- import pymssql
- #connect database
- conn=pymssql.connect(host="",user="boomink",
password="boomink",database="boomink")- cur=conn.cursor()
- print '========================================'
- cur.execute("exec Orders_GetTest1 @Value=%s ",('2005-01-01',))
- while 1:
- print cur.fetchall()
- if 0 == cur.nextset():
- break
- data=cur.fetchall()
- print data
- print '========================================'
- #cur.execute("exec Orders_GetTest")
- cur.execute("exec Orders_GetTest2 @Value1=%s,@Value2=%s",('Ruan','Yu'))
- while 1:
- print cur.fetchall()
- if 0 == cur.nextset():
- break
- data=cur.fetchall()
- print data
- print '========================================'
- cur.execute("exec Orders_GetTracking @BeginDate=%s,
@EndDate=%s",('2005-01-01','2008-01-01'))- record = cur.fetchall()
- while 1:
- print cur.nextset()
- for r in record:
- print '========================================'
- a=r[1]
- print 'OrderId:%s' % r[0]
- print r
- print '========================================'
- if 0 == cur.nextset():
- break
- print "rnrow count:%d" % cur.rowcount
- #commit the connection
- conn.commit
- #close the connection
- conn.close