Fedora IT开源软件符合国情的开源软件

系统 Linux
他又拿印度尼西亚大学的一个理论来举例,他认为,在政府采用了开源软件后,可以节约高达60%的政府Fedora IT预算。在接下来的谈话中,他有提到印尼的信息和交通部采用开源软件降低Fedora IT支出的例子。

给大家推荐一款很不错的Fedora IT系统很有学习价值,这里我主要讲解Fedora IT系统的应用,包括介绍Fedora IT包背景知识等方面。为了保护知识产权和降低费用,印度尼西亚国家科技研究部日前敦促该国相关研究机构和中小企业采用开源软件系统。

作为该部门的一位Fedora IT顾问,Richard Mengko说道,这样做,不仅仅是为了甩去我们头顶上盗版的不光彩帽子,更重要的是我们采用了开源软件可以大大降低我们的软件部署成本,而且可以利用本地的资源开发相应的符合国情的开源软件。

他又拿印度尼西亚大学的一个理论来举例,他认为,在政府采用了开源软件后,可以节约高达60%的政府Fedora IT预算。在接下来的谈话中,他有提到印尼的信息和交通部采用开源软件降低Fedora IT支出的例子。

To help protect intellectual property rights and reduce costs, the State Ministry for Research and Technology is urging state institutions, and small and medium enterprises to adopt open-source software for their computers.

"Not only could we restore our bad image arising from rampant piracy by using this open-source, legal software, the government could also save on its IT budget, and by itself develop software using local experts," Richard Mengko, a senior IT advisor to the ministry, said Monday.
Citing a thesis by a University of Indonesia student, he said that the government could save up to 60 percent of its IT budget if it were to use open-source software.

Open-source software allows the downloading and use of software for free.He cited as an example how the Information and Communications Ministry had saved on its IT budget after deciding to migrate."We can save a lot of money using open-source software that is offered for free compared to if we choose proprietary software that costs about US$200 to $300 per program for the total of 100 computers that we have in our office,"

the director general for information and communications technology at the Information and Communications Ministry, Cahyana Ahmadjayadi, told The Jakarta Post.Not only would open-source software save governmental institutions money. Budi Wahyu Jati, Intel Indonesia country manager, said that it could also benefit cash-strapped businesses, such as SMEs.

"The usage of open-source software by SMEs can provide a huge multiplier effect as the country's economy relies heavily on them," Budi said.
According to the latest figures from the International Data Corporation (IDC), an independent research institute, businesses account for 78 percent of software usage in Indonesia, with 60 percent of these businesses being SMEs. Figures from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) show that the total number of SMEs in Indonesia stood at around 42.4 million in 2005, representing an increase of 28 percent from the previous year's 33 million.

To increase the availability of open-source programs, the State Ministry for Research and Technology launched the Indonesia Goes Open-Source (IGOS) Nusantara 2006 package Monday, which can be downloaded for free at www.igos-source.or.id.IGOS Nusantara 2006 is a desktop software based on Linux Fedora Core 5, which has the capability to operate applications such as Open Office for text documents, Firefox for internet browsing, Thunderbird for e-mail and Gaim for chatting.

On the website, the ministry also lists a range of open-source software websites, both domestic and foreign, from which material can also be downloaded for free.Open-source software enables users to develop and modify the system and create new kinds of software.Also on Monday, the ministry announced the establishment of a laboratory to test the quality and reliability of new kinds of open-source software.  以上是不是介绍Fedora IT系统 ,可能吧。


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责任编辑:佚名 来源: CSDN

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