首先介绍少渐隐渐现,也就是Alpha Animation。C++实现WPF动画代码如下
- /**//*
- * Take Label for example
- */
- // 1, Find the lable by its name, The name define in the xaml file
- Label^ pColorLabel = (Label^)page->FindName("ColorAnimationLabel");
- // 2, Define a DoubleAnimation object
- DoubleAnimation^ pDoubleAnimation = gcnew DoubleAnimation();
- // 3, Set from to and duration
- pDoubleAnimation->From = 1;
- pDoubleAnimation->To = 0;
- pDoubleAnimation->DurationDuration = Duration(TimeSpan::FromSeconds(3));
- // 4, Create a storyboard(Timeline)
- Storyboard^ pStoryboard = gcnew Storyboard();
- // 5, Set the DoubleAnimation's target name
- pStoryboard->SetTargetName(pDoubleAnimation, _T("ColorAnimationLabel"));
- // 6, Set the DoubleAnimation's property
- pStoryboard->SetTargetProperty(pDoubleAnimation,
gcnew PropertyPath(Label::OpacityProperty));- // 7, Add the DoubleAnimation object to the storyboard
- pStoryboard->Children->Add(pDoubleAnimation);
- // 8, Start the animation
- pStoryboard->Begin(pColorLabel);
- < Page
- xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"
- xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"
- >
- < Grid>
- < DockPanel>
- < Button Name="ColorAnmationButton" Width="100" Height="50"
Background="LightBlue">Color Anmation< /Button>- < Label Name="ColorAnimationLabel" Width="200"
Height="50" Background="Red">- < /Label>
- < /DockPanel>
- < /Grid>
- < /Page>