Linux CVS对于电脑使用的玩家的常用软件,然后我就学习及深入的研究Linux CVS,在这里和大家一起探讨Linux CVS的使用方法,希望对大家有用。重装了一次系统,重装了N次的Linux CVS,终于让linux下的Linux CVS理论上可以进行开发。还要感谢超少在忙VB时热心的做测试……虽然现在是凌晨3点整,还是得总结一下:
1、咱先把Linux CVS装上吧
首先确定系统中没有安装Linux CVS,如果没有则安装:yum install Linux CVS 注:fedora中可以使用光盘安装,个人认为容易点哦
在Fedora 6中这个没有默认安装。如果没有安装则安装:yum install xinetd 注:这个我是用命令行在网上自动下载安装的,中间还出现了个错误,忽略了
3、修改/etc/xinetd.d/Linux CVS
- [root@fc6 Linux CVSROOT]# cat /etc/xinetd.d/Linux CVS
- # default: off
- # description: The Linux CVS service can record the history of your source \
- #files. Linux CVS stores all the versions of a file in a single \
- #file in a clever way that only stores the differences \
- #between versions.
- service Linux CVSpserver
- {
- disable = no
- port= 2401
- socket_type= stream
- protocol = tcp
- wait= no
- user= root
- passenv = PATH
- server = /usr/bin/Linux CVS
- #env= HOME=/zyf/Linux CVS
- server_args= -f --allow-root=/zyf/Linux CVS pserver
- #bind=
- }
4、初始化Linux CVS服务
Linux CVS -d /zyf/Linux CVS init注:这个路径要和/etc/xinetd.d/Linux CVS中的一致,并且可以随便根据自己的需要定制.
groupadd Linux CVS
useradd Linux CVSroot -g Linux CVS
chmod 777 /zyf/Linux CVS
7、修改/zyf/Linux CVS/Linux CVSROOT/config文件
- [root@fc6 Linux CVSROOT]# cat config
- # Set this to "no" if pserver shouldn't check system users/passwords
- SystemAuth=no 注:这里默认是注释掉的。
- # Put Linux CVS lock files in this directory rather than directly in the repository.
- #LockDir=/var/lock/Linux CVS
- # Set `TopLevelAdmin' to `yes' to create a Linux CVS directory at the top
- # level of the new working directory when using the `Linux CVS checkout'
- # command.
- #TopLevelAdmin=no
- # Set `LogHistory' to `all' or `TOEFWUPCGMAR' to log all transactions to the
- # history file, or a subset as needed (ie `TMAR' logs all write operations)
- # Set `RereadLogAfterVerify' to `always' (the default) to allow the verifymsg
- # script to change the log message. Set it to `stat' to force Linux CVS to verify
- # that the file has changed before reading it (this can take up to an extra
- # second per directory being committed, so it is not recommended for large
- # repositories. Set it to `never' (the previous Linux CVS behavior) to prevent
- # verifymsg scripts from changing the log message.
- #RereadLogAfterVerify=always
8、增加/zyf/Linux CVS/Linux CVSROOT/passwd文件
[root@fc6 Linux CVSROOT]# cat passwd
zyf:woXRXXMqwnmWs:Linux CVSroot
注:这个密码文件中第2段是md5的密码。多个用户为每行一个. 这个密码真的不太好得到,每次都是建用户。
9、增加/zyf/Linux CVS/Linux CVSROOT/readers文件
10、增加/zyf/Linux CVS/Linux CVSROOT/writers文件
这个文件中存储着所有可写权限的用户名,一行一个.注:同一个用户不要在/zyf/Linux CVS/Linux CVSROOT/readers和/shanmin/Linux CVS/Linux CVSROOT/writers中都填写,如果都填写则以/zyf/Linux CVS/Linux CVSROOT/readers中的为准。
[root@~]#setenforce 0注:Linux CVS和SELinux有“冲突”,必须关闭,不然客户端会提示没有权限。修改/etd/services文件 ,加入以下内容:
- Linux CVSpserver 2401/tcp # Linux CVS client/server operations
- Linux CVSpserver 2401/udp # Linux CVS client/server operations
Linux CVS服务由inted来唤起,因此需要改动inetd提供的服务,我的redhat使用的是inetd 方式则在文件/etc/inetd.conf中加入如下的内容:Linux CVSpserver stream tcp nowait root /usr/bin/Linux CVS Linux CVS --allow-root=/home/Linux CVSroot pserver
- cd /etc/xinetd.d
- vi Linux CVSpserver
- service Linux CVSpserver
- {
- disable = no
- flags = REUSE
- socket_type = stream
- wait = no
- user = root
- server = /usr/bin/Linux CVS
- server_args = -f --allow-root=/home/Linux CVSroot pserver
- log_on_failure += USERID
- }
/etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd restart
13.检查Linux CVSpserver服务是否已经启动
netstat -l |grep Linux CVSpserver
结果如下:tcp 0 0 *:Linux CVSpserver *:* LISTEN以上结果全部通过,但是在客户机上执行Linux CVS -d :pserver:steven@ CVSroot login 输入密码后,没有收到任何消息,即表示成功^_^ no news is a good news!!在客户端,设置环境变量如下:export Linux CVS_RSH=ssh export Linux CVSROOT=:pserver:username@ip:/home/Linux CVSroot
- echo $Linux CVS_RSH
- ssh
- echo $Linux CVSROOT
- :pserver:username@ip:/home/Linux CVSroot
这样你在客户端就可以直接输入 Linux CVS login登陆了其它操作都可以直接Linux CVS command 了
service xinetd start