStr = self.getResultStr(webStr) # get the result part
- webStr = self.reCreatePage(webStr) # re create a new page
- self.setPageToFile(webStr)
- def getResultStr(self,webStr):
- webStrwebStrList = "\r\n ")
- line = webStrList.index( " <DIV id=Div> </DIV> ")+2 # get the line from " <DIV id=Div> </DIV> " move 2 line
- resultStr = webStrList[line]
- return resultStr
- def reCreatePage(self,resultStr):
- demoStr = urllib.urlopen(demoPage).read() # get the demo page string
- rereTitle = re.compile( "%title% ")
- demoStr = reTitle.sub(self.key,demoStr) # re set the page title
- rereResult = re.compile( "%result% ")
- demoStr = reResult.sub(resultStr,demoStr) # re set the page result
- return demoStr
- def setPageToFile(self,webStr):
- rereSetStr = re.compile( "\r ")
- self.key = reSetStr.sub( " ",self.key) # replace the string "\r "
- targetFile = file(path+self.key+ ".html ", "w ") # open the file for "w "rite
- targetFile.write(webStr)
- targetFile.close()
- print "done "
- inputKey = raw_input( "Enter you want to search --> ")
- obj = SearchThief(inputKey)
- obj.getPage()
- [/code]